Full disclosure: new to the sub and don't know much about the world of office chairs, so I'm hoping to benefit from y'all's wisdom on this.
We have kind of a cramped home working setup and currently I'm making do with a creaky cheap Ikea wooden dining chair with a taped-on chair pad. This is, obviously, not a particularly comfortable setup - at least for me. (My 6'3" partner, who shares the space, seems impervious to the issue.) My main problem is that I fidget a lot when I sit, and most of the time, I have one or both of my feet folded under me (kind of like thunderbolt pose in yoga). If the chair pad slips, I end up with bruises on the top of my feet from the wood.
I'm looking for an office chair that's:
I'd appreciate any suggestions you all might have, though the highest end is probably out of budget for me. Thanks in advance!