It's built in, it's just a "dial" dimmer. I have an aftermarket one i plan to use for the 4x2x2, just bc it will give me a little more control..
This is the lamp I currently use. I order my CHE bulbs from amazon, too. They're just cheaper and the same quality as the pet store ones..
>And I mean something like this or this. A piece of slate that is warmed by the heat bulb to create a basking spot. This is where you would be reading the temperature with the heat gun and thermostat.
oooh got it!
yeah for the lamp I was thinking in getting Fluker's clamp lamp with dimmer, since I already have the on/off thermostat (according to the guide, it's a good combo). So, my last question is, the guide says halogens are only for daytime use, what about night time?
Yeah those should work! For the heat lamp you could also go with something like this that has a dimmer switch built in
I don’t recommend a deep heat projector and I don’t know anyone that uses one. A CHE works just fine and you’re correct that you need a different one. It’s important that your heating elements are adjustable when possible since supplemental heat requirements vary day to day and hour to hour depending on the outside atmosphere around the tank. This is the one I use and it’s been working great for me:
I'm using this one
My room is around 65 degrees that I keep my gecko in. With the ceramic heater on her air temp is 76 and floor temp on the hot side outside the heat mat is 83. Cool side is 73. Works great for a 20 gallon tank with this setup.
Fluker's Repta-Clamp Lamp 8.5-Inch Ceramic with Dimmable Switch
It definitely has a ceramic encased socket, and is currently working fine with a full spectrum bulb (except the dimmer functionality)
I highly recommend the lamp setup, it's set-and-forget. Here's the dimmable clamp lamp: Fluker's Repta-Clamp Lamp 8.5-Inch Ceramic with Dimmable Switch you will also need an incandescent heat bulb or ceramic heat emitter.
Other methods I have tried to varying success: place small amounts in a tray in a toaster oven to keep warm, then remove the tray as necessary. Have even tried coffee cup warmers for portable sculpting (totally melts the bottom, but works).
Sorry, I know your original question was about solvents--I have never used any on monster clay and I asked the cashier of a mold supply store once if there were any and he said he had no idea, as it wasn't really done. Sometimes its a painstaking matter of raking an area, looking at it from a ton of angles, rinse repeat. Some imperfections are way easier to just sand out after you cast the mold.
I don't know the answer to the body temp question, but I got a fixture with a dimmer function for my CHE and it has been so helpful. I dial it up or down to help balance the temperature as needed. (
/u/vaneara06, I'm just going to add some links to go along with /u/herzeleid1995's comment:
Everything Else - I'm sure I missed a ton of information or links here. I know for a fact I didn't list everything that I could've, especially in the enrichment section. In this final section I'm just going to list some of the places that I've shopped at (and some I haven't) and recommend for supplies et al.
That is about all I have room for this comment!
This is what I have. I simply laid on the mesh. Mine doesn't get too hot for the mesh.
I had more of a dome fixture to start and now have this one. It worked so much better. Dome Heat Lamp
I have this, it's up to 150 watts:\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
There are a couple of options you can go with:
With this set you’ll use the dimmer on the light dome to dim the lamp until you reach the desired surface heat, which you can measure via the temp gun. The thermostat will not control the output of the lamp, but will turn it off in case the lamp might overheat as a safety measure.
A more automated option would be to use the Halogen in combination with a Light Dome with Regular Switch and a Digital Dimming Thermostat, which does the measuring automatically and constantly changes the amount of dimming to keep a stable desired temperature. The thermostat is more expensive and although the one I linked is great, the shipping takes a while. But the ones made in the US itself that ship faster, such as the Exo Terra Dimming Thermostat, are overpriced imo.
In my own setup I use the cheaper digital dimming thermostat from Ebay, but instead of a Halogen I use a Deep Heat Projector and a 7% UVB light tube for lighting. The nice thing about this setup is that a DHP can be used at night if you live in a cold climate and temperates in the enclosure will drop below 65F at night. If that’s not the case then night time heating is not really necessary. It’s also more expensive as the UVB is another $40. It’s beneficial to combine the UVB with a Halogen as well, though not necessary as geckos can get their D3 intake via supplements as well and the Halogen already ensures a day/night cycle through it’s light output.
The flukers dimmable dome is fairly affordable:
This timer outlet is fairly affordable too:
I’ve used this without any issues.
CHE lamp:
CHE bulb:
Digital Thermometers with probes (get two and place one on each side of the tank):
Digital Hygrometer with probe (for measuring humidity):
Aluminum tape (cover the screen lid with a few layers of this to keep humidity in):
Background (to black out the sides of the tank so the snake feels more secure):
Substrate (you can mix these or stick with just one but I recommend mixing for higher humidity):
Sphagnum moss (put it around the tank and mist it once a day. Helps with humidity):
Water Conditioner (cleans the drinking water and supplements calcium):
This is the one I use. I have had it almost 2 years and it still works great.
Get a dimmable lamp hood like this one and use any white light basking bulb. You can go to any hardware store and get a couple feet of chain for a couple dollars, and some screw in hooks to hang it from. If you use the clamp it could fall and burn your tort or catch the substrate on fire. And then get a point and shoot thermometer gun like this one to check the temp directly under the bulb. Putting a piece of slate for your tort to lay on under the lamp is also a good idea. About $1 for a square foot or you could look for a broken piece they may give you for free.
The one I have is from Fluker's.