This is exactly why I ALWAYS wear these when I ride Sure they look a little goofy but my plan is to avoid an injury such as the one your GF sustained. They also shield my legs from some of the engine heat as well.
I LOVE these. 3 articulating hard protectors make it very comfortable. Easy to take on and off with their snap lock system.
> If you really want in between, get the fox one size fits all (though I think the inside of the Leatts is more comfortable)
Thanks I just bought the Fox’s and will see how they compare:
I bought these after my first wreck. Never leave home without them.
I have the same jacket except in bright green. I also have these
Fast recovery to you my friend with the same jacket.
Protect your damn knees people!
They look dorkey as hell but having CE|1/4" of rubber|1/8"pvc between my knee and the pavement makes me feel a bunch better after seeing all these x-rays
Knee protection cannot be understated. IF/WHEN you go down...assuming you don’t go “ass over tea kettle”, your knees/shins will likely take the majority of the trauma. I’m too old to jack up my knees. It was a mistake I only made once. Got some compression knee sleeves too, to reduce friction between my knee and the pad.
Fox Knee/Shin Guard -
Knee Compression Sleeve Support -