No, that's not what the pads are meant for and squatting on them could easily tear them up. Like someone mentioned, she should have proper lifting shoes or used small 2.5 - 5lb plates if she wanted her heels elevated.
However, I finally got my own barbell pad and it made such a difference! My gym's was pretty thin and didn't work well. The difference in going to this one was amazing! My hips never hurt anymore! Plus it's only $20, so can't go wrong there.
Definitely purchase your own! The ones at most gyms are so flimsy. I have this one from Amazon and I love it! There's a lot of others that are similar, but don't buy anything with thinner padding than that.
I have this one and really love it. Had a for a few years and no issues.
Brand doesn't really matter but you want at least 1.25" thick. The cheap ones are thinner and GARBAGE.
Buy your own, it's 100% worth it. I got this one from Amazon. There's plenty of options, but don't cheap out and get one with less than 1.25" of padding. I've comfortably done 275lb with it and no issues.
I have this one from Amazon and love it! I think as long as you get the same thickness, they're all about the same though.
What pad are you using? All the gym provided ones I've seen are pretty terrible and thin. I got this one from Amazon and LOVE it! Gone up to 315lbs with no issues.
I put mine up against a power rack (because using a bar means no one can use the power rack anyways). As far as a pad goes, I just got this one two weeks ago and love it!
Hi — I bought this on Amazon — it’s worked great for me and fits the bike really well.
This is the one I got on Amazon and I love it! No pain!
I got this one from Amazon and really love it! Make sure you check the thickness of whatever pad you buy because they aren't all the same!
I have this one and can recommend! Had it for years and has held up well.
I have this one from Amazon and love it! Heaviest I've done is 315 and it wasn't painful.
Oh, bummer! I got this one and really like it!