They don't much like WD40.
I'm testing out Fluid Film for such applications. Everything coated with that stuff, and I don't think anything would want to live there. Hasn't been long enough to be sure yet. Plus it won't rust.
Just got a miata a couple days ago too, and it's almost rust-free. Really worried about it now. Something like this?
Would water from a garden hose be good enough to spray it off before hand?
people swear by this stuff for rust protection. just spray it on.
you could try to find a local hand wash. there are lots of car washes that sell hand-wash instead of a machine-wash. those will have undercarriage wash. or go to a touchless wash just to get the undercarriage.
They make inexpensive sprays for this:
I would stay away from rubberized coatings. You can see this example of how they can wreck the metal by trapping in water and not allowing it to breath:
so long as the threads are not damaged, i would just spray the area with Fluid Film, put a little anti-seize on the bolt threads, and forget about it. that's no big deal.
No, you only use the air compressor / sprayer route if you're getting a commercial size bucket of the stuff. It's available in a spray can at most hardware / automotive stores. Looks like this. There's a number of guides online but basically apply to everywhere underneath you want to protect, besides obviously the brake rotors and exhaust. They have a "black" version for undercoating and while it helps a tad so you can see where you already applied it, I find it a little messy, especially if you'll be underneath for a job.
Fluid Film is made from Lanolin, and has been used for ages for corrosion inhibition. It's also used in some cosmetics, hand creams, and detergents as it's nontoxic. Wool Wax is another brand of lanolin-based rustproofing and is basically the same thing, and there's another version coming out by the folks that make PB Blaster that looks promising called Surface Shield, however it's more expensive and I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
Good luck and enjoy! Once you enjoy the benefits of fluid film you'll become an evangelist of the stuff like me haha. I completely coat the frame on my 1991 Toyota Pickup as well as my Subaru and the benefits pay for themselves.