This is very true, I learned this in Highschool 20 years ago from my then girlfriend's parents, who immigrated to America as Palestinian-Christians.
If you wish to learn more about Palestinian and Israeli modern historical relations, I can not suggest the book Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom highly enough.
There are many books that speak to this but I found this highly credible. For one, it is written by a Jew that is sympathetic to Palestinians while showing no regret for speaking the truth even though it led to his social ostracization amongst his own ethnic group. Secondly, because he lays his case out in a scientific and systematic way leaving himself no room to be subverted only by calumny can his critics draw attention.
Read Finkelstein's Gaza.
He is a Jewish academic whose family was wiped out in the Holocaust, he gives the most impartial take on the conflict as a pro-Palestinian civil rights person.
I certainly don't hate Israel, but they are acting extremely immorally with Palestine, Gaza and the west bank and have been doing so for years. It is well documented. See "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom"