Yeah, if you're gonna go down that route, I'd go with something in the 3080 or above range. With the lower models, you generally buy have to buy an enclosure separately for $250-300, which costs almost as much as the card you'd put in it (I just got my 3060 for $290). Whereas with prebuilt eGPU like this, for $895, you're only spending about $100-150 more than the base GPU. Downside is you can't replace the card later.
GIGABYTE AORUS RTX 3080 Gaming Box (REV2.0) eGPU, WATERFORCE All-in-One Cooling System, LHR, Thunderbolt 3, GV-N3080IXEB-10GD REV2.0 External Graphics Card
Looks like this.
You are completely right. The brand new one is LHR. I hadn't noticed. Thanks.
I concluded from your words, that you're thinking GPU, so go for that.
Just get the best your machine supports.
I would however consider a newer CPU as well, like 3600 for example (also AM4).
It's really cheap, around 250$.
Also, saving around 400 USD more could get you Nvidia GeForce 3080, like this one:
P:S: I recommend that you do some research, I'm sure you can find even cheaper options if you tried.
It took me 5 minutes to find these.