Just going to point out that things like Americans have a huge history of just scratch building your own firearms… a great place to start is the Firefox Bookswhere they interviewed hillbilly’s Teachs you the blacksmith a flintlock out of shit in the woods.
Modern times we use 3D printers and such, but just because you don’t understand or care about gun culture doesn’t mean our country isn’t 100% built on it.
Crazy how people want to disarm the USA, but are wicked fine with arming every single Ukrainian cause for some reason you think bad guys only extort overseas.
This is a book i found that might help. Also check out The Gunsmith of Grenville County: Building the American Longrifle. For a video with barrel forging in try this
Yes the steel is cheap and the machining is the part you are paying for, but you are also paying for it being designed to handle the pressure of being shot. As a Mechanical Engineer, I can tell you are taking a huge risk in using a pipe as a barrel. The pipe isn't meant for the stresses that you want it to go through and yes it might work for a while but it could fail and kill you. The guys who it blew up on never get to make a video.
> Not magically. By calling it magic you make it sound unattainable. Not magic, just slow progress.
I'm waiting for you to explain how you're going to round up all the welders, files, steel pipe, scrap metal, 3-D printers, small machine shop tools, books, plans, ideas....