> He was responding to me, not you.
So fucking what? This is an open forum. I can reply to any post I want to, moron. Regardless, you're a stupid twat for not paying attention in the first place. I clearly stated that a good NEW pedal would cost you a couple of hundred dollars, and that's not an absurd statement.
> You seem to have an agenda.
What? Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound right now? An agenda? What sort of agenda? Put the pipe down, you thoughtless dolt.
> I bought this pedal a few months ago for under $100. It's well built and solid. I doubt I'll ever have to replace it. You absolutely do not have to pay $200 for a "decent" new pedal.
That's a cheap Gibraltar pedal, haha. It might be decent in your opinion, but it's hardly one of their decent pedals, like this one that costs $178.99.
You are really, really stupid and it's you who seems like the one with the agenda, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.
And I should note that you replied to me, dickhead. YOU REPLIED TO ME when I was talking to OP. Not only are you stupid, but you're apparently a hypocrite too.
Go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious, condescending loser.