I’ve been using a couple of these. They work well.
If you keep this close to your plants, this might work okay on a tight budget https://www.amazon.com/Freelicht-Equivalent-Spectrum-Integrated-Hydroponic/dp/B07ZCRY2GN/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=4ft+grow+light&qid=1614148436&sprefix=4ft+&sr=8-6
I still recommend a quantum board if possible. It’s a better light by leaps and bounds, but I understand being on a tight budget.
starting from seed is so rewarding and a great way to save money. my best advice, plant more seeds then u think u will need! Seed tray from walmart is less than 5 bucks right now, i use 4 of these and they work great. they come with the seed starting tray, bottom tray and a humility dome top-its like a mini greenhouse. you dont need to use seed starting mix, but i find it makes like a lot easier, i like the jiffy seed starter mix, and it too is on sale for less than 5 monies a bag. there are so many options for lighting, but a full spectrum LED grow light is my ideal choice- low energy use, low heat, and should last a long time. i have this lamp from amazon its $40 bucks rn, i bought mine used from amazon (a return) for $26, keep an eye out if ur willing to risk ur luck on a return. i have several other grow lights that cost more and are more powerful, but imo, for seed starting this light works great, i can start 3-4 trays with this one. basically i fill the seed tray with seed starting mix loosely to the top, then i go and press each cell down firm to compact the soil, then refill each cell without packing, leaving the soil loose on top. then i fill the bottom tray with water, about an inch, and place the seed tray in and let it soak for atleast an hour. each cell should be nice and hydrated, but not too wet. plant seeds, lightly sprinkle potting mix, lightly mist some water on top with a spray bottle, put on a heat mat and put the humidity dome on. check/change water daily, bottom water apx 1/2 inch of water in the bottom tray. once most of the seedling pop, showing their cotyledons (first leaves) i crack the humidity dome a little for a day or 2, then open it a little more to help harden the plants off, by day 4 or 5 the dome should be off and the first true leaves should be showing. feeding time. very diluted fertilizer, im a big fan of 5-1-1 liquid fish emulsion 1 table spoon for a gallon of water. this stuff smells, thats how u know it works, but when diluted this much, it shouldn't smell too much- at least i dont notice it. and yeah, thats about it, keep watering and feeding till they are big enough to either up pot or plant out. thanks for attending my ted talk, gl;hf!
Most things grown in windows are greens and such, plants with modest needs and a lot of tolerance. To be of any use, a window needs to allow some hours of direct sunlight on the plants. Direct sunlight is far and away more intense than most any common grow light, around three rime more so than smaller but still credible grow lights, so it takes fewer hours to produce the needed Daily Light Interval.
But without some direct sun, all you get from a window is predominately blue skylight, not essential red to speak of.
For best performance, some decent light in the form of an actual grow light will be needed. For things like lettuce and herbs, it doesn't have to be terribly powerful. If you want a single unit that would cover the area and not have to be mounted too low, this one would do:
If you want to hit the recommended minimum for lettuce, that set of four Barrina strips in the other reply could be mounted two side by side, end to end with two others at about 12 inches and run for 16 hours would satisfy lettuce very well.
You would need an inexpensive timer.
We have to guess at the area and height restrictions :-) That said I just ran in to this product on Amazon that looks pretty decent for a low end light. At least compared to the >$100 lights that are common in parts of the grow light industry. It has published specs that look decent. Watch out of lights that do not have spectrum and brightness in umols/m2s published. https://www.amazon.com/Freelicht-Equivalent-Spectrum-Integrated-Hydroponic/dp/B07ZCRY2GN
Use fluorescent and get as close as the heat will let you. amazon Or a cheap blurpel. Flood lights are prob to hot to get close enough.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZCRY2GN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_AHN1FbG6MHZ49 this is the link! I keep the light pretty close over my plants. There is a photo in my feed of my whole setup
If the reflectors are "grow lights," I suspect you are just dealing with poor light. The view of the outside looks like a lot of shadow, and the bed is clearly in shadow in the photo. Incandescent "grow light" bulbs simply don't put enough energy into the necessary spectra to be useful for anything but a single plant. A single reflector type LED grow light of the sort from Home Depot is typically 9 watts. If you consider that the common rough rule of thumb for LED lighting is 40 watts (true LED consumption) per square foot, a foot or so away at your stage of growth, you can see that the 9 watt units are essentially nothing in this situation.
Now, you are only having to supplement, because you have some natural light. But there's a lot of shade, natural and from the house frame, and the greenhouse fabric is blocking some light.
I would seriously consider adding supplemental LED lighting. I'm not endorsing this one, but I want to use it for an example:
Consider two of these in line down the center at about 3 feet above the ground. That's a little weak for growing if that's the only light, but it might be a reasonable place to start supplementing. As with all grow lights, run them only in daylight. Plants need their dark cycle.
I grow hydroponically in a 10x20 greenhouse. The covering material is heavy rigid plastic sheets that are somewhat matted from weathering. So while it's not bad, I an losing some light, in addition to whatever dark days come along. At least the house stands in full sun
I supplement with six four-foot commercial true 75 watt LED bars and four cheap supposedly 60 watt four-foot bars. I don't for minute believe the two products are similar. I use both mounted higher than I would if they were my only source. (Five feet instead of three feet if I had no natural light.) That also gives me greater coverage, at the cost of the exponential light fall off, which I accept, since they are just supplemental lights.
I used: Freelicht 1 Pack 4ft LED Grow Light, 60W(220W Equivalent), Sunlike Full Spectrum Integrated Plant Light for Hydroponic Indoor Plant Seedling Veg and Flower, Plug in with On/Off Switch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZCRY2GN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_y0hwFbHK3YE90
For the middle and
Plant Grow Light,Samsung LM301B... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088CZNWHQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
For the sides!