Sounds a lot like my ex. My biggest point of advice is be careful about your own feelings. If you care about her and she tells you things that hurt, especially if they start happening while you are together, you need to be able to tell her to stop, that she should be talking to her counselor (if she doesn't have one, she needs one) about it, not you. Do not let yourself get lost in her issues.
That being said, just be accepting, don't push her into anything, don't judge. If she trusts you enough to tell you things, then listen and do what you can to help her recover. Don't push her to, but she should really see a counselor about everything. It's really hard to deal with someone you love or care about being raped. I know. You don't have to do it alone.
Also, this book is very useful. It says incest, but it is very applicable to any kind of sexual abuse or rape history. Ghosts in the bedroom