The author Shalom Auslander was raised orthodox and ran into this problem. His first name "Shalom" is one of the hundred or so names of God. The rabbi at his school made him cut his name off of his lunch bag and take it to some special box in the synogauge everyday, so as to not desecrate the name of God. I highly recommend his books (short stories and memoirs, but not his novel (depressing, confusing, psychotic)). The best is "The Foreskin's Lament". Absolutely fascinating!
Edit: link
Ok, so this might be a little bit of a stretch but you might enjoy 'Foreskins Lament' by Shalom Auslander. It's a memoir that is pretty dark but full of humor to battle the darkness. It's a great stab at religious extremes as well (in this case judaism). Try to read some of the reviews to see if it's something you'd enjoy.
Terrific story about just that sort of thing in Foreskin's Lament: A Memior; which is a good, entertaining read in general.
Have you read Foreskin's Lament by Shalom Auslander?
You might enjoy Forskins Lament by Shalom Auslander. He does some stories on This American Life sometimes so you may have heard him if you listen to the podcast.