Hey, I'm not the OP, but just wanted to say I went with your build, got everything together this past Friday and am very, very happy. The motherboard was backordered on Amazon so instead I went with https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FWVJSHC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The only hiccup was the fan on the case panel with the window bumped right into the video card, so I yanked it and relocated to the front of the case.
I haven't built a pc from scratch in 12+ years (been living the MacBook life in grad school), so this was very helpful.
I was in a similar situation as you a few months ago. I used an i5-7600K for 2 years, and I just upgraded to a Ryzen 5-3600.
Personally, I only paid $100 for my motherboard. It was a THIS B450. Glad I went for the B450 because I don't overclock much and AMD announced that the B450 will support the new 4000 series when it comes out.
It will work fine, but I wouldn’t recommend it, MSI and Gigabyte make an entry level B450 for $75 those I could recommend https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=a320+motherboard&qid=1597331372&sr=8-8
Few ways to go about this imo. You can scoop a good enough b450 board for under $100 or less, this one is currently $65 and a ryzen 2600 for ~$130 on ebay.
That motherboard might not be the best option for future upgradability though, for that Id go with a cheaper b550 instead as you have a really good upgrade path for CPUs. Ive noticed lower end CPUs are pretty overpriced at the moment as nothings recently come out to fill out the lower end. Ryzen 3600s are going for more than I bought mine used for like a year and a half ago lol, its absurd
Absolutely. R6 Siege is easy to run for systems of that price point.
Ryzen 3 3200G, 16GB of RAM (recommended 3000MHz or more), an RX 570 or 580, and this motherboard with whatever Micro ATX case you want.
Do keep in mind that if you want a little bit more space for add-on cards (like WiFi and Ethernet cards), you're going to want a full size ATX motherboard with a case to match.
Can i put it in this mobo ? I know the 95w tdp can be troublesome for some cheap motherboard
Yes, it's microatx. Here's the link to the one I'm looking at
Sorry if its in Arabic. Its roughly 85-90 dollars
just picked that up as as i type for $60USD on amazon. its not feature rich, but it's gonna be used for my old R5 1600 that i just upgraded to 3600X. it is a mATX board, dont know if that matters to you.
I bought the Gigabyte B450M DS3H from Amazon for $84.99 pre-tax 2 weeks ago. It will most likely drop back to around that on BF. No guarantee it will ship with the updated bios, but mine did so they must have new stock.
Yeah, i'm set on that 3200 CL16. Won't I run into VRM issues but chosing a cheap board like a this
Yeah, I don't plan overclocking. Also, would the stock cooler do fine?
>remote nevermind because im changing the motherboard to the gigabyte b450 ds3h for my ryzen 5 3400g it has an rgb/strip header is it a good motherboard ssbassdrop
>Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FWVJSHC/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_image\_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Yeah the 3390x has been out of stock everywhere, but I think I will get the 3100. However, I am also buying a B450,which I've heard would require an update to be compatible with the Zen 2 architecture. If my mother oard would require this update, how would I update the BIOS without the CPU?
Gigabyte B450M DS3H: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_zuymFbAF6J50S
A tad bit more expensive but should do the job, you can also get a bit more performance out of it if you want(plz Overclock at your own discretion, I will not be responsible for what ever you do to the PC)
I'm a noob. Can someone tell me why this one is so popular but other cheaper options like in my link aren't?
Gigabyte B450M DS3H (AMD Ryzen AM4/Micro ATX/M.2/HMDI/DVI/USB 3.1/DDR4/Motherboard) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LEseFb111XXE2
awesome, I actually have that exact monitor as a 2nd monitor and love it. would this mobo also work? the one linked is currently out of stock on amazon and I guess we're trying to order through there.
My Motherboard is an B450m DS3H
> Any other boards will not support 3000 series out of the box unless explicitly stated.
Please stop spreading nonsense like this on reddit. The very first search result on Amazon is a GIGABYTE B450M DS3H that says absolutely nothing about 3rd gen Ryzen 3xxx CPUs and yet they're fully supported.
It was good enough for a $650 gaming build. mATX, 4 Memory dimms. I had no issues with DDR4 2666 16gb memory and an RX 580 8GB. Apex Legends ran great in my testing.
GIGABYTE B450M DS3H (AMD Ryzen AM4/M.2/HMDI/DVI/USB 3.1/DDR4/Micro ATX/Motherboard) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_2IAACb7X93S93
Did b450 boards jump up in price for some reason? they're all so insanely expensive on amazon right now. This super lowend board is now $90??
I'm planning on getting GIGABYTE B450M DS3H (AMD Ryzen AM4/M.2/HMDI/DVI/USB 3.1/DDR4/Micro ATX/Motherboard) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_CxyHBbV6HW8WQ
Haven't pulled the trigger on that mobo yet. I need a micro atx board for my form factor. I will upgrade to a 2600 or 2600x during Black Friday along with a nice GPU. The 2200g is to hold me off until then. Wondering if I should just get the B-die RAM now.
The motherboard may need a BIOS update to support the Ryzen 3600X CPU.
does support ryzen 5 3600 ? without BIOS update?
Lately yes. the last 3 dozen we order from amazon came with the Ryzen 3000 ready. If it doesn't have the sticker you have to update Bios
Motherboard, Processor The ram is 8gb ddr4 2400mhz speed. This was the ram I was looking to add.
> What should someone on a budget buy: a weak CPU with a board twice the price, or a good CPU on a cheap board?
"Board twice the price" of what? The CPU? The cheapest B450 board on Amazon right now costs $70 while the cheapest B350 board costs just $50 (which BTW is the same as the cheapest A320 board). None of these boards are anywhere close to costing a $110. If the 200GE was unlocked and someone wanted to build a super budget PC and overclock it they would more than likely go for the cheapest B-series board.
> I am very familiar with buying hardware on a short budget, since i have been building my own computers since i was 15, with money i could make doing freelance programming. Being able to have good hardware is a nice change.
I can relate to that. It's so liberating to not be so constrained by the limitations of the hardware inside a PC.
Save up and buy PC parts to build a PC yourself.
To get a PC that can at least play WoW, it'll be less than $500 US.
You can get a 3200g or a 3400g Ryzen CPU, whichever you can find. Then get a motherboard that can handle it. I built my mother a PC using old parts and a 3400g. Her Motherboard is an old B350 board I updated the Bios on.
So the 3400g is $140 on Amazon. A B450 motherboard you can get for less than $100. This one for example: https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=b450+motherboard&qid=1602626988&sr=8-1
Buy a Power Supply for about $60.
Find a case in your price range. Let's say 50-75 bucks. So let's go with 75 just for this case.
You wont be playing WoW at ultra settings or anything, but I doubt you were doing that before.
This is just a random build I threw together in a couple minutes. With more research you can find something to suit your tastes and budget better.
oh, I'm using this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWVJSHC?tag=pcpapi-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1
I'd go for something like
Category | Selection | Source | Price |
Processor | Amd Ryzen 3 3200G APU | MDComputers | 13500 |
CPU Cooler | Stock | AMD | 0 |
Motherboard | GIGABYTE B450M DS3H Motherboard | Amazon | 5650 |
Memory | Patriot PVS48G320C6 Desktop Ram Viper Steel Series 8GB (8GBx1) DDR4 3200MHz Black | MDComputers | 2899 |
Power Supply | Corsair CV450 SMPS - 450 Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certification PSU With Active PFC | MDComputers | 2899 |
Cabinet | Deepcool Matrexx 40 Cabinet (Black) | MDComputers | 2999 |
Hard drive | Western Digital Blue 1TB 7200 RPM Desktop Hard Drive (WD10EZEX) | MDComputers | 3099 |
SSD drive | Kingston NV1 250GB M.2 NVMe Internal SSD (SNVS-250G) | MDComputers | 2890 |
Monitor | |||
Keyboard | |||
Mouse | |||
Grand Total | INR 30837 |
You might want to add a regular old 1tb HDD for around 3k and a wifi card if you need one.
Add a keyboard, a monitor and a mouse etc and you are done.
Use https://pcpricetracker.in/ to do your research.
I'd go for something like
Category | Selection | Source | Price |
Processor | Amd Ryzen 3 3200G APU | MDComputers | 13500 |
CPU Cooler | Stock | AMD | 0 |
Motherboard | GIGABYTE B450M DS3H Motherboard | Amazon | 5650 |
Memory | Patriot PVS48G320C6 Desktop Ram Viper Steel Series 8GB (8GBx1) DDR4 3200MHz Black | MDComputers | 2899 |
Power Supply | Corsair CV450 SMPS - 450 Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certification PSU With Active PFC | MDComputers | 2899 |
Cabinet | Deepcool Matrexx 40 Cabinet (Black) | MDComputers | 2999 |
Hard drive | Western Digital Blue 1TB 7200 RPM Desktop Hard Drive (WD10EZEX) | MDComputers | 3099 |
SSD drive | Western Digital Blue SN550 500GB M.2 NVMe Internal SSD (WDS500G2B0C) | MDComputers | 4420 |
Monitor | |||
Keyboard | |||
Mouse | |||
Grand Total | INR 35466 |
Throw in a keyboard, a monitor and a mouse etc and you are done.
You can probably get away with a cheaper motherboard (only one I could find with wifi) and less ram (for now). Any m-ATX cabinet would do for this mobo.
The motherboard is $66 new on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Gigabyte B450M DS3H (AMD Ryzen AM4/Micro ATX/M.2/… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
the startup part didnt work, and the bios is the "American Megatrends INC. F40,16/5/2019", my motherboard is this one
Deal link: Amazon
Terrible for CPU and GPUs for sure. PSUs kind of not doing so great either. But the other components? I think budget builders are lucky right now.
$80 Mobo + $45 Case + $70 16gb ram That's $195 for already 3 components.
I would change from the 3600X to a 3600. https://www.shoprbc.com/ca/shop/product_details.php?pid=52679222
This lets you grab a cheaper motherboard. https://www.amazon.ca/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=sxin_9_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-YjQ1MA%3D%3D-ac_d_rm&cv_ct_cx=b450&dchild=1&keywords=b450&pd_rd_i=B07FWVJSHC&pd_rd_r=c413a767-e193-40c2-ada0-fd3840b7a18f&am...
Vuugo is known to not be the greatest place to shop from, according to the general consensus. 1650 Super is also on par, if not better than the 5500 XT. Also saves you a few dollars.
This should save you about $120-130, allowing you to put more dollars into the GPU. Maybe something like this:
Now you've got a build that runs Cyberpunk 2077 on high settings for just about the same price! Or maybe you could pocket that extra money for yourself. Hope I helped! Or at least offered some new ideas.
I was going to buy it from Amazon, here's the link
He tried to post this, but with an affiliate tag
you are right! can i go with this motherboard and just get a usb adapter?
remote nevermind because im changing the motherboard to the gigabyte b450 ds3h for my ryzen 5 3400g it has an rgb/strip header is it a good motherboard yeeboss
Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FWVJSHC/ref=ox_sc_act_image_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
•https://www.memoryc.com/30560-gigabyte-geforce-gt-1030-oc-80-mm-graphics-card-2-gb.html?fc=US&gclid=CjwKCAjw_NX7BRA1EiwA2dpg0gT2eb0OqU6CEzScTToAyY9J1X2TF53Cob40rWGUhF76sOmmUzxyjxoCMCoQAvD_BwE •https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=am4+motherboard&qid=1601601266&s=pc&sprefix=am4+&sr=1-3 •https://www.bestbuy.com/site/corsair-cx-m-series-650w-atx12v-2-4-eps12v-2-92-80-plus-bronze-modular-power-supply-matte-black/5845214.p?skuId=5845214&ref=212&loc=1&extStoreId=849&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_NX7BRA1EiwA2dpg0... •https://www.newegg.com/thermaltake-smart-series-ps-spd-0700npcwus-w-700w/p/N82E16817153231?item=N82E16817153231&source=googleshopping&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords-mobile&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-mobile-_-pla-_-power+supplies-_-N82E168171532... (not the corsair unit but it’s in budget and a higher w) I’d love to hear your feedback on these
This is what I have on my list, it’s a gigabyte B450M DS3H. How do you think that is?
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fab_KuaAFbANSVE3X this one right here
Is the price increase for the B550 worth it over a 450?
https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC for example
A friend of mine recommended me these parts, are they ok? Also, I will follow your advice and wait for the new video cards that will be launched next week.
mother board - GIGABYTE B540M
video card - Asus RX 5700XT 8GB
cpu - AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 3.8GHz
hdd - Seagate BarraCuda 2TB
ssd - SSD Samsung 970 EVO Series 250GB PCI Express x4 M.2 2280
memory - G. Skill Flare X 16GB
power supply - be quiet! Pure Power 11, 80+ Gold, 700W
case - MSI MAG FORGE 100M
The reason for the compatibility warning is that B450 boards need a bios update when using a Ryzen 3000 chip. But now, B450 boards almost always come with the bios updated.
I'm looking at the customer reviews for that specific board and some people are saying its not updated. Here are some alternatives that will for sure work.
GIGABYTE B450 DS3H this one has only two fan headers.
I would recommend a ryzen apu. Something like a 3200G, which comes with built in graphics. If you want to be really cheap, you can get an A320 mobo. Which is literally the lowest end mobo chipset amd has. So if you want something a little nicer I would say a b450 should be a good value for price. https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=b350&qid=1597159500&s=electronics&sr=1-4
I see a newegg deal to get 2x8gbs of ram for <60$
I have a question regarding RGB CPU coolers. So, i have this motherboard: https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC
and i want to add the following cooler for the CPU : https://www.silentiumpc.com/en/product/spartan-4-max-evo-argb/
The problem is that i only have an RGB 4 pin header on the motherboard and the cooler has a 3 pin ARGB header. How can i go about and make it work correctly ? Thank you in advance for the help.
Nothing crazy just Bells and whistles on every thing you need
I have the Gigabyte B450M DS3H
Ok awesome and I just realized the case says it is a Mid tower, will that even fit my Micro ATX Gigabyte b450m ds3h Mobo in it ?
b450 motherboard with 4 ram slots, about 75 bucks on amazon.
doesn't seem to have troubleshooting lights. so just try turning it all off and put one stick of ram in the A1 slot (closest to the CPU)
Edit: I found this in the reviews of the board....
"If you buy a modern Ryzen processor for this motherboard, you'll be sad to find that it isn't supported out of the box. You'll find no indication of this on this Amazon page or on the ASUS support page. The only way to fix this issue is with a BIOS update that can only be done if you have a 1st gen Ryzen cpu to use first. If you don't, you literally can't use the motherboard. They have convoluted solution where you have to contact AMD and ask for a "AMD Boot Kit" which is just a thumbdrive the the bios update and an old used cpu. This takes weeks to get done and is absurd."
Your Ryzen 5 2600 is second gen. I've been lucky enough that systems I've built on 2nd gen had the BIOs update already for their respective boards but it seems this one isn't being shipped with an update at all. You have 2 main options.
I just noticed that on Newegg it even says:
so you're probably pretty safe if you order from them.
On Amazon it just says:
though, so that may not be quite as safe of a bet.
Then again there is this Q&A from Amazon that is encouraging, and you can probably get free shipping on Amazon so that may save you $3 compared to ordering from Newegg (in addition to Amazon having better customer service).
Looks like that's a full ATX form factor, and those cases are more expensive, I'd like to stay in the micro ATX zone.
How about a Gigabyte B450M DS3H? It looks like it's not likely to to come with the correct BIOS, but the user manually specifically includes instructions on updating the BIOS from a flash drive, which I should be able to handle.
I think I found the A320M-K manual, but it wasn't linked on Amazon, not sure why. In the BIOS section, I don't see any option to flash a new BIOS, so I think this board is probably too risky for me.
But the Gigabyte DS3H might work.
Edit: It actually looks like MSI B450M PRO-VDH Max is my best bet. Not that much more expensive, seems like it should work out of the box. Thanks for the help everyone!
One more question for you:
When looking for the motherboard on Amazon, I think this is the one you recommended, but I also found this one, which appears to be the same thing but $10 more and it says it supports wifi. Does that mean the other doesn't have WiFi built in and I'd have to add a WiFi adapter? Or am I missing something?
Call the Bishop, these prices are sinful.
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nice body
and motherboard ;)
i agree with shroudedRose, X470 is an overkill you are better off with this one motherboard.
Gigabyte B450M DS3H ( https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=b450m&qid=1553805138&s=gateway&sr=8-4 )
or MSI B450 Bazooka V2? ( https://www.amazon.com/MSI-Micro-ATX-Motherboard-B450M-V2/dp/B07NH5DBNZ/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=b450m&qid=1553805138&s=gateway&sr=8-5 )
For a Ryzen 5 2400g and 2x4 DDR4 3200Mhz ram.
I have this one https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC paired with a 2200g OC'd to 4ghz myself and it's been great, for whatever that's worth.
What motherboard do you have that costs over $300? You can pick up boards for <$80
Here's a B450 board for Ryzen and newer Athlon chips https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B450M-DS3H-Ryzen-Motherboard/dp/B07FWVJSHC/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1545865493&sr=8-9&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=b450
And here's a B360 board for Coffee Lake Intel chips https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B360M-DS3H-LGA1151-Motherboard/dp/B07BQ9SSH7/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1545865559&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=b360&dpPl=1&dpID=5118IQWP5EL&ref=plSrch
If you’re on a budget and you’re ok with MATX
Do you think it's worth going for a packaged board like that or should I switch to a cheaper one like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWVJSHC/?tag=pcpapi-20
wait until black friday for all the parts! lol duh..
if you wanna max out your budget:
zen 3 ryzen 5600 + 3070/3060ti
16gb 3600ram cheaper the better
WD blue or black nvme m2
cheap case