Hey! Couple things here so bear with me.
2) vomiting - 100%, exactly my experience. This is absolutely exactly how it feels for me.
3) strawberry - yes! Strawberries are actually one of the big ones. I’ve found that if I peel the seed layer off, I really love them (when they’re ripe and in season) this is absolutely similar to my experience. Try identifying what about the strawberry freaks you out. If it’s the seeds or texture, a good experiment would be to peel the first layer off and see if you like them!
But yes, 1000% my experience.
4) I wouldn’t describe it as food poisoning as much as like… crippling anxiety and nausea and this overwhelming sensation of disgust. Now, if someone held me down and forced me to eat it, yeah, I’d imagine it would be similar to food poisoning.
Sounds like you’ve got ARFID or similar issues - it’s REALLY common for autistic people and people with sensory disorders/ADHD to have ARFID too. I think it’s also similar with OCD, but the diagnosis for OCD-related EDs is different.