Gas ONE GS-3900P New Dual Fuel Propane or Butane Portable Stove with Brass Burner Head, Dual Spiral Flame 15,000 BTU Gas Stove with Convenient Carryin
Got this one burner last May and retired our Coleman 2 burner. Will never go back. It’s just two of us most of the time and one burner is enough. If we ever needed two I’d just get a second one. I like that it can be propane or butane. Has excellent temp control.
Get a single burner, dual fuel stove. As an electric kettle uses a lot of power and is an inefficient use of that power. I love my [Gas ONE GS-3900P New Dual Fuel Propane or Butane Portable Stove] Super safe and durable and gives fuel options.
Also I have done Many cross country trips - in all seasons - and have usually free camped in truck stops and rest areas with zero issues (other than a bit of noise at truck stops) both are typically safe and monitored to some degree.
When doing thousands of miles, I usually plan on a ‘real campground’ stop about midway to have access to hookups and laundry and maybe order a pizza - 😎
Get this! Gas ONE GS-3900P New Dual Fuel Propane or Butane Portable Stove with Brass Burner Head, Dual Spiral Flame 15,000 BTU Gas Stove with Convenient Carrying Case Most Powerful Heat Output Stove
Gas ONE GS-3900P New Dual Fuel Propane or Butane Portable Stove with Brass Burner Head, Dual Spiral Flame 15,000 BTU Gas Stove with Convenient Carrying Case Most Powerful Heat Output Stove
You can get this:
They sell adapters to connect to large propane tank.
You can use something like this:
They sell adapters to connect it to a bigger tank.
I love my Mini, and I've set up a roasting cart in the garage I can wheel around, all set up and ready to go.
For heat, I started on the kitchen stove but my wife didn't like the smell, so I moved to the garage and bought a Gas One GS-3900P Dual Fuel stove. I use a large propane external tank that I can swap with my BBQ.
I roast in my garage.
For a 200g green coffee batch, I typically find roast times to City+ to be around 10 minutes, maybe 12 depending on the bean. I drop the bean charge at 175c using the analog thermometer. I am thinking of getting a digital thermocouple.
For cooling, I have an Ikea stainless sieve (cheap) that I drop the beans into and use a box fan to blow off the chaff. I then dump them on a cookie sheet in front of the box fan to cool.
Yeah that’s exactly the one I have! I am eyeing this burner at the moment too. Worth looking into!
Thanks for the video link, I’ll check it out!
Amazon recommends this Gas ONE GS-3900P Dual Fuel Propane or Butane Portable Stove
Have you thought of casting metal?
Lead free pewter has a relatively low melting point, so you can melt it using a cheap gas burner.
You can make molds relatively easily using Mold Max 60 which is a high-temperature silicone which can handle the heat of pewter.
Then the hard part is just figuring what you want to make casts of. You can use almost anything, though there are some considerations about the shape since some complex stuff can't be cast in a two part mold.
If you're interested, there are loads of how-to videos on Youtube which may inspire you to try different things.
I have this one! its a little more versatile as you can use propane too! and it seems like its cheaper in Canada as well! I paid like 50 us for it.
Try it out yourself.
Butane Propane dual burner:
I got later one. Super practical, I can take it outside to cook. Mostly use Butane. You can buy 12 bottles on amazon.
One bottle gets me about one-two weeks of use.