Yes. I had the same situation. First off, be sure you have snaked the drain, and any drains you may think are running into that stack. Just be sure it's flowing 100% open and unclogged. Then,
You can purchase this: Reverse Flow Plug
They come in different sizes, and they just screw into the pipe below the drain cover (take off the silver drain cover, I'm guessing it just pops up with a screw driver or something). Then, put that product in the pipe, tighten the screw/bolt and boom. Water can get OUT through the drain, but if any water starts bubbling up from the drain, the little floating plug will lift up and plug the drain, stopping the water.
Also, u/Frostiken is correct. You need to be SURE there are no clogs. Plugging the drain like this will just cause water to back up other places if you have a clog. And remember clogs aren't always "flow is 100% restricted" it just means that flow is "significantly" restricted. Hair is one of the leading causes of restricted drain pipes. Also, kitchen sink drains are also really bad for this, (food particles).
Looks like a flood guard.