Question on the Fitness Reality 810XLT Lat Pulldown add-on: Can the X-Class light (this one) work on the 810XLT cage or not? The one designed for it is the 710 pulldown, but I can't find that from anyone reputable.
The reviews on the one I've linked have some folks saying it won't work with the 810XLT, but then I've seen other comments saying that you can make it work with some modifications. Anyone that has the X-Class light pulldown that could chime in here would be appreciated, thanks!
Do you have an attachment for this rack that has a cable system? Some power rack systems have optional upgrade cable systems that seem pretty convenient.
EDIT: Is this what I am describing? lol
EDIT2: I forgot to link it and I lost the link. lol. Oops.
EDIT3: Ok is it this?