Just to add another option, I did a Fumoto oil drain valve on my TDI. You just put a 3/8” (I think) hose on the end, open the valve and drain it right into your container (I use an old 5L oil container), then close the valve. The car still needs to go up, but not far as there isn’t any torquing or replacing plugs or anything.
FYI I did need the banjo bolt style on my 2013 because of the oil pan style, the normal one wouldn’t thread on because the valve hit the pan.
F106SX: New Generation Fumoto Valve with 14mm-1.5 Thread Size https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HP5V092/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_zsRrFb4BB7356
>hat!! That’s genius hahaha. I gotta know more. Just hardware store stuff?
you can google Mfg Part # MS100124 which is apr catch can kit. It has a valve.
The one i am using is on Fumoto F106SX M14-1.5 Sx Series Drain Valve
The one I am using is on Fumoto F106SX M14-1.5 Sx Series Drain Valve
I dont know what type you tried or the guard layout, but they do make versions that can be rotated and have outlets perpendicular to the pan hole. For example this one
Fumoto F106SX M14-1.5 Sx Series Drain... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HP5V092