'Generic Vampire Novel #937' by C Z Hazard is a comedy-horror in two volumes that gets gradually darker and more horrific as it progresses. Part one is on a free promotion for a couple of days, so it's a good time to check it out. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO7AWLW
Maybe try Chuck Palahniuk? 'Fight Club' or 'Choke' could be good places to start.
C Z Hazard's 'Generic Vampire Novel #937' is a funny, accessible read, too, and is currently free to download on a Kindle promotion. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO7AWLW
Try C Z Hazard. Funny, clever, full of pop culture, usually with some veiled commentary on modern society. His comedy-horror, 'Generic Vampire Novel #937', is on a free Kindle promotion at present. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO7AWLW
C Z Hazard might be the author for you. He's a smart, polished indie writer and the perfect antidote to formulaic commercial fiction. One of his books is on a free Kindle promotion at present: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO7AWLW
'Generic Vampire Novel #937', described in one review as 'Douglas Adams meets Kurt Vonnegut', is, I believe, still on a free promotion. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO7AWLW
Douglas Adams and C Z Hazard. The latter is giving away one of his books on a free Kindle promotion at the moment, here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO7AWLW