I used to carry a multi-tool in school and used it quite regularly. I pulled splinters, scraped dried glue and gum from desks, tightened eyeglass screws, pried open battery compartments, fixed wobbly tables, opened cartons of paper that were wrapped with heavy plastic strapping...
I use my Leatherman just about every day, and I go through a utility blade on my Gerber EAB every other week.
I don't think it's reasonable to prohibit students from carrying a tool with a nail file, tweezers, multiple screwdrivers, scissors, pliers, wire cutters, can opener or a saw, simply because that tool also has a piece of metal honed to a fine edge.
For anyone over the age of 8, knife bans are utterly ridiculous.
Hey all, thought I'd share this impressive little item with you. I bought it on Amazon as a "fuck it why not" purchase, since it was $7 and I already own utility blades (they're like 50 for $8ish). I'm very impressed. This thing feels solid, and I love the idea of never having to sharpen it. It's also tiny and super easy to slip into a pocket. Check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Gerber-Lite-Pocket-Knife-31-000345/dp/B002RILCLY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470515385&sr=8-1&keywords=gerber+utility+knife
Wie oben schon gesagt, besitzen darfst du es.
Du hast zwar Recht, Messer die eindeutig anderen Zwecken dienen als zum Angriffs- oder Verteidigungsmittel eingesetzt zu werden (Küchenmesser, Werkzeuge, medizinische Schneiden) fallen nicht unters Waffengesetz und es kommt nicht auf die entsprechenden Differenzierungen an. Allerdings nur weil da eine Boxcutterklinge eingesetzt wird, ist es nicht automatisch ein Werkzeug. Es ist sicher ein Grenzfall, aber der Einhandmechanismus wirkt schon sehr seltsam für ein Werkzeugmesser. Diese Mechanismen findet man eher kaum an Werkzeugen.
Falls es unbedingt was mit boxcutterklinge sein soll: Gerber verkauft das hier.. Das hab ich persönlich. Das ist rechtlich safe und ein gutes EDC Messer.
Nope. Message "this item does not ship to [your destination]" is a standard part of their platform and they apply it strictly. Even for stupid stuff like Gerber EAB lite you just won't get it shipped from Amazon to a country that Gerber does not want to sell it in.
I've had this box cutter/ knife for a few years and it has held up very well. Gerber has a lifetime warranty that I will probably never have to use. I've owned many pocket knives but this one is hard to beat for quality. Best part about it is that it's under $8 on Amazon with Free Prime shipping.
Gerber is my go-to for utility knives. I use this.
As someone who breaks down a lot of cardboard boxes and would get sad whenever using my nice sharp blades which would get dull and covered with tape adhesive, the Gerber EAB Lite is a game changer. I keep it in that little change pocket in my pants, and I use it constantly for rougher jobs that I don't want to use my EDC on. I cannot recommend that little utility knife enough.
THIS is the single best tool any human being can own.
I have been carrying pocket knives for years and they were never very useful to me.
Introducing this Gerber knife. I kid you not I have not gone more than 48 hours without using that knife. I’ve had it for YEARS.
I used to carry a normal pocket knife and use it MAYBE once every week or two. I bought this and it is MIND-BLOWING how many uses it has. I use it for opening food packaging, Amazon boxes, cutting zip ties, loose threads.
It is insanely small and light. I even clip it on athletic shorts!
I have convinced a few people at work to get one and now the never go without it.
My sisters would NEVER get caught wearing pocket knives and now they won’t puta clothes in without it.
TL;DR, buy that knife. It will change your life.
Having to use a tool on another tools not really ideal. I have a gerber folding utility knife, it’s like the size of a money clip and holds a single razor. It’s cheap so I don’t mind it getting Gunked up with tape glue and it’s compact so I keep clipped it in my back pocket. But I remember reading a review of it where someone said the point where the force goes is really minuscule so if you were to ever try to exert too much force on it, it’d probably fail.
Here it is: Gerber EAB Lite Pocket Knife [31-000345] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_EaXHCbK33DF3A
It serves its purpose lol
Honestly the Gerber EAB Lite is a great budget folder. It's under $8 (usually), is razor sharp (literally) and never needs to be sharpened since you just replace (or flip) the blade.
I just got one of these and love it: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY/ref=sr_ph_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1466747281&sr=sr-1&keywords=knife
It's dirt cheap if I lose it.
The blade is replaceable when it dulls/breaks so i can do stupid shit with it.
It's tiny enough to fit in the change pocket of my jeans so I carry it everywhere.
It looks classy enough people are still impressed when you whip it out.
To date its my most used knife ever and ive had it all of a week. When the blade is replaceable, theres really no fucks to give about using it whenever a knife could be useful.
hope it helps, fellow "better not use my nice knife to open that x" brother.
Thanks for the rec. That's a neat little tool. It's cheap, and if the blade gets dull you just flip/replace it. It's not quite what I'm looking for since it doesn't have easy one-handed opening/closing and it doesn't have flip opening, but for $8 I might pick it up anyway.
I carry one of these. Small, light, looks and feels nice, and the blade is removable and replaceable (standard utility knife blade, assuming those haven't been banned in the UK yet).
edit: never mind; I just found out that locking knives are for some inane reason illegal in the UK. Heaven forfend that a knife be safe to use. I wonder what the local constabulary would do if you were caught carrying a locking-mechanism knife like mine but with no blade in it.
I carry a Gerber EAB everywhere with me. If I forget I have it and I'm about to get on a plane, I just unscrew the blade and throw it away!
Gerber EAB Lite Pocket Knife [31-000345] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_3lgFwbSWVB17F
In case you haven’t bought it yet.
I EDC a $6 Gerber EAB goes in my change pocket.
I have used [this] (www.amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XFR9SB7RBF76XBBJAY52) for years. Really nice for the price. But I do want the flipper.
http://www.amazon.com/Gerber-31-000345-E-A-B-Pocket-Knife/dp/B002RILCLY folds really small, awesome clip which can double as money clip, light weight. bought a 2nd one after someone took my original.
alright so I did some research and here are the 'best ofs' that i could find
Red Devil
Gerber EAB
OLAF Carton Cutter
I actually went with the mossy oak
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Very nice! Idk if I'd like it more or less than my Gerber EAB: amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY
(btw, idk why it says "white"; it's actually silver)
It's a Gerber I got on Amazon, Gerber EAB Lite Pocket Knife... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Oh, yes, the never-ending recycling pile! I get a lot of things delivered from Amazon (auto-ship, or just not available locally, or at least a better price) and I have a teeny tiny recycle bin provided by my HOA. So recycle is a never-ending challenge.
First step is to make sure you have a good box knife (I really like this one) and keep it near where you open boxes. If you open boxes "wherever" then make a designated spot. Put a stool by the front door if you need to in order to have a place to set boxes when opening them. Next, open the boxes right away, take the contents out, and FLATTEN THE BOX. A flat box takes up a lot less room than a whole one! Once you get into a rhythm, you'll be able to recognize a good "box for boxes" and keep that one whole, flattening all others into it. Then take those flat boxes (or box of flat boxes) down to the recycling room ever day, or other day, or something that works with your schedule and other things going on.
For right now, make yourself a rule that you will flatten and deal with every new box coming in. This stops the accumulation and starts building the habit.
Next, recognize that catching up is not going to be a quick task. Depending on what works with your situation, you can either:
I had to deal with this just a few months ago, after moving and while being too busy with unpacking to set recycle out, I turned around one day and the pile of boxes had completely taken over my one-car garage. I ended up splitting that into two parts, the first day I flattened all the boxes and loaded them into my car. The second day, I drove them down to the local recycle center and unloaded them all into their big recycling dumpsters. After which, I implemented the "flatten each box immediately" rule, and so far it has kept my house box-pile-free for about 3 months now.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY/ref=sxts_kp_bs_tr_lp_1?pf_rd_p=8778bc68-27e7-403f-8460-de48b6e788fb&pd_rd_wg=cEJDE&pf_rd_r=KVSXJ26X2Y1VK7CE0PX5&pd_rd_i=B002RILCLY&pd_rd_w=hPBZO&pd_rd_r=911211f7-5685-4759-bda7-945e9119ee8d&ie=UTF8&qid=1547753627&sr=1 is a bit smaller and lighter if you're carrying it
This one right hereGerber $7 locking folderhttps://i.imgur.com/Xff0gTK.jpg
Even cheaper on Amazon. I really like this knife. Carry it ever day.
my favorite box cutter & super cheap if you lose it! gerber
https://www.amazon.com/Gerber-Lite-Pocket-Knife-31-000345/dp/B002RILCLY. They sell these at Lowes for 8 bucks and they're still kinda cool. I'd say carry BOTH and use that for throats and ne'er-do-wells and a box cutter for boxes.
AUS8 steel is one of the cheapest.
if you don't like sharpening, consider a utility knife. you can pop in a new blade for every hike, and it's very sharp.
Seconded, very nice slim profile. Wish the clip was better however (lost mine) Non mobile link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RILCLY/
Gerber EAB & 250 blades (5x 50 packs) Irwin Industrial Tools Bi-Metal Blue Utility Blade, 50-Pack
I can open boxes for the rest of my life!
For an EDC: 2x Spyderco Delica 4