That's not what is happening here. Here is some proof:
Start here.
You'll need a real firm grasp on Newton-Raphson iterations.
I'll send you more links for further reading when youre through with this. You'll get through it if you put your mind to it and pull your bootstraps up.
I totally agree with the book suggestions that u/Swarschild mad but I would like to add Shankar's fundamentals of physics
> I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for an introductory physics book that assumes an advanced mathematics background and not just Calculus I.
what is your goal? do you want to learn actual physics or applications of mathematics to physics? these are different. learning physics, particularly if you know nothing, does not necessarily require the use of "advanced mathematics".
if you want to learn physics, i recommend the book fundamentals of physics: mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics by shankar. spivak's book mentioned should be good as well, but it does require some mathematical sophistication, in particular knowledge of modern differential geometry.
also, i would be careful with the term "advanced mathematics". all of the courses you have mentioned are essentially just advanced calculus. have you had advanced, proof-based courses in linear algebra? it's an extremely important subject in math as well as physics.
finally, /r/physics has a weekly or so book recommendation thread. you might check it out.
i don't know what your background is, but fundamentals of physics by shankar might be a good place to start. it's backed by a course in the open yale course series.
Open Yale Courses Fundamental Physics I & II is a strong math-based introduction to physics The prof is Ramamurti Shankar whose books are available at amazon: , including a decent book called Boot Camp for Math: Helped me a lot.