Sure, maybe you won't be able to make as smooth lines as fast, but there are a million ways to draw. And what's more, drawing and painting are mostly about learning rules. Once you know some stuff, you can draw with your wrong hand and the lines are wiggly, but it's still a nice drawing. You should read a book about drawing, it'd help.
Also, drawing isn't a sport. You aren't competing with anybody. You can just draw for fun in your free time, and there are so many different types of drawings! Not to mention painting, sculpture. The list goes on. I'm just sick of people complaining that they can't draw when they probably haven't even spent 5 hours drawing since they were a kid.
I'd strongly recommend picking up his book Fun With a Pencil which takes you all the way from super-easy cartoon drawing all the way through perspective and realistic drawing styles. There are dozens of pages of examples, so you don't have to sit there drawing the same example 50-100 times like you do with some books. The first 20-30 pages are just on drawing the head. You can actually find the answer to your question in the Amazon image preview, but I still recommend buying the book.
what style you interested in? , worked for disney i believe like the lion king style of animation $30 a month but the quality of lessons is very high you can jump around classes
this a classic book on drawing cartoons etc quite old but the principals still work you can find
pdf free versions around on the net of most of his books
well, I don't really understand what's going on in the neck region, it kind of looks like a pyramid with the head balancing on top. Just for a reference, here's a photo of a boy. Necks usually don't slope to so severe of a point, and the eyes you've drawn are very flat. Those are the two problems that jump out at me, but there are many others. Might I recommend buying a book on drawing, for example fun with a pencil?