Someone has apparently never heard of the Streisand Effect. I was on the fence about getting this book, but seeing a few new articles about it this morning pushed me over the edge. Amazon link for those interested.
From the Amazon product page:
> This item will be released on January 5th at 9:00 A.M. Eastern
That is fucking brilliant. "You don't want us to publish it? Ok, we'll publish it sooner!"
Wolf’s book is currently $1.99 on Amazon for the e-book. Add the audiobook for $9.49. If your husband likes to use Whispersync to switch between formats, that’d be a good choice.
His original partner was going to be Roger Ailes, the ousted former head of Fox News. The whole scheme relies on Donald making a huge splash everywhere he went, making as many people look like fools as possible (including fellow Republicans) and get as far as possible. Then launch this new network for people disgusted with politics as usual (or whatever.) Two things happened that clamped the lid on those plans forever: Ailes died and Trump actually won.
Micheal Wolff's Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
For extra fun, choose the ACLU or the EFF or ProPublica as your Amazon Smile charity so they get the donation boost.
Certainly he couldn't be all four of those...
Stupid? ✔️ Trump vs. George W. Bush, Reagan.
Deranged? ✔️ Trump vs. Nixon, ✔️ Jackson, Reagan. (Edit: Toss-up depending on how you measure it.)
Corrupt? ✔️ Trump vs. Grant, Harding, Reagan, George W. Bush.
Damn. Yeah, you're 100% right. And on most counts, it's not even close
Insight into the Trump administration is only $14.95, Kindle edition.
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
If you really want to read it today you can grab the kindle version from Amazon
Available immediately on Amazon Kindle Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House Henry Holt and Co.
It's already been done.
Put your money where your mouth is and see for yourself.