Oky, știi de marea proza rusa? Știi de politicile anti-creștine ale bolșevicilor, nu?
Dar, oricum, nu ma mira atitudinea asta, se întâmpla și la case mai mari. Acum citesc biografia aluia căruia ii datoram in mare parte doctrina Războiului Rece (adică fix cartea asta) și tipul ăla venit din America Profunda (din Wisconsin adică) avea aceeași părere despre ruși in general, ca sunt niște sălbatici veniți din Asia, părere care îmi pare, in esența, asemănătoare cu a ta. Din ne-fericire părerea lui a contat la momentele cruciale ale istoriei noastre ca specie și acum suntem unde suntem, dar asta e alta discuție.
Revenind la Kennan, el cel puțin avea decenta sa vadă și “rușii buni” și ne-asiatici/ne-sălbatici, de exemplu omul era obsedat de Cehov, la modul bun. Din păcate tinerii din ziua de azi cu rusofobia in gura nici măcar aceasta circumstanța atenuantă nu o mai au, pt ei toți rușii sunt la fel.
> Just look at giving the Sudatenland (spelling?) to Hitler.
Just read the biography or George Kennan written by Gaddis, An American Life. Kennan was working at the US embassy in Prague in '38 and I think at the beginning of '39, and he writes down in his journal how it's a good thing that the Czechoslovaks haven't answered in kind to the Germans (meaning that they haven't started a war) because that would have meant most of the Czechoslovaks actually, well, dying, so that the chances for Czechoslovakia's reconstruction at a future time would have been slim to none. In other words, had Czechoslovakia answered in kind to Hitler we most probably wouldn't have had the Spring of '68 nor Havel himself, to be honest.
Of course that in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs (in here) a warmongering ghoul like Snyder wishes that Czechoslovakia would have answered in kind to Hitler, but that man is just thirsting for blood, with some money gained on the side as a result of that thirst, so I can't really accuse him of anything.
Din cate am vazut pe aici mai mult eurofilii stau pe sputnik.md (ma rog, stateau) si pe A3 si RTV, uita-te la ce link-uri si surse dau eu. Uite, a treia oara cand vorbesc de cartea asta: George F. Kennan: An American Life, citeste-o, si tu, si ceilalti care urati rusii dar citeai doar propaganda rusa. E despre un rusofil, scrisa de unul din discipolii lui, csza:
> John Lewis Gaddis (born 1941) is the Robert A. Lovett Professor of Military and Naval History at Yale University.[1] He is best known for his work on the Cold War and grand strategy,[1] and he has been hailed as the "Dean of Cold War Historians
Viata are prea putine ore ca sa cititi magarii.
His biography is a great but long read. http://www.amazon.com/George-F-Kennan-American-Life/dp/0143122150/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=1-1&qid=1435128070