This, 100%.
Even a perfectly functioning stove and LPG system can fail unexpectedly. You can also run out of propane.
A little butane stove and 2-3 butane canisters can make life so much more pleasant if anything goes wrong with the main cooking system. They take up little space and can be placed atop an already gimballed main stove. The Iwatani would be a good choice, but you can also find cheap alternatives for $20-30.
They're also handy for picnics and camping. :)
For truck camping, I recommend a simple 1 burner propane damp stove, like this one for approx. $24.
It's a little on the heavy side for backpacking, but especially good for vehicle camping, offering more stability than most backpacking stoves, are virtually bulletproof.
The butane canisters also only cost about $2-3, which is also whole lot cheaper than the isobutane canisters used by most backpacking stoves.
You could probably find one at a Walmart even cheaper.
A simple single burner camp stove + propane tank will fit anywhere you can stick a shoebox. Under the bed, closet, etc.
My inner prepper wanted me to chime in :D
Here's one cheap example:
They make even smaller ones for backpacking.
You can just buy a cheap under $20 butane burner and start charcoal in a chimney. The butane burner is also very useful for many other things like cooking sauces etc. They can likely be found for very cheap at large asian grocery stores.
If you want cheap stove that would supports a grill you can always just grab those Asian butane stove. Should be around 20-30 bucks at your local Asian market.
I just bought this one and could not be happier. Best of luck.\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details
These are great, fuel efficient and canisters are available just about everywhere. Walmart had the stove for less than $20
portable stove like this:
butane canister.
1 skillet, 1 pot.
small cooler, ice.
1 knife, 1 fork, makeshift cutting board. paper plates.
1 bag of mixed greens.
bread, peanut butter, jelly.
rice, cook it in the pot, put it in the cooler.
1 pound of ground beef a day should run you less than 10 dollars, cook it all the way put it in any container place it in the cooler.
when hungry for a big meal, mix the rice, greens, cooked meat in the skillet.
Park your car at a park in wealthy or middle class neighborhood at night, sleep by your knife. Don't be paranoid but be vigilant of homeless people, look around first if anyone is watching you, usually no one cares and chances are you'll be fine, i've slept in my van for a year straight and never have been bothered. Also you'll be surprised to find that many people are doing the same as you, don't bother them and they wont bother you. Expect to be woken up early by street noise. It's always good to limit sleeping time during the night and take naps during the day. Take good care of your vehicle, always warm your engine up check oil water tires regularly.
Camp stoves are a must. I have a rocket stove and this and this with 6 hour chafing cans.
Butane camp stove or for a little more, one that will run on either butane or propane
Agreed. Like this. They are everywhere (particularly Asian grocery stores) and the canisters are cheap. Go get a pot and utensils cheap from a Thrift Store and you are up and running.
Butane Stoves: <strong></strong>
This is an amazon example, but a quick jaunt to your local Asian market usually has these with a ton of smaller canisters you can stock a few for. Small, cheap, and work well for cooking, although double check your ventilation status AND DON'T USE IT TO HEAT UP A SPACE.
Now you can boil water, cook, and have a korean BBQ (with the proper attachment) wherever you want!