I recently finished Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker. I really liked the reading as the reader really brought emotion to it. Also an interesting subject matter if you like non-fiction/true crime/memoirs.
I go through books like some people go through water.
(As you may notice, Jan-April was the period where I was least busy with school. These last couple of months have been brutal with classes, so my extracurricular reading has slowed dramatically.)
I'm currently reading "Ghost in the Wires" and its awesomely entertaining. Its a(n) (auto)biography by Kevin Mitnick, so its not a how-to but he goes in detail on things that he has done.
I'm currently reading "Ghost in the Wires" and its awesomely entertaining. Its a(n) (auto)biography by Kevin Mitnick, so its not a how-to but he goes in detail on things that he has done.