One last question my friend. I just found this motherboard on Amazon. Would this be a straight swap into my HP Pavilion HPE?
Back when I did my build I bought this mobo and equipped it with an Intel 3.70 GHz Core i3-6100 3M Cache Processor. My question is will I need to buy a whole different mobo if I wanted to upgrade to an i5 or i7 processor?
I mean you have to shop around and see what kind of deal you can get on the different parts. Newegg has deals all the time, amazon may have a cheaper price as well. For instance this board was on sale for $35 a few weeks ago and can support 3 gpus. You would need gpu risers if you have more than one gpu on the board.
Google search around for hashrates of the differ gpus. I know the gtx 1070 are currently one of the best to mine with. The radeon rx 580 are also good as well. The gtx 1060, 1070 and 1080 or the amd rx 470, rx 480, rx 570 or rx 580 are good to mine with. The hardest part is finding them in stock.
motherboard should say whether the BIOS is updated
"LGA1151, Supports 7th/ 6th Generation Intel Core Processors"
Oh damn an even better answer! Thank you for going more in-depth about it but I was actually thinking of an i3, not an i5, just because I am aiming more for a budget cpu, would this mobo work?
I have this motherboard. It comes with a single 4 pin case fan connection. My corsair 200r carbide has two 3 pin fans already in it.
If I buy two 4 pin fans and use a 4 pin splitter will the fan speed automatically be controlled by the motherboard?
Heres the motherboard that i removed from the list
i think its only for Skylake and im gonna get a Kaby Lake Processor.
Expanding on the motherboard, heres a nice one for 60 usd,selling the ram that you have could get you extra dollars for a ssd/more ram
sounds like a mATX case.
like most non-z170 mobo it will limit your ram to 2133mhz tho.
It's a little more powerful than you might need, but I have an i7-6700 (non-"k") Skylake processor for $240 shipped to you.
You could pair it with a Gigabye H110M for ~$60. I'm sure you can get this or a B150M used for cheaper via this subreddit.
Pm me if you're interested boss!
Thanks in advance!
Don't plan on SLI, no to m.2 and usb type c - So basically the most basic will work, and cheapest is better.
Probably going with this: and that will seal the deal.
Although I did want to use two monitors and this MOBO only having 1 HDMI port is a slight issue.
Go with This Motherboard and DDR4 RAM.
League does not need much at all so if you want to save money you can downgrade to i5 6500 or 6400.
This is this exact motherboard I got.
The I-3 is fine for what I needed it for (SOME gaming, like CS GO and browsing) and everything has run fine. Smooth, quietly, etc.
I have not heard of Asrock before so I was unsure of its quality and there is only one review on Newegg saying that the customer couldn't load their OS and without any other reviews it makes me question the reliability of Asrock. I'll probably search for another motherboard just in case I find something cheaper with reviews.
About the SSD, I got a response on a post I made of my build and a guy was talking about how having your OS on your SSD will greatly improve your experience and I realize that my laptop boots windows from the SSD and I still think that it's slow, I am a very impatient person when it comes to computer loading. So I am willing to put a bit more money in for an SSD.
Once again, thanks a ton for all of your help. I hope you had a good sleep.
edit: Can that motherboard hold two sticks of RAM? I think it can but I'm not sure.
edit #2: The motherboard I originally had in mind -
edit #3: Power supply is appearing a bit overkill with 750W, is there a better choice?
edit #4: The link to the RAM is not found 404.
edit #5: Do I need an optical drive for my OS?
edit #6: Will I need a soundcard?
If you plan on installing Windows via disc, then you need to get the optical drive.
I'm not big into wireless adapters, so I sadly can't help you there.
You could go with this cheaper motherboard with a smaller form factor and save some cash.
Other than that, nice build!
Why get a z170 with a locked cpu? Better and cheaper option
I have that cpu with a 750ti and 8gb RAM and i like it. I went with a cheaper motherboard and no ssd. Personally in a budget build i would use de $60+ of an ssd for a better gpu or something else. Just in case you want to go for the 6500, this is a great mobo for locked cpu's.
I'm wondering if the reference RX480's power draw will harm this motherboard in any way. I already ordered the RX480, so there's no way I can cancel the order on Newegg, so waiting for an aftermarket card is out of the question. EDIT: I have a 750w PSU I'm planning to purchase, if that makes a difference.
this is the one i suggested, the one you suggested tho has the dvi/vga connector on the motherboard, the one i linked is a bit cheaper but doesnt have those connections , there specs are the same as far as i can see
Its just brand on psu, evga works great and ive had 0 issues so far with the current one i got, Monitor It depends if you want 144hz and such, i just got a basic 60hz 24in that is enough for me.
Sure! You can get different features. But, many people start with a cheap Gigabyte LGA 1151 board like this:
He's not going to need SLI/XFire support, right?
Does he need 4 memory slots?
Does his case have more than one fan?
If he just needs a basic motherboard, the Gigabyte H110M-A might be a better buy, and you can get a decent mATX case really cheap if you don't already have a case.
What motherboard brands should I stick with? I wanted this for my budget build...
...but I'm not sure if I'll run into problems. I know I'll need a fan splitter because I have more than two fans. Not sure if I should go with a reputable motherboard brand like ASUS for more cost. Still trying to stick to a budget build though.
Why does ChooseMyPC from the sidebar recommend the Gigabyte GA-H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 MOBO all the way up to a $2,100 build? Is the mother board really so irrelevant that its worth it to put a $50 MOBO in a $1000+ computer?
I am trying to figure out my first build for a photo/video editing powerful enough for some casual gaming as well. I just want to make sure I have enough space to plug in extra stuff like an internal card reader, plenty of USBs etc.
Edit: my budget is about $1000
I'm still unsure about this. Does this one work? And does since it is a DDR4 motherboard does it come with the DDR4 RAM or is that bought separately? This motherboard thing is killing me...
These all the first results on amazon in the motherboard section. All have a PS/2 port. So yes. I could use my 10-year-old PS/2 mouse on a new computer.
I decided to try building an entry PC based on the sales on this site, this is what i have so far.
This ebay coupon still works for me – $20 off $75 ebay purchase
Part | Choice | Store | Cost | Thread |
CPU | I3-6100. | Ebay | $156-$36=$120 | Thread |
Mobo | Gigabyte GA-H110M-A | Amazon | $65-$10= $55 | Thread |
Ram | 8GB DDR4 2400Hz | Amazon | $75-$25= $60 | None. |
GPU | GTX 1050Ti | Ebay. | $215-$45=$170 | Thread |
Case | Bitfenix Comrade Black Window ATX Mid | NCIX | $104-$69= $35 | None |
PSU | Corsair Builder Series Modular CX550M | Canada Computers | $90-$15-$20MIR= $55 | Thread |
Drive | 250GB 850 evo SSD | | $190-$80=$110 | None |
Total | $505-$20MIR=$485 |
I used the GTX 1050Ti because people at this pricerange (Like myself) just want good cheap 1080p@60hz performance, without worrying too much about stats, or $/FPS ratios. I did see a couple other options though, either up or down ~$50 will both get you great cards for the money, letting you fiddle with the build to match your budget.
Part | Choice | Store | Cost | Thread |
GPU | Zotac GTX 1050 Mini | The Source | $150-$25Coupon=$125 | Thread |
GPU | Asus Strix RX 470 | Canada Computers | $275-$15-$30MIR=$230 | Thread |
For people who don’t have a PC already, or even just want to upgrade
Part | Choice | Store | Cost | Thread |
Monitor | Samsung 22” FHD TN | | $180-$81=$99 | Thread |
OS | Windows 10 free trial | | $0 | None |
HDD | Seagate Baricuda 7200RPM | NCIX | $150-$50=$100 | Thread |
I used the free trial for about 6 months while saving up after buying my PC, everything works fine as long as you’re ok with not being able customize, and having a watermark in the bottom right. Unless they patched it, you can even change the wallpaper through the browser.
Having just an ssd isnt a problem if you have an external hdd. If all your playing is LOL trust me your build will get the results you want. You just need to change your mobo to something basic since you wont be overclocking. something like the Gigabyte GA-H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard works fine and should shave a few bucks off your build. You would be better off getting 2x4gb ram instead of 1x8gb. gives a bit of a preformance boost but then again ram is cheap so you could always buy another 8gb stick later (you wont need 16gb of ram for LOL but maybe if you decided to play something else in the future it could be nice). No real need for an optical drive these days but by all means buy it if you feel you need it.
Heres a link to amazon but feel free to shop around
ohh and here is some gameplay of league at max settings 1080p with your cpu gpu combo. you can even play at 4k but then again those arent cheap.
TD;LR buy this Gigabyte GA-H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard and enjoy 200fps at max if your monitor can handle it.
SolidWorks, correct me if I'm wrong, is fairly CPU heavy I believe, so you'll want a powerful CPU -- the i7-6700K is the best in the enthusiast grade stuff. This build combines it with an R9 380 graphics card, and a high-quality PSU. I'd modify the build slightly -- swap out the ASUS motherboard for the cheaper Micro ATX gigabyte board, which will fit with the case.
Then, if you want more disk space, that gives you room to upgrade to the 480GB SSD if you wish. Windows is $85 on Amazon currently, so this build would put you around $1025. A solid build that will edit very well and handle most games on medium to high at 1080p. If you want more gaming pop, consider the RX 480 when it's back in stock.
Amazon has a used GIGABYTE GA-H110M-A for $40
>Isn’t that how warranties usually work?
Pretty much, it seems that everything I buy dies right after the warranty period or lasts forever.
I have found a ddr3 compatible motherboard that's in stock, but in Europe (free shipping though):
If you want to future-proof your system, you should get DDR4 and a board that supports it like this one (it's even on sale for $45) (Name is GIGABYTE GA-H110M-A):
And you need ram, so here's a single(you have the ability to add another in the future) 8GB stick from Crucial:
You could easily sell the ddr3 ram you already have on ebay for $30-$40 if you wanted to recoup the cost of the new stuff.
If you ever plan on getting an overclockable processor, you will need a z170 board to take advantage of it.
The answer is yes, and the more corners you can cut, the better a pc you can make.
The trick is, at that price you want to spend as much on the graphics card as you possibly can. As much as half the budget even.
That is only possible if you can save a ton of money elsewhere.
First of all try spending next to no money on a monitor, case, keyboard, mouse, sound, maybe even power supply.
Any case built in the last 20 years will be compatible with modern parts. You don't need to buy new. Ditto for pretty much most powersupplies (though not the cheapest ones, those tend to have weird modifications)
If you have a friend with a 10 year old HP they got from future shop, that's more than enough to start with. Heck, if it has a hard drive with a working copy of windows 7 on it you're gold!
Literally any old box will probably do.
Ditto a monitor, speakers and peripherals. Kijiji that shit or whatever. You can get better stuff later on over time.
What you want to spend money on is a CPU, motherboard, RAM, and video card.
I recommend pcpartspicker website to find the best prices and put together a build. It's a wonderful site.
The current budget CPU champ is the intel Pentium g4560, which is getting hard to find but goes for $80 or so.
Then find the cheapest lga 1151 motherboard, such as this one for $65
Ram is a big problem these days. Prices have almost doubled in the last couple years. It's become a precious commodity that reallly kills budget builds.
I recommend 4gigs of 2400mhz ddr4 for around $50.
Skyrim mods are infamous for using memory, and you'll probably want 8 gigs, but I'd make a 2nd 4 gig stick à lower priority, depending on the budget you have elsewhere. It's trivial to add in the months ahead anyways.
So 90+70+50 gets us to $210
Finally, for the gpu the value king right now is either a rx 560 or a 1050 for $150 to $170. Maybe even a 1050 ti for $200 something if you can manage.
$150 gets us to $360, meaning you have $150 to find a box with a hard drive and windows, plus the rest.
Totally doable, but only if you can find the non essential parts for free or cheap.
Edit: I highly recommend this video to get a feel for what old computer parts are crap, vs which are still useful:
He rightly notes that the power supplies in prebuilt PC's are suspect, so buying one seperate might be worth it. For example this
Once you have a good idea of what you have vs what you need to buy, come post in the daily threads at /r/bapcsalescanada for plenty of help.
> i5-660
Did you mean i5-6600? That would be an LGA 1151 socket chip, which would be compatible with an Asrock H110M-DS Hyper motherboard. The i5-660 is an older chip from about 8 years ago that was for the LGA 1156 socket.
I haven't specifically been watching the price of the Skylake i5s, but I would say an i5-6600 would probably go for about $100-120, and an H110 chipset motherboard should be about $20-30, given you can buy a basic one new for $40 brand new or $30 after rebate. Perhaps not the exact model, but the H110 chipset is a no-fills budget chipset.
GIGABYTE GA-H110M-A LGA1151 Intel H110 Micro ATX DDR4 Motherboard
It's a pretty basic LGA1151 motherboard
Hows this moba? It would save me some cash to allocate elsewhere if it's decent enough? Idk if a moba is something to skimp on? I appreciate your help.
this is my mother board.
I don't recall it having a light in the first place.
However, no dice on the light, if there is one.
Thinking of getting this SSD but not sure. Is it good? Are there faster or more reliable ones for same price? Was going to get this one but seems the price went up since the last time I looked at it
Had to add the links in a comment since the last time I added links in the post here I got flagged for spam because the links(mod confirmed that was what happened).
Hello, so i decided to switch to the pentium, but i chose a different mobo
Does this mobo allow upgrade paths for the future?
Thinking of getting this SSD but not sure. Is it good? Are there faster or more reliable ones for same price? Was going to get this one but seems the price went up since the last time I looked at it
Had to add the links in a comment since the last time I added links in the post here I got flagged for spam because the links(mod confirmed that was what happened).
Gigabyte LGA1151 Intel H110 Micro ATX DDR4 Motherboard GA-H110M-A
Well you can still go for a while with the gpu and RAM so yeah I'd get a cpu for around 200 dollars and mobo with the leftovers Edit: mobo something like this
This is a good priced mATX board which is cheaper than both itx and atx and its still bigger than the itx board also having two extra pci slots. And this RX 480 4GB will be far better than the 3gb 1060.
The 1st gen i3 will never hold up in 2016. The problem is, upgrading your cpu to say, an i3 6100 means a motherboard upgrade, which means RAM upgrades too. Here's probably the cheapest upgrade route which should make the machine a 1080p beast:
Motherboard: RAM: Intel i3 6100:
Total cost: $202
Should be okay, RAM is easily swappable for something faster if that is important to you.
like that'd do tbh, there's not many great non-overclockable boards, I would recommend a K version
yeah the i3 is much better choice, you only need 8gb of ram too, will save you about 40$
I'd look into this mobo as well:
i am currently building a mid range gaming pc and a best buy employee told me the video card i want to buy will not work with the motherboard i already bought is this true? these are the parts motherboard .... graphics card Currently using this one. Nothing special but it gets the job done.
Oh wow, good thing I posted here. Thank you!
How about this Gigabyte LGA1151 Intel H110 Micro ATX with one of these Ballistix Sport LT 8GB Single DDR4 2400 MT/s?
This for a 6500. You also might want t look into a different psu like an evga 500b because the cx line doesn't have a good reputation.
Gigabyte LGA1151 Intel H110 Micro ATX DDR4 Motherboard GA-H110M-A
Gigabyte GA-H110M-A LGA1151 Intel H110 Micro ATX DDR4 Motherboard
Turns out I didn't notice the 2 extra standoffs; everything seems to fit in place now, thanks!
yes, micro atx will fit in atx. microatx is just a bit smaller, so some people prefer that more. also, don't you have to buy the whole combo if you want the discounted price?
anyway, moving onto the cpu. shows that the i3 6100 performs better. i'm not really sure which site to trust, though. that's up to you to decide.
as for the mobo, this one costs around the same as your combo'd mobo if you switch to intel
This one is pretty good value for $45. Only for prime members though.
Sweet, updated, how would this mobo stand up?
i just changed the motherboard to this one: Am I going to need to buy a wired connection adaptor? Im really new to this PC thing. I've always been on Laptops or consoles and now Im gonna try to build a PC hahaha. The funny part is that im gonna have to bring everything together and hope that it work. The PC is here: Do I really need to get 16gb of memory? I was thinking maybe 8gb..
Apparently I'm not good at linking things. I meant to post the link for the
Would this motherboard work with the I5 6500 and the GTX 1060?
Update parts list per your specifications:
That puts me right on budget. :)
One last thing, will this motherboard
fit in the case?
Gigabyte GA-H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151.
I'm not sure what a USB header is.
This is my motherboard:
This is my power supply:
Using HWiNFO64, I just wanted to check the temps after my new build was complete. I noticed my temps for the motherboard may possibly be a bit higher than normal:
However, I'm not too sure. Just wanted to check. Temperature 4 reads in the 90 Celsius range... what is Temperature 4 and is that a normal temperature?
Would be fitting an i5 6500
I have some DDR3 RAM sticks and was wondering if they would be compatible with a LGA 1151 MOBO.
Parts I´m considering are:
Is this a better mother board than what’s in my build
Gigabyte GA-H110M-A LGA1151 Intel H110 Micro ATX DDR4 Motherboard
Will my evga gtx 1080 sc fit in this mobo? and also will it fit in this case?
I have this with my i5 6500 and 750ti
I just spent a full hour writing about this but it got deleted by my mistake :-: I recommend these parts
The CPU is good enough for the game you will be playing, the motherboard is good enough and more expensive ones sell you feature you don't need. The RAM will do you fine and is enough for any game you want and the GPU will be perfect for 1080p with 3GB of VRAM. For storage, go with a cheap 500GB HDD but I would certainly recommend an SSD for the future. The power supply will do you fine no matter what anyone else says, trust me (powers my R9 280X which is a LOT more power hungry). I would recommend looking round Ebay, Facebook selling sites etc etc for any used components or 'starting points' with Ebay being the best bet in my opinion due to the massive amounts of sellers. If you see a 6600 or a 6600k for the same or less than on Amazon, snag it up and make sure to have a CPU cooler with it (stock will do you again, I have experience with 6600/6500 running on stock coolers and it's perfectly fine)
Sorry if the response looks rushed, I had a better one but I clicked something and it deleted :'( Would love to hear about how the build goes, may your frames be high and temperatures at a low enough level!
EDIT BEFORE POSTING : 'Bomba' recommended an 8GB RX 470 - that's pointless for 1080p in my opinion and having a Pentium Dual core isn't something anyone would crave. I also have bad experience with Corsair PSUs but I haven't tried the 450W.