I learned fortran using these two books
Since then I've used the following books as well
I don't have any preference for one over the other, except the first two which were good for learning the basics and the quirks to fortran programming (at a national lab you'll likely be reading legacy code that's written in fortran 77 and things like do-loops are very different from fortran 90 onward).
For example, a do-loop in 77 looks like (the spaces at the beginning of each line are important):
>(6 spaces)DO 70 ICNT=1,XXX > >(6 spaces) statement1 > >(6 spaces) statement2 > >(6 spaces) ... > >70 CONTINUE
Whereas in 90 onward:
>do icnt=0,xxx > > > statement1 > > statement2 > > ... > >end do