Have you considered temporary adjustable window screens? You open your window, put the screen on the interior side, slide it open then close the window over the screen.
Here is an example on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012RYGKU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_6D5GS2W76HNDATMFD5T9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I live in San Francisco, and have only lived in old victorians, mosquitos are a problem for me. There are retractable, cheap window screens (we call them cat screens), they come in different sizes and are cheap, but are more reliable to keeping out wildlife while still being able to get some air. Most hardware stores should have them.
If you are just leaving the window open, and you don't have built in screen windows, try something like this -an adjustable window screen. Just make sure there are no gaps for them to crawl in. Be sure to check around for any other possible cracks or gaps they come thru and you should be ok. Be kind to your spider-bros and other predatory insects, because they do what they can to help. Just be glad your house isn't covered with these buggers.
You can go one step further. There are small portable/external (for lack of a better word) window screens that you can put a laptop on to elevate it and give even better ventilation underneath.
10", 15", or 18" high on this particular amazon listing so you can fit it to your laptop's size.