Gerber also makes a decent one for like less than $30 that has a springed plier. I keep one in my truck and toolbag.
Edit: i stand corrected. Its $38
Gerber Suspension Multi-Plier [22-01471],Titanium,Medium
Ja toll was nützt mir mein Werkzeug wenn ich es nur zuhause dabei haben kann es aber lieber bei mir in der Fahrradtasche beim Flickzeug haben will?
Habe übrigens dass hier:
I've had several multi-tools over the years and all of them had good features. Hard to pick which was was best overall, but I will say I am currently going with a Gerber Suspension in my 72 hour kit. I am happy with the design and build.
IT guy here. I work IT on offshore platforms from the trailers in the construction yards all the way through the operations out in the Gulf. So I would like to say that I work in relatively harsh environments. The tool that I use is the Gerber Suspention Tool. It can be found at any Wal-Mart for ~$20 and it fits my needs perfectly.
I have used every single tool on this thing and not a single one has failed me. I love that it has a straight and a serrated blade. I've even used the saw to make a hole for cables. It's light and it fits perfectly in my hand.
Other than that, I have a Leatherman Style CS on my keychain. But for work, I personally recommend the Gerber.
My mistake. Mine is the Gerber.
It is 10.56oz. The weight only bothers me when it's on my belt. It's heavy enough that it falls off my belt on its own when I undo my belt.
Other than that the suspension aspect of it is awesome.
I have a Gerber one I like quite a bit, but no hex on it. Not sure how useful it is for bikes but it serves me well in IT.
I like Gerber for multi-tools I have one that is like the suspension I got at REI a few years ago and now I don't see a model that is like mine.
I purchased this one
and it is definitely quality made for under 50 USD.
I purchased this one
and it is definitely quality made for under 50 USD.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Gerber Gear 22-01471N Suspension Needle Nose Plie… | $41.99 | $41.99 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
That's a cool video. Also the chick is using this tool that I bought earlier this year. Gerber really makes good shit.
Deal link: Amazon
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Before the list, I would just like to personally thank all of you on the EDC sub. Many of the things I use everyday, I bought after seeing them here and reading your reviews and recommendations. I love seeing the diversity of the tools and stuff you all use. I'm including links to where I got my things just to save anyone the time searching.
Here's my EDC on a budget...
Phone: OnePlus 5t (8GB/128GB). Recently replaced my aging Nexus 5. No phone has ever been perfect in my eyes, but the 5t is awesome and lightning fast, and it doesn't have a bunch of bullcrap and bloatware.
Knife: Gerber Suspension. I have several knives, but this is the one that goes with me everywhere. The pliers, screwdrivers and scissor get used more than the blade.
Watch: Timex Field Chrono. Inexpensive, accurate and reliable. Plus I think it looks cool.
Flashlight: J5 Tactical V1. Got this to replace my Mini-Mag LED that constantly flickers with even the slightest shake or bump. I used to love Mags when they had incandescent bulbs. They really f'ed up their LED tech though.
Field Notes: I also do drone photos for real estate and I use this as a flight log.
Other stuff: Cheap glasses because I lose or break them about every 6 months. Chapstick, Levis wallet, car keys, G2 pen, wallet survival card ($1 at Walmart) comes in handy.
Not pictured: Altoids to cover up the coffee breath. Ringke Fusion phone case.
I have this in my pocket at all times.
Gerber Suspension, cheaper than Leatherman and easier to use plus it comes with a lifetime warranty.
I carried a victorinox for years, and they're nice because they're so compact, but I find their blade/tool locking (if they have it) to be flimsy and unreliable. I also really like having pliers, which you don't get with a swiss army style pocket knife. I made the switch to butterfly-style multitools and have never looked back.
My personal recommendation is to check out this butterfly-style Gerber Multi-Tool The Multi-Plier. This is the model I have and I absolutely love it. I've had it for a few years now and it works and looks like new. Really solid tool-locking, easy releases, very nice spring-loaded pliers, and I've never needed a tool that's on the more expensive ones but not this one. And on top of that, it's only $22 on Amazon. right now, which is just unbeatable in terms of value (I think I paid 40 for mine).
As far as an actual knife goes, I firmly believe that you should always use a dedicated folder instead of a multi-tool if you're going to be using it a lot or for critical applications. And for that, you really can't go wrong with a Benchmade with an Axis lock. It's far and away the best knife lock on the planet and the only one I trust my fingers to. I remember seeing a video where they resistance tested a Benchmade, and when the pneumatic thingamabob got up to 1200 pounds of positive load, the blade snapped before the axis lock did.
My personal recommendation for a Benchmade is the classic 710 in D2 steel. This is my EDC (the Gerber stays in the car) and I use it every day. I remember the day I got it I held a piece of printer paper, freely hanging, with one hand and and then sliced it in half just by lightly pulling my 710 through it. I remember thinking I could NEVER have done that with my swiss army knife—I was hooked. I literally have absolutely zero complaints about it. I can't think up a single downside to this knife. It's as close as you can get to perfect IMO.
Its Knifecenter page claims that it can support 200 pounds of negative load (pushing on the back of the knife towards your fingers) and that even when it fails, it crumples instead of just being released onto your fingers. Mine has never failed on me (you have to be doing something seriously wrong to put 200 pounds of negative load on a folder). And finally, beware counterfeit Benchmades. The out-of-production butterfly knives are the most commonly forged knives, but you should still make sure you buy from a reputable vendor like Knifecenter just to be safe.
And finally, /u/ElBomberoLoco is right about car escape tools. Get a dedicated one of those too—there's no reason to have it on your multitool, and I wouldn't trust one that was added as an afterthought anyway. Just spend the $15 and pick up a real LifeHammer. This thing is tried and tested and has overwhelmingly positive reviews. This is the kind of thing you go name-brand and dedicated-hardware for. I linked the glow-in-the-dark one, but you can save a few bucks by going with the non-glowy one. (Beware: the "Car Hammer" on Amazon is a cheap knockoff of the LifeHammer. It still probably works, but it's not worth saving the $5-6).
Hope this was helpful. Let us know what you end up buying!
So, TL;DR:
For a multitool, look into the Gerber Multi-Plier. For a knife, any axis-lock Benchmade should be fine, but seriously consider the 710. For a car escape tool, go with dedicated-hardware from a reputable vendor that's well-tested and has good reviews, like the original LifeHammer. Beware knockoffs.
It looks like I can pick one up on amazon for $24. Thanks for the suggestion.
My EDC Multitool is the Gerber Suspension. Best one I've ever had.