>Lol!! You're kidding! You must be, Haha!! Popularity helps anybody running but IVY league is not the same as President. Jeb would have went a lot farther.
AND, Jeb shouldn't have gotten as far as he did. That he did at all highlights my point. Even if 100% of Florida had been behind him, that's only 6% of the country; where, as I mentioned, he started at 13%. Your legacy candidates get a pass, largely for the reasons that you're arguing.
>No, chap. The "above" didn't make sense.
If you could only hear the audible sigh coming from this side of digital space, it would be enough to call for a national emergency. The "above" was called game theory, and that is a mathematical discipline. As a result, there's a large study of the subject. It may come across as complicated, but if you actually read through it a couple times, I'm sure you'll understand. I've even taken the heavy mathematics out of it, though the link above is a great resource if you're interested further.
>That's like saying, if someone runs then they shouldn't run again because they are popular. Give me a break.
Man, do you hate term limits, or what? You don't have to act like I said it, it's a thing that already happens. I like 'em, though I wouldn't be opposed to adjusting the lengths of some.
>History of someone is important. If they worked in government honorable is important. If someone is know for lying then what makes you think that they will tell the truth later. History of service is important to see if they are faking it now.
Combined with that gibberish you started off with, I had to laugh at this. A public and private position? Sniper fire on the runway? Her ~~fucking~~ name? Friggin seriously...
>Some of us like TPP but some parts we didn't like. Also, you might have missed this, she moved away from the TPP thanks to Bernie.
Her "history" tells me that all was a bunch of lies; but I'm sure you understand that, since she supposedly "moved away" from what you liked when she was challenged.
>Also if you had Clinton, you would have a voice and wouldn't have to fight as hard for your values (Gay right, healthcare, climate change etc) Now you have to suck down on the GOP values.
Here, I'll have to assume that you're trying to address a larger audience, as I have exactly the same voice I had under Obama. Also, those aren't even my values. Dead ringer that you're not participating in this conversation. Still, that's not very mannerly. P.S., I like some of the G.O.P. values. Not many, but there are some things I don't want a democrat to try to address.
>Did you note vote for Hillary because of her last name?
She had a bunch of reasons not to vote for her; and yes, this was one.
>Just because she was a Clinton doesn't make her a bad candidate
I don't know if you think these statements sucking up to that family are going to win you favor to some end, but newsflash: she wasn't good. Not relatively, anyways. She pissed away the DNC's "down-ballot" fundraising, and there's nothing to show for it. And it's not even the first time she's mismanaged a campaign.