I got one of these recently, and it's perfectly fine. Durable, well built, easy to adjust. https://smile.amazon.com/Gibraltar-6711S-Chain-Double-Single/dp/B00B5LF78S/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1526676968&sr=8-15&keywords=gibraltar+drum+pedal
People saying save up another hundred are being ridiculous. For $80 you can get a pedal that's far better than anything Bonham ever used.
I got one of these recently and I'm more than happy with it. https://www.amazon.com/Gibraltar-6711S-Chain-Double-Single/dp/B00B5LF78S/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1504037405&sr=8-5&keywords=gibraltar+bass+pedal
He was responding to me, not you. You seem to have an agenda. I bought this pedal a few months ago for under $100. It's well built and solid. I doubt I'll ever have to replace it. You absolutely do not have to pay $200 for a "decent" new pedal. https://www.amazon.com/Gibraltar-6711S-Chain-Double-Single/dp/B00B5LF78S/ref=pd_day0_267_9?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00B5LF78S&pd_rd_r=SGDECV2ZHFWPXKB1030N&pd_rd_w=NA2ZC&pd_rd_wg=AsowW&psc=1&refRID=SGDECV2ZHFWPXKB1030N