Just grow them, they'll be fine. Or they won't. Only one way to find out.
I personally prefer these for germinating.
General Hydroponics is owned by Hawthorne Gardening = Scott’s Miracle Gro. The cannabis side of the business most don’t appreciate 🌱🌿
One could also use peat moss or perlite mixed with rooting powder or liquids off the shelf.
a bit different. They are coco coir but with a glue/foam binder, so they are very airy. More like a sponge. These with some root hormones give me a high success rate. You’ll definitely want a tray to go with them because it will help retain water.
Rapid Rooters: https://www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-Rapid-Rooter-Replacement/dp/B0002IU8K2/
I find pest aren't too big of a deal inside. The majority of pests I encounter are plants I had outdoors and brought in so they wouldn't melt.
Start with the rapid rooters, I think you'll have good success. Move up to the rockwool when you want a "moisture management challenge"..
I believe when he says “rapid rooter from general hydroponics” he is referring to these. Does not need to be in a hydro setup. I have recently started cloning my plants in veg and I have considered using these just to save my remaining soil for the big plants. Currently using soil in solo cups with root growth hormone added to stem before planting. Cloning is complex but also incredibly easily at the same time. Cut, plant.
Just a random question. Why do a lot of growers start out in solo cups esp autos that are not really supposed to be transplanted when there's those soil squares you can use or peat moss which both allow the roots to grow through than u only have to put the cube of dirt in its forever home and not have to worry about carefully uprooting https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002IU8K2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_KKZJPGP5HF64HPWHNF1A?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Is what I use with 100% germination
anecdotally, I had a ton of trouble using rockwool, and that + the concerns with lung health got me to shell out the money for a purpose-made rooting medium. the exact same seeds that stayed dormant for a week in pH'd rockwool (side note: I did have some successes with rockwool, and every one of them required carefully pHing the water I soaked it in overnight) popped after day 2 in these specific rooters.
I bought some off amazon and they came in a big bag. They are pre moist.
You have soak them in ph water when cloning again.
They work great with clone x and dome type of dome. 100% success rate so far out of 30 clones.
I am in Vancouver area, also in the land of Canada. Might not get there in time for these cuttings but honestly they work, I even rooted a cutting from a plant 5 weeks into flower for a monster crop. It took within 7 days. I can’t imagine how the hell that happened but it did and it made me a believer.
You should buy some rapid rooters. I soaked them and squeezed most of the runoff out of them, then just plopped the seeds in the right position and put a tiny piece of rapid rooter I ripped off to cover the whole gently.
They all sprouted within 3 days. I put them in 1 week ago and the smallest one right now looks bigger than your bottom right one. The top left is the only one that competes. And that's with only 4-5 days out of the seed. The rapid rooter provides nutrients that they need when they are small and they grow right through it.
Everyday I take a 60mL fat syringe and fill it with water and put about 10-20mL of water directly into the rapid rooter, though now I've started watering more of the dirt since they're starting to really soak it up. I also have them from day 1 in solo cups filled with dirt, so the rapid rooter is surrounded by soil already. They're coming along very nicely.
Not that this helps you with your current grow, but it may help in the future. I can only say, keep the temperature around 80F (when I moved my light closer, temperatures went up, so I had to adjust), humidity from 40-60 as best you can, and put only a little bit of water directly at the base. They aren't full grown plants yet, so you can't flood the whole thing and let it drain out like you do with older plants.
Ok, that makes sense. But still, if all 5 gallons of soil are soaked, it'll throw off a lot of humidity. I have never started from seed but when I start clippings, I start them in Rapid Rooters then move them to solo cups once the roots are poking out , then into smart pots once the root system has developed. So when starting a seed in a 5-gallon smart pot, it would be easy to over-saturate the soil beneath the seed, which would just sit there creating humidity.
Nope i'm looking at the exact same product but it's $30 with shipping in Canada https://www.amazon.ca/General-HydroponicsGH3255-Hydroponics-Rooter-Replacement/dp/B0002IU8K2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1505163153&sr=8-1&keywords=rapid+rooter
(i didn't downvote you btw)
Huh, you must be looking at the trays. I just get a bag of rapid rooters for 15$, I have my own humidity dome/tray/heat mat already but you do NOT need the tray to use them. You just need some way to keep them up right.
And not sure why im getting downvoted, rapid rooters are the shit. Blows rockwool out of the water as they dont need any phing, and have a perfect water:air ratio for germing. They are even dosed with a little bit of floramicro nutrients to promote rooting.
After the seed sprouts the suface in one, there are already a substantial root structure which means when you transplant the rapid rooter into your medium, the seedling will have a solid head start.
week 5-6: https://imgur.com/a/eThsk04
First, I watched these two videos, and basically followed their methods:
What I bought:
mason jars. grow media. net cups. timer outlet. cal-mag. blend pro. clay balls. rooting gel. light.
bought two basil plants from local Walmart, pruned at above the knots as shown in the second video. Then watched the first video for how-to.
dip the stem in the rooting gel, plug the end into the grow media->net pods->mason jar, then top with clay balls to block the light, also cover the jar with tin foil for the same reason.
solution: 1.5 ml/L cal-mag + 5 ml/L pro blend pro, with bottled purified water. Fill to just the bottom of the net cups, ie touching the bottom of the grow media. Once there are roots, only fill 1/2 every time, leave gap for oxygen. Grow media should always be dry once there are roots to avoid the fungus
set timer for the light, 12hr/day. Mine is from 9 am - 9 pm
temp is set at 74f according to my thermostat. humidity is pretty high outside (70-90), inside is drier.
lights are about 10 inches above the plant, 3 lights per shelf, but I should've fit as many as possible. I also have lettuces on the top shelf tho
I'm at the 6th week, I now get 30-50 leaves each week. They grow exponentially (1->2->4->8->16 etc). I prune once a week
what I'd do differently:
I'm switching to NFT, they provide more air than this set up
Although these lights are cheap, but they are not bright enough for plants, resulting in long stem, lowing them with a fishing line and raise as they grow does the trick, but hey I'm lazy
leave more space
hope it helps!
I had trouble with the jiffy peet pellets when I first started last year. I switched to Rapid Rooter blocks and had fantastic success. I pop them into these little greenhouse things, and they’re awesome..
Those rapid rooter cubes work amazing with clone-X rooting gel if you do want to take clones too.
I’d also recommend going from the 1gal pot, straight to the 5gal pot. Going to the 3gal in between won’t really help you, and give another chance to shock or stress your girls.
Here's what I've done after wasting 4 seeds for my current run (before this I didn't have problems growing in rockwool, but after wasting 4 seeds I decided to invest in a proper setup for long term usage;
I fill the tray with a bit of water I've left out for a few days sitting with pH around 6, just full enough so that it's hitting the bottom of the plug. Don't soak it.
Then I spray the tops of the plugs just a tad as well as the walls of the tray. Cap it, leave it under my stovetop light in the kitchen, then wait a couple days. Been the best success I've had after having the paper towel method finally fail on me for the past few grows I've done.
Never had luck saving seedlings; any mistakes in this stage and they are dead.
I get a 99% success rate with following.
careful with rockwool; it changes the PH (can work; just have to adjust)
I got them at my local grow store. But u can get them on Amazon too. General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter Plant Starters, 50 Plugs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002IU8K2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_XYJ1AMWD83Z1WFNR5ZK5
I’m trialing Rapid Rooter - they seem to work fine so far :) But I am by no means an expert. Just getting dialed in. General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002IU8K2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Thanks for having me look, they are on sale and I'm low. I keep the extras in a ziploc bags and it's all good.
I prefer Rapid Rooters over rockwool, which tends to have algae problems for me: https://www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-Rapid-Rooter-Replacement/dp/B0002IU8K2/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=4WNY5OIH6GST&keywords=rapid+rooter+starter+plugs&qid=1641407902&sprefix=starter+roots%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzOEkxVzRKNzJPSTM4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTcyNDk3MURDSkJNTUhLNVE2VCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjE4MDUyRUlJOFdCNUg4TFlVJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
Whenever your plant is mature enough to handle the stress. I've done it 2 weeks into flower also. Just make sure you have a rooting product. I use these 2 products and have successfully cloned multiple times. General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter Plant Starters, 50 Plugs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002IU8K2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TVZC3BCDX63XNNN2256X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Rooting Gel for Cuttings – IBA Rooting Hormone - Cloning Gel for Strong Clones - Key to Plant Cloning - Midas Products Rooting Gel Hormone for Cuttings 4oz - for Professional and Home Based Growers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BJBSHWC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_JEY2DA259866BTFA2X2C
The reason I don’t want to transfer them into the big containers is because white mold.
Happy new year to you! Those look too small, try this
General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter Plant Starters, 50 Plugs, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002IU8K2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_oG17FbKBBYS04
The trays are for clones. You put the clone into a saturated grow plug like this:
And then with the right temperature and humidity those suckers will grow.
I use starter cubes and trays I found on Amazon and they worked perfectly. The cubes have a small hole for the stem of your plant and it retains moisture well. The trays ensure the plants stay upright. I’ve not checked out Jiffy’s, but if it’s meant for seedlings or clones, I’d say go for it.
Starter Cubes: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002IU8K2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Cube Trays: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BRQ3QWK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
These come in large quantities, which kind of sucks. But they are cheap!
The key is just keeping your clone’s space warm and humid. Before I got my heating pad, I used to buy old fashion light bulbs to create heat around my clones. You want that space to be between 75-85 degrees.
They are Rapid Rooter plugs by General Hydroponics. Soaked in a mild solution of CloneX & GH Rapid Start, pH'd RO water, kept in a covered germination tray.
I use Rapid Rooters and the roots pop out within a couple days of sprouting or cloning. I also use MaxiGro. What nutes are you using?
You can try Rapid Rooter or Root Riot starting plugs. You can then put those directly into any growing medium you want when they are ready. They fit into standard starting trays that you normally find at garden centers.
Upvote because this is exactly correct. Once they're a couple inches tall transplant to soil cups.
Yeah, this is sort of what I am doing, but with solo cups and 4" drip pans (they nest perfectly.
>No idea what those are,
are you talking about "rapid-rooter and soda-dome"? These are rapid rooters; and a "soda-dome" is what I have been calling a cut in half soda bottle used as a humidity dome. Like this.
I use them and they are easy and work great for seeds (I do no soak/no paper towels - just put seeds right into them) and clones. Some kinds I like better for seeds and some better for clones. Most garden stares have one kind or Amazon has a better selection if you want choices