I haven't used the Chi, but if you're using the spec V for bettas, you'll have to baffle the water output. Cut a small corner of the filter sponge, and shove it in the output tube to reduce the flow. Clean periodically when the flow get too backed up.
The Fluval Chi has a built-in all unit with heater and filter. I did google it, but there's not a ton of information out there, pretty much just sites selling the tank.
Fluval 10505 Chi II Aquarium Set,... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00FSQCXF6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I go for this one more, more, more cheaper the same size , Fluval is a good brand https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hagen-Fluval-Chi-Aquarium-Litre/dp/B00FSQCXF6/ref=psdc_471501031_t4_B00Z934XDI
This is the tank she has, its 10x10x14.4 inches. We got the fish from pets smart and those were the fish that he recommended to put in there.
As opposed to this person in my city who is trying to sell theirs for 1.5 times the price it is new!
If you're interested in a kit and not just a bare tank and don't mind shipping, I'm looking to offload a new Fluval Chi (second model) and get rid of a used 5 gallon Petsmart tank (their knock-off of the Fluval Spec V)
Otherwise if you don't mind getting something bigger, a 20G long and 40G breeders are nice starter tanks with the dollar per gallon sale coming up.
I totally get that you probably want a gorgeous desktop nano tank so maybe the petco sale isn't exactly right for you.
Btw, you have a huge budget for a college student.