I want to take this moment to brag about the Tamiya pin vise https://www.amazon.com/Fine-Pin-Vise-0-1-3-2mm-Tamiya/dp/B000J44ZSA/
My only complaint is that the smallest collet does not have properly centered jaws. It almost resembles the Super Smash Bros logo. It's not that skewed, but it is noticeable.
I am building my first crisis suits right now and I have to say don't be intimidated by magnetizing them. It's super easy. I found this guide. Get a nice pin vise, (I like this one) some 1/16 x 1/32 magnets, a 1/16 drill bit, some super glue, and something to press the magnets in. Push a thumb tack in to start the hole and just keep drilling and checking the depth until the magnets will lie flush. Then just put a tiny bit of glue in and press the magnet in. The biggest challenge will be to keep the direction of magnets consistent. I have a little magnetic rod that I use to press them in that's marked on one side with tape. The tape side is for pressing in to the bodies and the other side is for weapons.
Sure do.
There are two adaptors in it for 4 different diameter pin fitments. Took me a moment to find the one hidden in the rear compartment.
i advocate for getting a good drill like the tamiya one and some pcb drills. i bought the crappy one and its not great feeling. bought a tamiya and you can feel the quality difference
With a pin vice https://www.amazon.com/Fine-Pin-Vise-0-1-3-2mm-Tamiya/dp/B000J44ZSA
and tiny drill bits designed for rotary tools https://www.amazon.com/Dremel-628-01-Drill-Bit-Set/dp/B00C3IPGA6
I own the exact items in the links, and have made extensive use of them when making and modifying weapons for 6 inch scale figures.
I do not recommend drilling tiny holes, where precision is important, with a motorized tool, since the speed will melt the plastic, and ruin your piece.