So, follow up question. Im 6-1 175, not big boned. Ive worn many kneepads for my job, and they either are tight in the calf, loosein the thigh of vice versa. My calves will never keep a kneepad up on their own. I feel like a stretchy strap just below the crease in back of the knee would be best for me. My knees sweat bad in my work kneepads, dont know if thats weird or not, so i feel like whatever i get needs to be open or mesh or something that ventilates really well. Yeah, elbow pads may be unneeded , but ive worn them for downhill and they would seem to be less uncomfortable than kneepads, and id more like the forearm protection so why not? Im not looking for indestructo protection, more abrasion protection, and just some foam over the boney parts. Ive looked at the pocs, but i was also looking at this brand
Any thoughts?
I wear G-Form knee sleeves under my knee pads for added cushioning.
G-Form Pro X2 Knee Pad(1 Pair)