I just did this when COVID hit, and I had multiple boxes of random papers from years ago. I shredded any document with personal information I had no reason to keep. I recycled all non-personal papers I no longer needed. Lastly, and I sort of hate to recommend a new shiny object to buy, but I bought a Fujitsu scanner similar this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085R2QYDL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_H34kFbGZYES6G and scanned everything I thought I would need to reference later and stored that in Evernote. Then I shredded all of those documents. The key is the scanner is fast and it can take big stacks of paper all at once. If I had to flatbed scan or use a smaller scanner, I think I would have quit. My shredder is pretty hardcore too. I didn’t skimp on that either. This was the best system I’ve ever come up with for dealing with this that worked for me.