I just purchased this pull up bar last week, so I can't really speak to its longevity. However, it is rated for 300lbs. I know you don't want to drill holes in your doorway, but many of the frame-suspended models end up warping the trim, and (as someone who moves/rents a lot) it's much easier to just patch up tiny screw holes with some spackling. I think for the level of sturdiness you're wanting, a hardware mounted bar will be your best option. Good luck!
Attach your hang board to a piece of wood and hang it off of the pull up bar. Checking r/climbing or googling examples should give you ideas of how others have done this.
Your other option is to build a free standing hangbaord structure but that’ll take some tools and building skills.
i was thinking of just doing that myself and then i found you can just buy pull up bars that have brackets for doorways so I think thats what im gonna do. they actually have some that are "no screws" also but I don't think i trust that fully.
i've never tried doing an arm workout with my pull up bar... 🤔but then again my arms aren't very strong so i think it would be much less force on the bar than my bodyweight if i tried. for you, i have no idea what would be best! however, i do love my pull up bar. i got it off amazon and it holds my weight great https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RJFRV1K/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Also may i recommend this?
A pullup bar, the one that work without screws, more likely rellies on pressure
Those things can carry up to 130-150 kg/280-330 lbs on dead weight (believe me they can carry that, im 115kg, very heavy)
If your house door has a framework of cement with pronounced edges, and opens to the inside of the house, this one is for you; in my opinion better than a chain and even a lock, but be careful for natural disasters (fire, earthquakes, stuff like that)
Your decision after all
The socketed bat also sounds good
if height is an issue, you could get a pull up bar like this one. This way you can adjust the height. As for rings, I had the same problem. I just use them outside and hang them on a tree branch at the park.
Tomorrow I'm getting a pull up bar delivered that can be attached in a door frame at two heights. It's this <strong>here</strong>
I'm starting the RR and will be using it to do incline rows. What I'm wondering is at what height should I have the bar set. I'm 6'0" and I'm not sure if it should be at around my waist level or more around the chest height. Eventually I will want to progress to horizontal rows and not have to re-position by drill more holes. Thoughts?
I use something like this so no need to drill any holes into anything. Cost me like $20 CAD at Sports Authority. Maybe your walls should be able to handle them?
1.) Height Difference - I'm 5'10", she's 5'2" - We have found the height difference causes issues in several positions: 1.) The 69 - problem as described above. 2.) Missionary - She can't really reach my face for kissing unless I bend my head down to meet her. It's doable but uncomfortable. We find a wedge pillow helps a bit for this. 3.) Standing sex - Her strap/my hole don't line up. I compensate for this by keeping my knees bent so that things line up better but it makes my legs tired which hinders my ability to orgasm. I'm sure there's other but that's all I can think of ATM.
2.) Yoga Trapeze. We didn't use the ceiling hooks to mount ours. We have ours hung in the closet doorway from a chin up bar. Yogabody quit selling their doorway mount but you can use any doorway style chin-up bar that will hold your weight. To adjust the swing for optimal pegging have her stand in front of the swing wearing her strap-on and adjust the swing height until her "cock" is a couple of inches above the bottom of the swing. My wife loves the swing because it is so easy for her and she says it is the best toy we have ever bought.
3.) Heating pad - We put all of our toys in the heating pad because warm toys and lube feel so much nicer. The wife and I have a saying "There's nothing so nice as a warm cock." I find that warm toys (and plenty of lube) help to reduce irritation for me, which is important because we have long sessions in multiple positions.
4.) Vaping (Weed) - Like your wife, my wife vapes because it helps with her libido. I vape for several reasons. A.) It helps my libido as well. B.) I love an indica body high while being pegged. I find the body high helps with my relaxation making toy insertions easier and I get warmed up faster. C.) I enjoy the enhanced senses (touch, taste, smell) and I find it easier to lose myself in the session and enter an orgasmic state. D.) I usually get really high before we start because it helps me give up control and let her run the session, it's easier for me to just lay back and feel what she is doing to me rather than "fucking back" or "topping from the bottom" (well at least as much) and that helps me find my orgasm. E.) Finally my vaping pro tip: I only vape when we are having sex to keep my tolerance low. If your a regular I'm sure your familiar with a tolerance break. If so, you know how great the high is the first time you vape again after a break. Now mix that with awesome sex and you know why it's my pro tip.
6.) NJoy vs Leluv - I use the NJoy for solo play and learning. For me it has been the ultimate tool for teaching myself how to orgasm from internal stimulation. I have tried using the Leluv on myself before but it doesn't work as well for me as the NJoy. My wife on the other hand hates the NJoy because of it's weight. She says it makes her hands and wrists tired from using it on me. She likes using the Leluv on me because it is much lighter and easier for her to control. I would like to note she is better at using the Leluv on me than I am when using the Leluv on myself. As long as she is controlling it I find it a very enjoyable toy.
7.) Plugs - I have a few but the only ones that I use regularly are my Aneros prostate massagers. I have the Helix and Progasm. Generally the only time I use them is for PIV sex.
Glad your enjoying our session reports and happy pegging!
We are a sex positive/centric couple currently exploring pegging and kink. We have been documenting our sex life on this anonymous profile. We share our experiences/sessions, review toys (we have a ton), and try to help anyone who is interested with the knowledge we have gained. Feel free to follow this profile or you can see our regular updates here: https://www.reddit.com/user/EthernetGhost/posts/
36 inches is the number you're looking for. It will fit immediately inside the door frame, so it will be just a fraction wider than the door itself.
This is the one I have. It's great. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RJFRV1K/
Ok I just saw on Amazon...
Garren Fitness Maximiza Pull Up Bar https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RJFRV1K/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TSRY6FHZ6TE7036J16VK
That's not exactly what I have. Mine is less fancy, but it's the same principle.
I'm 6'6", in the UK our doorframe standard height is exactly that, 6'6" (199cm). I have a doorway mounted expansion bar. The major drawback is the week or so of head trauma that results from walking into the thing after first installing it, until the muscle memory duck manoeuvre becomes habitual. Technically, the drawback of an expansion bar is that I cannot really train power because I'd faceplant into the doorframe/wall above the bar. But, I can close the door without having to take it down & put it back up etc.
Doorframe mounted - https://www.amazon.com/Iron-Gym-Total-Upper-Workout/dp/B001EJMS6K/ref=sr_1_5?crid=KB18V8A80XEK&dchild=1&keywords=pull+up+bar&qid=1604949837&sprefix=pull%2Caps%2C273&sr=8-5
This type gives you the clearance of the doorframe/wall to do power but, you cannot close the door with it in place. It also puts all of the weight/momentum downward on the doorframe (not what they're designed to withstand) - this is the most likely of these solutions to damage/break your doorframe.
Chin-ups are fine, pull-ups are fine. With my hands gripping the bar to begin either of those, I am at rest on my knees at max scapula extension. This is fine for just those exercises. I do them with my ankles crossed behind me, floor to top and back.
Anything involving leg movement where your legs are at some point hanging freely at rest is completely out. That bar you linked goes to a max height of 88.18" - just over 7'4". For your height, you would almost certainly require a bar that is at least 8' high to be able to hang and also let your legs hang relaxed, without touching the floor.
TL;DR - If all you plan to be doing is pullups/chinups then a doorway mounted jobby is fine. A tower is better in that you can also do other great exercises on it (eg dips), so if you have the space for one get one. If you want to involve your core (free hanging legs) then you'll need a tower with a bar that is higher than 8' and at that point it is your ceiling's height that you need to worry about.
Not the person you were asking, but I'm guessing it was one of these:
To answer your actual question, towel pull-ups are not enough :)
My doorways aren't conducive to the hang on the door type bar either. I'm in a house, not an apartment, so it might not work for you, but if you are allowed to put 3 small holes per side into the doorway: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RJFRV1K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. I use this bar. You screw three small holes per side into the doorframe, and the bar is solid as a rock. I wouldn't trust any pure friction bars. Tiny bit of wood putty would fill the holes back in when you need to move. Might not be feasible for the apartment, but it's a thought.
Unless the entire doorframe is metal, not just the lip part, then that kind of sucks. You can do pull ups on any number of other objects instead. Any parks nearby? Should have monkey bars or something you can use. Could get some rings, and wrap them around a tree branch?
This pull-up bar helped me a lot
Garren Fitness Maximiza Pull Up... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RJFRV1K?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
Well look at Excuse McGee over here! For the record, it won't be 250 lbs. You can use the 50 pound adjustable dumbbells just fine for a moderate workout. But fine, nothing too heavy:
In my opinion, that type of pullup bar is dangerous, regardless of the quality. The chance of a slight swing or bumping into something while on it are too high, then the whole thing slips off the door frame. This might be better: https://www.amazon.com/Garren-Fitness-Maximiza-Pull-Screw/dp/B00RJFRV1K/ref=sr_1_10?s=sports-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1519940260&sr=1-10&keywords=pull+up+bar