I use PBW to clean my glass and it works really well, for a bong sized like OP's I would put 2tsp of PBW into the bong then fill it with boiling water and shake to dissolve, then let it sit for ~20 minutes and then rinse/repeat if necessary. The grime usually will just lift off the glass and then you can rinse it out.
It can leave a permanent haze on the glass if you let it sit for a long time, like an overnight soak, so I usually set a 20 minute timer and then repeat if necessary to get all the shit off.
polymerized Lipids are tough. Try soaking in Five Star Brewery Wash. I've never seen anything it can't get off and do it without damaging anything https://www.amazon.com/Five-Star-PBW-Non-Caustic-Alkaline/dp/B0064O7XBA/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1L4BCB8F3WRKV&keywords=five+star+brewery+wash&qid=1670901822&sprefix=five+star+brewery+wash%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-2
I use Professional Brewer's Wash like I would any other powder cleanser. Works amazingly well. Wet the stainless, sprinkle, scour and then let sit for a minute or two. Rinse with hot water and appreciate the sparkle.
BTW - I'm not sure if its available in Europe or not.
Heard about using PBW yesterday.
They said to mix with water in a bucket or other container and to throw your stainless steel grates/basket in there overnight and rinse off the next day.
I use this - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0064O7XBA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I run some hot water, use a spoonful and let is dissolve in a tall glass, I toss in the obsidian, and then I add just a bit more to the opening at the top, the fill the glass/cup with enough water to cover everything standing up. Leave it overnight and then rinse out the next morning. I then use a separate glass and let the obsidian soak in distilled water to then rinse, finally let it rinse and air-dry for a bit. Do it once a week depending on usage.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0064O7XBA?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share This stuff works like a charm! You can also use it on corning baking dishes and it doesn't damage it! Fill with water add this cleaner and let it sit for a few hours to overnight it will look brand new!
I use mine daily, clean it weekly with a bit of this, some hot water - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0064O7XBA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1let it soak overnight, rinse with hot water, then I let it sit in distilled water for a bit, once it's dry it goes back to use. Looks as new.
I use it, it's not as effective for quick cleanups. I clean my glass pretty often, so I can usually get away with ~1 tablespoon of iso to completely clean my glass.
PBW doesn't work quite as fast, I put the PBW powder in the glass, add hot water, and shake for a bit. I'll do this 2 or 3 times and if it's still not clean, I leave it in overnight. I've cleaned some pretty dirty pieces with it and it's not failed me yet!
You can use this to clean your piece.
It works really well, if stuff is really stuck I've left it soaking overnight and it looked brand new. No shaking at all.
This works super well. I usually just mix it with hot water in the piece and shake for ~30 seconds. If it's really dirty I'll just let it sit for several hours, never had any issue getting my pieces looking brand new!
Sigh... Just gonna leave this here. I feel like a company salesman at this point, but honestly am not at all afilliated. This stuff just cleans bongs very well. Give it a shot and you won't be disappointed.
You could try soaking it in something like PBW but I would bet that in order to get that off you would end up removing the top layer of the dish. If you don't mind that then you could use some soap plus some steel wool but honestly it's never going to be the same.
this stuff is really good for taking off cooked on gunk.
It's a food safe brew house cleaner that makes short work of most cooked on organic gunk and it doesn't leave a residue at all. Just mix with hot water and soak whatever it is you need cleaned.
I haven't used it on a coil personally (i'm a noob. my first setup is in the mail.) but i'll give it a shot and report back.
I agree with everyone above that suggests soap and a thorough rinse. I've never had a problem with dish soap residue on crystal, or most glass for that matter. Plastic, aluminum, ceramics and stoneware it can be a problem.
However if you really want to get crazy, buy some of this:
Your glasses will never be cleaner.
/u/lookatmeglow introduced me to PBW, so thanks for that!
Process I followed
Final Thoughts
As you can see there is no ISO+Salt+Shake. It is just "passive" cleaning. The album I linked was a test of PBW on my fab egg. I know I didn't take enough pictures, but hopefully you can see that my glass was pretty cloudy and the joint was plenty dirty. Normally navigating salt+iso through the swiss perc takes a bit of attention and when rotating and flipping the piece, you could possibly drop it. The process was only done once to achieve the results I obtained. Based on my experience this will be my main method for complicated or expensive pieces.
Hope this was somewhat informative or interesting. I know it's a bit more informal than my typical guides, but feel free to ask questions.
PBW will take it off very quickly. I soak my thermo-probes and their little stainless grill clips in a glass of water with half a tablespoon of PBW after each cook and they come out sparkling after about 10 minutes. If the part you want to clean is stainless, try this. PBW is kind of pricey, but you can find it on Amazon and it's useful around the house for other things. I run my dishwasher empty with PBW instead of detergent once a month and it really keeps things spiffy.
This works really well.
You can also get acetone from your local hardware store, but it needs to be diluted before being dumped into your drain.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
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I flush pieces with PBW & hot water then rinse in ISO.
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PBW, hot water & an electric toothbrush is all you need.
A dishwasher may melt it..?
Add PBW cleaner to water, make sure the piece is submerged, microwave for 4 or 5 minute.
Believe it or not I've brought worse than that to life.
Use PBW cleaner.
Add to water, use more than instructions say to by double, put the banger in the water, boil for 5 minutes in the microwave and it will be brand new. Removes chaz and all.
Run across this a few times, especially with beer tanks. Check this stuff out:
Five Star PBW - 1 lbs - Non-Caustic Alkaline Cleaner, White - pbw1 https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0064O7XBA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Q6BHQF4D32KVTZHEW64H
This is what you want: Five Star PBW - 1 lbs - Non-Caustic Alkaline Cleaner, White - pbw1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0064O7XBA/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_RJY78Q1E3Q6EZ90B9TG4
Highly recommend this for cleaning hardware scale in kettles. Use it for my wife's kettle at home where we have somewhat hard water.
This works well too!
This works well.
This works well as an alternative to iso + salt!
This works great!
This works great!
Yes! This stuff works great!
I use this stuff, it works great!
I use either isopropyl alcohol and salt or this.
Also, to help keep your glass cleaner for longer. Cranberry Extract
Here’s another alternative to ISO:
Five Star PBW - Brew Cleaner Buffered Alkaline Detergent
PBW or Powdered Brewery Wash
This is safe to use on Glass, Stainless Steel, and Rubber. Avoid aluminum, the information out there is conflicting and it may pit the metal from some reports. Also /u/DJ3riple mentioned to me that it ate away at the Grav logo on one of his pieces so be aware of that as well. You can find it locally at home brewery supply stores or through Amazon or others. I bought local and it was a different brand as there are many out there.
Lots of info on http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/pbw-the-chemistry-of-clean.7854/
If it's not devitrification then PBW cleans carbon extremely well.
PBW will also work: PBW by Five Star- 1 lb https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0064O7XBA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_DCw0ybHTFGMPN
I only use it on glass and it has worked amazing.
I think sanitary welding refers to TIG. I know that is what is used in professional breweries.
Also, PBW to clean https://www.amazon.com/PBW-Five-Star-1-lb/dp/B0064O7XBA
StarSan to sanitize https://www.amazon.com/Star-San-B0064O7YFA-San-32/dp/B0064O7YFA
PBW (you can probably find is cheaper elsewhere).
That will get anything off your stainless. Don't use it on aluminum. Oxyclean Free works too.
ICYMI: PBW is non-toxic & just as effective.
Just add really hot water & soak (duration pending) scrub if required & rinse. YMMV
You could try PBW. Worked wonders getting carbon off of my quartz pieces.