Watch Woot or SlickDeals they pop up on their sometimes or Craigslist of course. I deleted Facebook but MarketPlace you could also check for Excaliber deals. Get the digital one 9 tray if your going to make that big of an investment. Really though the Hamilton Beach dehydrator was my workhorse for $60 and I still use it for smaller batches. 3 LB's of meat get's me roughly 1.25 pounds of jerky and if I put it in wet takes about 6 hours at 155 or if I paper towel it then about 4.5 hours at 145.
*This one looks interesting and has digital timer and temp and the 3 year Amazon warranty for $11
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Homdox Food Dehydrator Machine with Digital Timer… | $87.98 | $87.98 | 4.4/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Homdox Food Dehydrator Machine with Digital Timer… | $87.98 | $87.98 | 4.4/5.0 |
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Homdox Food Dehydrator
I use this, I dry mine under 122F/50C as I've read temperatures above that start deteriorating the actives.