While I'm no expert on different kinds of aquariums, this looks like a Fluval Edge 2.0, putting its size at about 6 gallons.
Firstly, that tank size is too small for any pleco, not enough space, not enough volume to buffer out its massive waste output, and definitely not enough cover for a pleco.
Also that Kuhli loach is also being kept in awful conditions. They require at least some kind of soft substrate, not necessarily sand, but definitely not that jagged white rocky gravel. You can even see from the video some of its barbels are missing. It also does not have any cover at all, so it is trying to use the pleco itself as a hiding space, which it normally never would do. Not to mention I would never keep them in a tank this has an area less than of 24x12in, and in groups of no less than 3. They are also scaleless, so any water quality issues caused by said pleco and other stocking would affect them even more as they are mostly scaleless, and are one of the first species to die if water quality is degraded.
Finally, for that amano shrimp, I do not see any algae growth for it to eat, or hell any food. Given that the tank owner probably bought it as an "algae eater" since "algae is bad" and she heard amano shrimp eat algae, it will probably die a slow and painful death of starvation.
TLDR; Too small, too many fish, and owner doesn't accommodate the fishes individual needs at all.