For anyone that does read The Art of Invisibility I would also recommend reading Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker
It’s honestly a good read.
I will admit that I don't know the ins-and-outs of the legalities surrounding accessing vehicle registrant information using a license plate number on a state-by-state basis. Why would you risk it, though? I know it is possible to get this information (read <u>Ghost in the Wires</u> by Kevin Mitnick) and some annoying laws aren't going to stop anyone willing to, for instance, commit telephone fraud anyways.
Much about this video reminds me of a book called "Ghost in the Wires". It's a firsthand account of Kevin Mitnick, one of the best hackers around.
Kevin details his entire life from the moment he discovered how to mess with a phone, to stealing all kinds of data from the biggest companies around via social engineering and hacking.
He is continuously chased by the FBI and has to assume new identities. The best part is that he does it all for the thrill of it, and continues to do it even after being arrested several times.
The book is actually quite humorous, very well written, and packed with tons of crazy true stories. Highly recommend!
EDIT: Amazon Link
Well the best book I ever read was ghost in the wires that's what got me interested in programming
Good read to pass the hours sitting watching joe no one do his thing:
In about 5 years when you're peeking your head up into the higher levels don't forget they can just as easily watch you.
Given that you liked The Social Network and Jobs, I recommend Ghost in the Wires, Kevin Mitnick's autobiography. It's been years since I read it, but I recall it being quite action-packed and very interesting if you're even vaguely into tech.
Ghost in the Wires by Kevin Mitnick
Ghost in the Wire. This was a great read:
Ghost in the Wires - The story of famed hacker Kevin Mitnick
Any Mary Roach Book if you like Science
In the Heart of the Sea - The true story behind Moby Dick
The Omnivore's Dilemma - A great walk through our food landscape
Gang Leader for a Day - Behavioral Economist embeds with a Chicago Gang
Shadow Divers - My first audiobook. It's a thriller about a scuba discovery of a Nazi Submarine on the Eastern US coast.
The Devil In The White City - A story about a serial killer at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893
The original hacker Kevin Mitnick (the first anti-hacker law was written due to his activity) wrote a pretty gripping book called "Ghost in the Wire" and it's pretty good in audiobook format too. I've listened to it more than once. You learn how a hacker thinks and attacks and realize that social engineering is almost always where experienced/competent hackers start (when trying to penetrate a "valued" target, not so much with broad scraping).