Have a read of this. It all reverts to the mean in the end. All etoro are doing is taking someone who was randomly successful and telling you they’ll be successful in future. They won’t. Randomness can last 2 days or 3 years if you’re the one choosing the random path to present. It’s slightly counter-intuitive but read up and don’t be fooled.
Bobble heads in here? It's just you and me.
There's one former trader who I recommend to everyone. His writing is so laser sharp, clear and rational that it's overwhelming. Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a soaring intellect from an environment that celebrates and rewards herd-minded activity. Fooled By Randomness was the first of his books I read, but all of them are intensely rewarding. As a head's up, it's not 'hard economics' like Marx' Capital and it's not pure economics like Adam Smith, it's not a text book at all.
Anyway, I hope you have the opportunity to give it a look and find the experience as rewarding as I have.
>I don't see it as impossible though.
Seeing future trends and the economy is impossible. Our finest minds can't do it, housewives certainly cannot.
>It might be difficult and it might come with frequent mistakes but it is by no means impossible.
You are making the mistake of thinking that because some people manage to get by, they did it by planning and their plans worked out. Nassim Taleb has some great things about this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fooled-Randomness-Hidden-Chance-Markets/dp/0141031484
>I also don't think they should be forced to pay it back or else, I just think they should be subject to criticism and fairness that applies to everyone.
There is nothing fair about asking people to see the future.
>Debt is of course a requirement for capitalism but nevertheless a failure of the system.
until we have a different system, someone has to go into debt and many people have to go bankrupt.