> My fucking point is that freedom of speech is what got him power, you fucking idiot, can't you remember what you commented five fucking minutes ago? He was able to go out and start those hate rallys and spread his propaganda (like Mein Kampf)
If you actually knew the political dynamics of Weimar Germany and the true nature of the Nazi rise to power, you would know how silly that argument is, especially in light of the many times that Hitler actually was banned from public speaking.
But it's not my job to educate you, it's your job. A good book to start with would be "Germans into Nazis" by Peter Fritzsche.
And anyways I maintain that we should not be afraid of these ideas for reasons I already went over.
> Yes it is harmfull, because if you go around saying homosexuals are evil abominations, someone is going to believe it go out and shoot gay people.
Crazy people are going to do crazy things regardless of what people say. The whole thing you seem to continue to not understand is that your argument could be used equally well against atheists! A lot of theists do actually believe we are all communists who want to burn all churches and kill their priests like Mao did in China in the 60s & 70s. Should they be allowed to silence our speech because they fear some of that speech ("religion is evil" etc.) might inspire a crazy person to do crazy things? I think you know the answer.