I do two tsp of MaxiGro in a gallon jug and just put it in the bottom cup every other morning. I worry about root rot so I give them a day to breath in between. That's really it!
i only use MaxiGro and my plants seem to like it. i don’t do the PH balance either. i just got a gallon of water, put the little scoop in, mix it and when i’m ready to use, i use half water and half vitamin mix. maybe down the road i’ll dabble into 3 step solution, for now, this seems to be doing the job.
Oh I didn’t follow this chart. I had followed the instructions on the 2.2 lb bag shown here
I don’t know if it makes a difference but the chart you had was for 18 hrs light and I have my current light on for 16 hrs.
Let me know if I should go ahead with your instructions about letting out the nutrient water and replacing it with water.
Thanks !
If you want to keep it it water, you can try this hydroponics fertilizer. https://www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-MaxiGro-Gardening-2-2-Pound/dp/B00NQANQAC
I original bought it for my microgreens. but I add a pinch to the golden pothos I have in water.
I've been using MaxiGrow for the past year and most plants, including my several lucky bamboo, are doing great. Eyeballing where the water should be should be fine for plants like lucky bamboo.
I’m growing these plants pretty short term (for about a month), as I’m using them for a research project, so I directly added powder fertilizer to the distilled water (I used 5 grams of this one per gallon of distilled water) before putting in the plants.
It’s been about a week since I first set everything up, and I haven’t added anything else, so I’m not sure if the issue is too much fertilizer or too little.
Right now, I am growing Azolla caroliniana in distilled water with this this fertilizer (5 g/gal) in front of a window, but there is some strange white fuzzy stuff growing on top of the plant leaves. Is this fungus? If so, is there any way to get rid of it without killing the plants? Thank you!
I am currently growing Salvinia minima in distilled water with this this fertilizer (5 g/gal) in front of a window, but they’re turning brown. Does anybody know what the issue could possibly be/how to fix it? Thank you!
Right now, I am growing Azolla caroliniana in distilled water with this this fertilizer (5 g/gal) in front of a window, but there is some strange white fuzzy stuff growing on top of the plant leaves. Is this fungus? If so, is there any way to get rid of it without killing the plants? Thank you!
I am currently growing Salvinia minima in distilled water with this this fertilizer (5 g/gal) in front of a window, but they’re turning brown. Does anybody know what the issue could possibly be/how to fix it? Thank you!
Right now, I am growing Azolla caroliniana in distilled water with this this fertilizer (5 g/gal) in front of a window, but there is some strange white fuzzy stuff growing on top of the plant leaves. Is this fungus? If so, is there any way to get rid of it without killing the plants? Thank you!
I am currently growing Salvinia minima in distilled water with this this fertilizer (5 g/gal) in front of a window, but they’re turning brown. Does anybody know what the issue could possibly be/how to fix it? Thank you!
Are you using anything in your water? I was advised to use hydroponic nutrients because as plants get bigger they use up all the nutrients in the pods.
This is the one I’m trying: General Hydroponics MaxiGro Plant Food For Vigorous Growth, 2.2 lb https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NQANQAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NJNB83TYNJZXX1ZZEBC9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Growing in a 1/2 gallon amber mason jar. Was doing well, then stopped growing and the leaves started turning yellow and new leaves are showing tip burn.
Nutrients are MaxiGro mixed at the lowest recommended ratio (1tsp/gallon) with pH between 5.5-6.0. When the water gets low, I do a full flush with a clean jar. The water that came out of the last flush was cloudy and had pH 7.0.
The roots look a little dingy, but otherwise healthy, if a little small.
I've already lost a couple of the outermost leaves, which went completely yellow and limp. Sitting maybe 4" under 2x 20w Barina grow lights.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
You can upscale this with a tote and net pots. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NQANQAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_Q8WVGNS1KPT8C45H8G1V for nutes.
3-5 gallon grow bags
Coco coir
Maxi grow and maxi bloom works great I made many mistakes simple is better
General Hydroponics MaxiGro Plant Food For Vigorous Growth, 2.2 lb https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NQANQAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_0YK168W05R0BHSAABSHR
2 grow light
Limited-time deal: BLOOMSPECT S1000 LED Grow Light for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum with Samsung LEDs and Sosen Driver, Dimmable 1000 Watt LED Plant Growing Lamps Veg Flower for Greenhouse 2x2 ft Grow Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CZCDYR3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_dlT1_RHWRDPHDJN37H8DY6HZS
Clip fan and trellis
Simple is better trust me
You can get the powder version called maxigro
It's a 1 part dry powder
Or the 1 part liquid version called FloraNova Grow
Soil garden or hydroponic. By soil, I mean dirt, compost, etc. By hydroponic, I mean soilless medium like coir/Perlite or in water without medium.
For hydroponic, since you posted to a hydro group, any nutrient set made specifically for hydroponics will provide all the required nutrients. But it must be complete, not just one part of a multi-part set or only a core nutrient set that require additional components.
For greens and fruiting plants that are not mature and ready to bloom, MaxiGro is a simple, one-part powder that you dissolve in water.
Maxibloom, on the same page, is for flowering plants that are approaching that stage of growth.
I would use more of the maxi bloom when producing fruit, and a less of aero, as they don't require that much nitrogen in that flower phase.
Now for leafy greens and growing plants I'll use the aero food, you can also buy the maxi grow which is what aero practically is but cheaper price.
I'll also invest in a food scale to weigh out your dry powder nutrients by the gram.
I’m using the Maxigrow product, using their feeding schedule. It’s very possible that I put too much nutrient in. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NQANQAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_.qkSFbG5TG0C2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
4 DWC in 5 Gallon buckets. Mephisto Seeds, what strains? I forget.
For deep water culture I keep it simple. 2-3 scoops of feed and two scoops of inoculation every bucket change. I don't don't do any ph adjustments anymore.
You can definitely use your own seeds and there is also no need to buy their expensive kit. There are much cheaper alternatives. Look at these links. baskets nutrient sponge substrate
True. I recommend this. Cheap, easy to use, and works well. I use it in veg with coco. You’ll legit never finish using the bag.
General Hydroponics MaxiGro https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NQANQAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_z3q2AbGQF5KBM
Doesn't get any easier or cheaper than this for beginners.
If hydro does not work out for you, you can still use these products for regular gardening.
The food is Maxigro 10-5-14 https://www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-MaxiGro-Gardening-2-2-Pound/dp/B00NQANQAC , and the light is 14 inches above the seedlings.