Hey man I got this one and its cheap on amazon! You may wanna take a look at it and it comes with bluetooth.
> get a wifi card with ac band >
Only really matters if he has a router with an AC band.
The TL-WDN4800 is pretty good, I use it myself.
The WB867D-I is sold out at SuperBiiz, has been for... over 6 months at least now. $58 @ Amazon
Wireless card = PCIe card
Wireless adapter = USB dongle
That being said, I use a dare I say it wireless PCIe card to game. I used a USB dongle in the past. Sure they're slightly cheaper but not worth it overall (performance and aesthetic wise). I'd recommend this one from amazon.
I use and like this one: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2/Wireless AC/B/G/N Band Dual Frequency 2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz Expansion Card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_zrfqFbPENH3JZ
Gets me about 400 mbps on 5ghz WiFi with gigabit internet.
we just moved and now I'm not connected to the ethernet. Cool thing was that my gigabyte MB has built in wifi so I took out the antenna. Less cool thing was that my cat decided it was Twizzlers and bit it cleaned into 3 pieces. Is there a suitable replacement for such a old part? Or even an upgrade?
it kind of depends on the use case of the pc and how much you want to spend. Does your mom need wired internet for some reason or would her use case work just fine with wifi?
I think returning the PC, maybe the cheapest option, It seems like a huge hassle.
I would probably go with #2 but instead of a usb wifi dongle, I would just buy a wifi expansion card for the motherboard. My PCs mobo does not have wifi either and I have found this to be a great option.
I picked up this Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2/Wireless AC/B/G/N Band Dual Frequency 2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz Expansion Card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_U-c5Fb0XS06BG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Plug and play on mint 19.2
https://www.amazon.in/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-WiFi-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1551604057&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX118_SY170_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=gigabyte+gc-wb867d-i&dpPl=1&dpID=41BpgO0sa-L&ref=plSrch Alright that's the Amazon link. The model is gigabyte GC-WB867D-I. You can buy it from other sites too if you get a better price, or if you see another better card go for that as well. These cards are called WiFi and Bluetooth expansion cards, if that helps you with your search.
It's a gigabyte expansion card.
Here is the Amazon link Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2/Wireless AC/B/G/N Band Dual Frequency 2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz Expansion Card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_OIHbDb522YG02
Description: Fully qualified Bluetooth 4.2
IEEE 802.11ac standards compliant. Intel WIFI module supports Intel WIDI
Antenna to support WLAN 2Tx2R transmission
High speed wireless connection up to 867 Mbps
Bluetooth Enhances Data Rate (EDR) support
Thanks for any help. If you have pointers towards sound that would be great. Thanks. I'm a beginner
I made one myself. Bought a PCIE wifi adapter off ebay and bought a Intel 9260 wifi chip off Amazon. Saved me 10-15$ plus I knew I had the latest wifi chip in the market(at the time, Intel has new wifi chips for wifi 6 called the ax series). The adapters itself don't mean much as long as they work and dissipate heat properly, it's the chip that you wanna look at. This is the most recommended one, but it uses an older Intel 8260 chip. It still is a very reliable chip, my friend has one and has high speeds with no ping spikes. Its main feature is its movable antenna because 90% of the markets wifi cards have antennas that stick out behind the PC. This is very bad as you get a very weak signal especially on 5ghz. The reason I have 3-4 bars instead of 5 is cause I have antennas that stick out the back. Very good adapter though.
No reason why not. Is it a PCI-E antenna? A quick search pulled this device up which would be an affordable solution (as long as you've got a spare USB header somewhere on your mobo).
I've had this one recommended to me but only used it briefly myself (also it cost 18 bucks less then). That said, it does have decent reviews on Amazon.
If you're comfortable opening up your PC and installing a PCIE card, this is a good option. Much beefier than a USB plug-and-play solution.
If you aren't too far from your router, you won't need an extender at all.
Dang, I forgot he needs wifi and that motherboard doesn't support wifi. I think i'll just add a wifi card since I like that current motherboard and it seems like a good deal, and adding a wifi card is about the same cost as a similar mobo with wifi.
Just get a PCIe card like 99% of people do. boop
They work with AMD cpus but if you have the space in your case and on your board, just get one of those. Asus and MSI also make something similar. Make sure to plug the antenna in too.
M.2 e key for wifi/bt is just an uncommon feature that's all.
I'm sure there are lots of good wifi cards M.2 cards out there though. If you want the space go for it. Just be sure to connect the antenna. You can use Intel ones (those be the best) with any processor even AMD.
Oh yeah, another thing is that I'm on windows 8. Here is a link to the Wi-Fi card I have https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=54195342137&gclid=CjwKCAjw3azoBRAXEiwA-_64OljKVxjIEpUpbaZgZVVi6vZ-hKJ9G1EeciOH7DdDFdPPw5ZYJC1xWhoCNcQQAvD_BwE&hvadid=27478584760...
Your best bet is probably to use an Intel wifi card, which tends to have excellent Linux support.
Of course, finding those in full sized PCI-E is... Difficult, in that I couldn't in a whole 10 minutes of hunting, but there are some options still.
Namely, mini-PCI-E to PCI-E cards with antenna adapters are totally a thing, and https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6 looks like one exactly that, but bundled and sold together.
This is the one that I have in my rig. Its nothing special at all, but it does the job and I don't notice any lag (then again, I'm not an enthusiast who would know the lag when I saw it in the first place).
I have been using this one for 2.5 years and it hasn't given me problems: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1548769360&sr=8-3&keywords=gigabyte+wifi+card
Considering yours is more expensive, I doubt you have problems.
You're looking for:
Dual band
large external antenna
good reviews
low price
It's very common for apartments to have ethernet wired up to the individual apartments, double check with your landlro.
Quick google search for:
wifi bluetooth pcie
brought up this: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Which looks like it has great reviews and comes from a reputable company. Should be easy to compare models, just make sure you check to make sure that you're getting something with the latest standards (hit wikipedia for wifi / BT standards and up to date info).
What you very clearly NEED, and you don't think you do, but you do, is Bluetooth. Hear me out.
Connect Bluetooth headphones.
Connect smartphones.
Connect a Nintendo Wiimote and use it as a computer mouse. Or play Pikmin with it - on your PC!
Connect PS4 dualshock controllers - cause we both know they're better than any other game controller out there.
Connect Bluetooth speakers.
Other stuff I'm probably forgetting!
Bluetooth is pretty lifechanging.
For $35. Plus you get wifi.
Go for a pcie card. They always have multiple antennas which can give better speeds and I've always gotten better reception with them because of the external antennas which you can mount at a higher point. Gigabyte had one with work built in Bluetooth which comes in handy.
A USB one can be handy if you need to take it on the go, but for a desktop just get a pcie one.
This is the one I've been using: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_FaP6BbJJFNXM5
> Do motherboards come with cat5 ports,
Yup all consumer motherboards come with Ethernet full stop.
>and no one here cares about wifi?
Most go Ethernet, or Powerline adapter-->Ethernet, for maximum low-latency gaming and max speeds.
>Bluetooth is a must-have,
Bloody right! Nothing like using a Nintendo Wiimote as a mouse for day-to-day use. Also Bluetooth headphones and game controllers!
> but I rarely see adapters included in parts lists.
They do exist, and typically you want to look for wifi AC dual band, Bluetooth 4.2, and an antenna all in one convenient PCIe package.
Most popular choice: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Others exist, I have an intel one it works just fine. Got a Velcro antenna that slaps onto the side of my PC.
Some motherboards also come with wifi, and if they do, they also have Bluetooth, and come with an antenna. Don't forget to plug the thing in. Bluetooth without the antenna is not a life you want to live.
CPU: Very bad choice for CPU, unless your main concern is maxing out Counter Strike and Overwatch FPS on a 240hz monitor. Plus you'll need a z370 motherboard to overclock that 8350k. Reason: it only has 4 cores and 4 threads. Consider replacing it with an i5-8400 which is 6 cores/6 threads.
RAM Get 2666mhz memory as that's the default supported speed by coffee lake. It's like $5 extra if even that. Also make sure you put the RAM in the correct slots to get dual channel whenyou do install it, so you get that sweet dual channel support.
Motherboard Again, you need a z370 to overclock an 8350k. But just get a b360 ATX motherboard. You have an mITX motherboard for an ATX case. No reason to pay all that extra money and lose all that extra connectivity. maybe consider an mATX build with an mATX case and mohterboard? Lots of sweet mATX cases like the Meshify Mini.
CPU Cooler: Yes it will fit. The i5-8400 comes with one. but this will be cooler.
Monitor: not listed. I assume a 1080p monitor?
wifi if you just bought that board cause it has wifi, consider just getting a wifi card. https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
There are also full atx b360 boards with wifi.
Seems like the antenna for the wireless card? Those 2 connectors might screw into the back and the antenna can be mounted in a higher position. I'm not sure just going on looks
Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi Expansion Card Components Other GC-WB867D-I https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_X4fEBbM1YMEB3
This kinda confirms that it is the antenna for the wireless card in the link above
dude PM me, I have one just laying around. I'll give it to you for free if you pay to ship it. Also has bluetooth. Its not A/C but its good enough i gamed on it for years. its this model. just the older version i believe.
Are you connected via the 5Ghz frequency?
Generally a PCIe wifi card will be more reliable and give you better speeds. This is my go to card. Got these in a couple of my systems and they work great.
This Gigabyte WiFi card is quite the favorite.
It's a pretty fast WiFi card that also comes with Bluetooth 4.2 capability. It advertises a high speed wireless connection up to 867 Mbps. A very nice combo for only $34.
There are no direct dedicated internal Bluetooth adapters, but there are WLAN adapters that also has Bluetooth capabilites as well, like this one.
You need a wireless card for wireless, yes. I'd recommend a nice one with a bluetooth thing and a nice big antenna. This card gets the /r/buildapc choice award: dual band, huge antenna, BT 4.2 support, wifi AC
The OTHER option is to use a powerline adapter, so you can still use ethernet without running cables more than a couple feet. That's strongly recommended if you're into online gaming, or if you have a super fast connection and want to get the full speed and not have to deal wireless
The OTHER OTHER option is to buy a wifi USB stick. We really don't recommend this no one does don't do this.
ive been using this one for a year works well and pretty cheap. antenna is magnetic so it can stick to a metal frame case.
To add to what /u/sneacon was saying...
If you're looking to get a wifi card and usb bluetooth dongle, I would make sure you have a 6ft USB extension cord handy too.
I have the PCE-68 model, and keep the antenna magnetized to the top of my tower. My USB bluetooth dongle worked terribly plugged into the back on the tower. It was simply too close to the wifi antenna to work well (Pretty sure that was it anyway.) So I used the usb extension cable to keep the dongle on top of my desk.
HOWEVER... if you need both, and only need it for internet (opposed to fast/bulky network file transfers). I feel like the Gigabyte GC-WB867D will get the job done with a negligible difference. You can sometimes find it for around $30. That's what I paid and use it in my secondary computer.
I'll contribute by saying just get this https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6 it's just an Intel 8260 with Bluetooth but at least you get regular driver updates by Intel. Or if you prefer go on ebay find an NGFF pcie wifi adapter and Intel 8265 which is what I did, supports MU-MIMO and newest adapter
People will tell you to post in /r/buildapcforme since they've put in the rules:
>DON'T post
> Requests to be given a build.
I will however give you a couple of pointers on your requirements.
2.USB, sure. SD card reader, no. You will get a quality USB 3.0 card reader for a couple of bucks. Don't restrict your options. Plus most cases that feature them use really bottom of the barrel stuff to cut costs. Not worth it.
6.The build-in wireless adapter is no different that buying a pcie x1 wireless adapter. For instance, this adapter, if you zoom in on the card, you'll see that it's essentially an adapter that holds an m.2 wifi adapter. That m.2 is that most boards with "included wifi" use. Again, don't restrict your options.
8.Memory and storage are two different things. Of which you probably need large capacities on both. Storage comes in the form of SDDs (small capacity/fast) and mechanical HDDs (large capacity/slow). That's what you use to store videos. Totally different than memory.
Sorry wasn't more clear, I'm talking about the actual wifi antenna, not an access point or repeater. Plugs into the back on my PC to the internal wireless card with an RP-SMA connection. All I did was insert two three meter cables so I can put my wifi antenna on top of a bookshelf in my office. (The actual access point is in our living room.)
This is my wireless card: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519022377&sr=8-1&keywords=gigabyte+wifi+antenna
The cord on the current wifi antenna is barely a meter long.
I used this Gigabyte pcie card and was generally happy with it. It performed as well as any wifi card I've ever used, but unfortunately does not work as well as a wired connection.
Don't get a wired nic, board already comes with one
Id get a wifi card that supports ac like this one https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Id get a hdd or other storage solution as 500gb will fillup fast with games.
That cooler will be fine if you don't want to oc much. If you want to oc more id get a high end air cooler like a nhd15 or dark rock pro 3.
That gpu won't be used at all, id just get the igpu. The igpu will have more than enough power here and is better for video play back the the nvidia gpu.
Id get a wifi card like this one so you get ac. https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Use the stock cooler. Its more than enough here. I built a system with a g4600 and stock cooler and it was silent even with a full gpu and cpu load.
Does anyone have this bluetooth/wifi card? If so, what do you think of it? I've heard that it works well, but some of the reviews seem to say that the bluetooth 4.0 (which I need to connect VR controllers) doesn't work that well on it.
The motherboard on your list has pretty much everything you need, this is a really good wifi card and it has bluetooth.
Haven't seen any deals on ones that I've seen recommended before. However, I see this one get recommended a lot (I also own it) in case you don't find any others. It works great.
I'm assuming by LAN wall adapter you are referring to powerline adapters? Which in that case you should buy one from bestbuy and test it out. I personally was unable to buy one as my house doesn't have a lot of plugs. Most of the ones that support pass-through block the outlet above, and aren't capable of powering a surge protector.
I have one of these - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I can't complain what so ever, it's fast, super reliable, and native win10 driver support. Adds bluetooth as well, it's been very reliable.
I ordered this a couple months back, so I forgot who shipped it to me, unfortunately.
However, although pcpartpicker only lists superbiiz, it is available on other sites like amazon, but for $20 more. Feel free to look around on your preferred sites and stores. Ultimately, it's your call.
Do you know you'll need the Blu Ray drive? Because most people don't include an optical drive in their build anymore as they are usually not used anymore.
Also get the G2 or G3 650W. The NEX is an older and crappier model. Also get a SSD. A build that expensive without a SSD doesn't make sense.
Also you can get Bluetooth and Wi-Fi combo cards which are cheaper https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
They're not integrated, they're usually in an mPCIe slot or mSATA slot. I would return the one you bought, and just get a complete unit like this one:
Then you won't have to buy antennae for it as well.
So I bought this wifi card https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
to go with my h110m mobo, but my computer isn't recognizing it. Also, it said to usb connect it to f_usb, but my mobo only has j_usb?
I have a Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2/Wireless AC/B/G/N Band Dual Frequency 2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz Expansion Card. And I think it's pretty great for WiFi gaming. Should suit your needs.
Go with Ryzen 5 1600 and ditch the cooler and get B350. You save some money and have neat identical performance.
I use the 1600+1080+dell 24 1440p144hz set up and get 50-60 FPS witcher 3 ultra in 4k
Could go for larger SSD if you make these changes.
Also no need for a sound card with these changes.
I'd get this wireless card: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2/Wireless AC/B/G/N Band Dual Frequency 2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz Expansion Card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_SXlRFi3faA53w
Also get 2 NZXT 140mm fans ($20) and use the s340's 2 120mm fans for outtake.
This isn’t a dongle but I use this expansion card and it’s been able to connect my DS4, XB1 Controller and my switch controller with no issues. I haven’t tried to pair my headphones to it yet though.
I would definitely still get the HDD. I’m am advocate for as much space as possible, but I am a bit of a data hoarder. As for wifi adapters the best value, in my opinion, are the PCI-e adapters with AC in the ~$40 range. I forget the exact model number of mine, but I have a $35 gigabyte PCI-e with AC wifi and bluetooth and it’s been great.
Edit: I have this wifi card. It is worth noting it has some issues in rare cases with 5GHz networks, but I've contacted support about it and hope we can get a driver fix out for it.
Edit: As for the GPU compatibility issue, whether that impacts things depends on the layout of the case and I’m not familiar with that one in particular so can’t say.
So you can't make it work without this bracket? It's in the back no one's gonna see it, make it fit. Aren't these ac Bluetooth WiFi cards like $40 new, why did you buy used? Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.0/Wireless AC/B/G/N Band Dual Frequency 2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz Expansion Card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_cFJnzbDZTP3B6
You'd be surprised what the difference of a few feet off to the side can do to a WiFi signal ;)
I love recommending this guy because it kinda does everything. Bluetooth, full modern WiFi spectrum and an antenna you can move (to combat the stipulation above).
Hey, I just built my pc, but am having trouble with the wlan adapter -it's this one: Gigabyte GC WB867D I tihnk it uses the PCIe Express x1 slot, but my graphic card is blocking it (my mainboard is the MSI B350 Tomahawk). I don't understand the table in the motherboard manual and none of the other slots are the same size. Does anyone know if/how I can still install the wlan adapter?
I used this for years with no issues. I don't use it while at school, but at home where my wireless is almost as great as my wired at school it works excellently.
this one from Gigabyte is super popular. but anything with Dual Band, AC, External Antenna, good reviews, is a good buy. also depends if you want bluetooth. I personally own an intel 7260 and while yes it was $50 it works incredible.
Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi Expansion Card Components Other GC-WB867D-I https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_fKt9HiKauA7CL I have this one and it works great! I'm really far away from my router and this card makes it as if I was right next to it
This seems to be the only PCI bluetooth card that has acceptable reviews that I can find anywhere. Even still, you need to plug the card into a USB header on the mobo to have bluetooth functionality...bottom line is you ARE using USB for bluetooth, period. Unless you use a laptop.
Yep you'll need one. I recommend this one by Gigabyte if you can find it somewhere
Okay, Thanks! I'll look this one up, anything is better than what I'm getting now.
EDIT: Is this the one you have, by chance?
Alright, well.. that router is very good. I am not sure if you made the mistake and mean the Netgear Nighthawk? I can't find the Asus Nighthawk.
Regardless if it got the dual band, then you want to get this beauty. This is a very well reviewed AC WiFi (5GHz) & Bluetooth 4.0 card. If you want to use the bluetooth you have to connect a wire into a USB 2.0 header on the motherboard. But the WiFi works without connecting anything.
That card should have no problem connecting to your router, even if it needs to push through a few walls.
Thanks for your input! I live in an apartment and the only place I can hardwire is in the bedroom I don't live in (roommate). So would my best bet be something like the below?
This way I have wi-fi and bluetooth capabilities. Would something like this fit in the case under the media build?
I might be having this available in the future if you are still looking by then.
It looks like you don't have anything below your video card so you should have a free pcie x1 slot just below your video card. I did a brief search and they seem to average around 50-60 dollars. I found one that also does Bluetooth which is kinda nifty. Here's a link https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Adapter-Computer/dp/B00HF8K0O6
If you want to search around your search terms are "pcie x1 wireless ac". You probably have a regular pci open in there as well so you could check "pci wireless ac" but make sure it comes up with pci stuff and not pcie because they are different.
For your WiFi/Bluetooth you'll need to install:
in one of your PCI-e slots.
You also didn't post a budget of what you are willing to spend. If you are on a budget, I would look for maybe a 500GB Kingston brand SSD to where you could save ~$30-$50 in that department.
I don't see that you have a CPU cooler. I personally own the Kraken X61 and think it would be a perfect addition to this gaming build, if you could afford it. The CAM software it comes with allows you to change fan speeds and LEDs at any time; perfect for hardcore gaming.
I would also spend the extra $30 on an i5-6600k, just in case you ever feel like you want to OC to expand your gaming capabilities.
Other than that, I think you're good. Make sure your 480 can fit in that MicroATX case though.
Hope I could help.
The most basic 802.11 n I want to say does 300 megabits per second so wireless n will be able to handle 50 down / 20 up. Though I can tell you your problem the TP-Link adapter. Same router was used both tests, and if you held the phone near the PC the signal was travelling through the same walls and the same distance. The speed difference between the phone's wifi and the PC's was massive. I would try swapping out to either this wifi card or a powerline adapter.
Looks like it goes up to 802.11 AC which means it has decent throughput. I did notice it has internal antennas which usually means its range is usually weaker than ones with external. If you take a jab at replacing the PC's wifi card I would consider this.
>one PCI-E slot
You have 3. They're just in different sizes. Assuming you have a dual-slot GPU, you have a PCIe x1 card slot available at the bottom.
You can put a PCIe x1 Wifi card into the slot, or use a USB card. A USB card won't be able to drive the bandwidth that a PCIe x1 one would, but it'd be good enough for up to 100Mbps.
There are no problems with getting this PCI, right? And I could also get the GTX 1070 G1 Gaming instead of the Windforce as well if I wanted to?
I got this and was amazed at the range on both the wifi and bluetooth https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Edit: three people just recommended in the time it took me to look up the card and paste it here. This is the one.
If you're concerned about latency for gaming and a wired connection isn't an option, then you might want to consider using a PCI-E wifi card instead of a more expensive USB wifi stick. The only "latency increase" I can think of is (perhaps) some additional processing time required because of the USB interface, rather than the more direct connection provided by a PCI-E slot; this would be an issue no matter how expensive of a USB stick you went and bought, as it's a limitation of USB itself, not of the stick.
I honestly couldn't advise either way, as I've never really noticed any latency issues over the USB wireless-ac card I have on my LAN box.
If you'd like a recommendation for a decent PCI-E wireless card, I would stand behind this one that u/jamvanderloeff recommended earlier in the thread for $30.
Sorry, I don't have any recommendations. I fucking hate WiFi outside of phones and laptops. 802.11n or even better 802.11AC (though no benefit if your AP isn't AC). 5GHz will help, especially if you have neighbors. This one seems popular but it's out of stock for the next few days.
It could be a quality control issue on TP Link's end. You could see if being closer to the router makes the ping issue go away. The adapter you have currently is only 2.4GHz so you won't be able to try jumping to the 5GHz band to avoid congestion. Lastly I'd try removing and reinstalling the drivers. If you do end up replacing it then I would consider this adapter as it is dual band and for the price includes Bluetooth. Hasn't given any issues to 3 people I know who use it.
I can't remember the exact model, but I think I may have gotten it on sale now that I looked at the prices of their cards.
This car looks good. It's a little pricier but still in your budget. It also has Bluetooth too which is nice to have.
Dude get this. My sister has the exact same computer and we got that for it. It's super easy to install (take off the side, plug in to PCI port, plug Bluetooth cable in to available plug on the moherboard if you want Bluetooth, put the side back on and then screw the wifi receiver on to the back. Boot up computer and use the disc to install drivers). This thing works perfectly for both wifi and bluetooth and I'm very happy with it.
Practically not at all.
The ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming is nice.
The Gigabyte adapter it's nice, AC support and a antenna that's not tied directly to the back of your PC.
Maybe like 20% more?
Do you know if this would work for my PC. Do they tend to have compatibility issues with hardware or should I be fine?
I have this one. It's a little more expensive, but it has bluetooth support which is amazing if you don't already have it.
You may not think you want bluetooth, but you can do varying things with your phone, dependent on the phone's abilities. You can sync it to a wireless speaker to play music from you computer in a different room, you can use it to sync gamepads like DualShock3, DualShock4, and WiiMotes. Awesome for couch gaming and Wii emulators. There are also bluetooth SNES/NES/etc gamepads.
Also, it comes with a detached antenna, so if your tower is under a desk or something you can put the antenna on top of the desk for better signal.
Motherboards not generally come with a wifi card, so you will most likely need to buy one. I would recommend buying a combo wifi and Bluetooth card so that you can have Bluetooth capacity as well. This card has good reviews and goes for about $30 on Amazon.
I spam this whenever ppl ask about wifi cards. I bought this and it works perfectly.
as far as I know, I never actually tried it, it uses a PCIe 1x slot for wifi, but a usb 2.0 header for bluetooth to be a generic bluetooth adapter
amazon link
You are going to want one of these:
Had one for a while and it is good, aren't really going to find a deal on one though, I had one and just sold it here for 25 bucks, it went in a matter of hours.
If you are willing to spend a bit more this is by far your best value option and you also get Bluetooth connectivity.
Unless you buy a pcie Bluetooth card (something like that), a dongle is a great option. They're usually tiny and almost unnoticeable, and a very common solution.
I am using a PCI-e card now and it was worth every dime. It's supports 802.11ac and it has bluetooth. The signal is always perfect, whereas USB adapter always dropped signal. I've never had great experiences with USB adapters.
I am using the Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I
I bought this one http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6 It has bluetooth built in and supports ac wifi with an included external antenna, if you can't or don't want to run an ethernet cable this is probably the best bang for the buck.
I have this as my WiFi/Bluetooth PCI card. It comes with an external antenna that helpfully has a magnet to attach to your case. If you do not attach said antenna, the card will have spotty performance; if you do attach said antenna the card functions gloriously. Only downside is you need a free USB-2.0 header on your motherboard to get the Bluetooth functionality. If you have a spare USB-2.0 header, I recommend this one. I've not had any problems with it, and Windows, Mac, and Linux have all worked with it.
I gave up on trying to fix it. I bought the wireless adapter that came out last month, but it didn't remedy the issue so I ended up buying this wi-fi card with Bluetooth capability and now have a DualShock 4 connected wirelessly. It works perfectly.
Any card you'd recommend instead? I don't need AC wifi speeds, but would like a dual-band card, possibly with bluetooth.
Was looking at this Gigabyte card, but over at Jet because the Amazon one is sold out. Any thoughts?
Almost all adapters are compatible with all routers. Check what radio your router is (b/g/n/ac), and what band it operates in (2.4Ghz/5Ghz). If you're unsure, just let us know the model number. You shouldn't have to worry about the compatibility with your motherboard unless your motherboard actually has a wireless adapter built-in. If anything, if you get a PCIe card (recommended), make sure you have the slots to support it. Personally, I recommend the Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I because having bluetooth as an extra is nice.
I guess I was looking for a specific suggestion that people have had success with. This Gigabyte seems to be well-rated on Amazon, and i in my price range, but not sure if there are better options...http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6?psc=1&ref_=ox_sc_saved_image_1&ref_=redir_mobile_desktop&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
I did this in my rig as well! Wanted to give my GTX 980 some breathing room.
For anyone looking for an amazing 801.11 AC (close to gigabit) WiFi card with Bluetooth 4.0 here's a great card! I hate those stupid dongles with a passion.
Hey there! I don't have time to submit my full build but I come with a tip! This is for all the college students and those of the master race looking for a deal on a WiFi card!
Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi Expansion Card
I lucked out and got this card for $27 when I built my PC. I was looking for something that was 802.11AC WiFi @ close to gigabit and would give my Bluetooth 4.0 without being one of those gaudy and less-performance-based USB dongles. While I use a hardwired connection mainly at school (150D/90U), this is great for when I'm home and not near the router. Its performance is great and it gives a nice clean look to the build if you pop on 2 "rubber-duck" antennas!
Cheers! Good luck everyone!
Yo bro you should get this wifi card.
Also if your spending that much on a keyboard you should look at a ducky shine 4. Theyre pretty great and the corsairs have shitty software and issues with the leds burning out.
I had the same thing happen to me when I built my first rig except it was for me, I picked up this for $40 and its great. Also has bluetooth if you ever need it.
If this build is for gaming you can drop the 16GB RAM, 8GB is all that's reasonably needed for gaming. In fact, with the ~$40 or so that you're saving on the RAM, you could make the jump to a Skylake 6600K i5, some DDR4 RAM, and a Z170 motherboard.
R9 390 is much better than the GTX 970 at the same price point so I'd change that out for sure.
The PCE-A68 is incredibly fucking overpriced for what it does, reasonably no one needs Wi-Fi that powerful. In fact, I'd try and avoid Wi-Fi in the first place, instead look into a kit of Powerline adapters (TL/DR: Ethernet flows through your home power wiring). In either case if you have a 100% need for wifi, there's no requirement to spend that much, a GC-WB867D-I will suit you just fine while saving over $60. With that $60 I'm sure you can improve the actual hardware in the build-in fact, pool it with the $40 you're saving from RAM, and you might be able to squeeze an R9 390X.
Just my $0.02. Full parts list?
I had it in one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
And it worked fine. I guess as long as you have a half size mini pcie slot you should be good to go. This has two connections for the antenna.
That is a Intel 7260AC wireless card inside a MiniPCIe to standard PCIe adapter. It also has a bluetooth module that connects via USB.
Its one of the better PCIe wireless cards you can buy. You can get drivers directly from Intel's website.
PCI-e, ~$34: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
^ If you want to get all fancy.
You can get a WiFi card that you plug straight into your motherboard. This one is only 30 bucks and it's great for me.
If you're not running a mini itx system, then I would definitely get a PCIE adapter. I've had no luck with USB adapters. I bought the highest rated one on amazon, but get random moments where the controller isnt responsive and it just takes the last input.
Probably something like this would work, but it's a bit pricey as it's wifi+bt:
On the other hand, DO NOT BUY THESE PRODUCTS:
It's also been out of stock at SuperBiiz for something like six months.
That card (earlier revision) is $44 @ B&H, $46 @ Amazon, and $50 @ Newegg.
There's also an adapter card that includes an Intel 7260 802.11ac / USB Bluetooth combo card with something that looks like a USB passthrough. Only two antenna connectors, though. From your links and post history, I suspect you're looking for an adapter with three antenna cards. So unless you're willing to make your own third antenna mount, it might not work for you. But, on the other hand, you can trade the card away if you don't like it, and it might be easier than sorting through sketchy adapter sellers.
I installed this in someone's system after a Win 10 upgrade for them the other day and it was immediately recognized. It also supposedly supports Linux.
I used one that got good reviews on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This is my current BT adapter, I have fully connected 4 controllers without any problem in the past, can you recommend a “better” Good quality adapter?
The B550M-DS3H AC does, not the B550M-DS3H. The AC version has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth while the Non-AC version does not.
If you really need BT that bad, then you should get an expansion card.
Example: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6 This card from Gigabyte has WiFi and BT.
Oh I see. This expansion card.
Since you have a Gigabyte mobo, I'd go with Gigabyte wifi card. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_Hng0FbW0SSBGF
Pc part picker, automatically searches for the lowest price at popular retailers, for instance the Ryzen 7 3700x is available at amazon but it’s a bit more at $387.
Another motherboard could have WiFi integrated in it, or an add-in card can supply WiFi capabilities
Or an add- in card like:
I was going to grab this but it's out of stock everywhere. Is the Joowin one a good replacement?
I don't have that same one, but I do have a gigabyte one that came with an intel half mini wireless card. The wireless was spotty and bluetooth didn't work well. So I exchanged it, same thing happened. So I took the wireless card out of the gigabyte board and swapped it with one from an old laptop and the one out of the laptop worked. I don't know what was wrong with the ones gigabyte was shipping with, but something was up with the two I got.
*EDIT* found the one I ordered. I forgot I actually got 3 of them total, one for my ex's PC hers did the same thing. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6/
This is what I have in one of my computers. It works great.
So I did some quick research and I don't think your motherboard has bluetooth (which is not very common anyways). What you would need to do is to either get a USB bluetooth adapter or a PCIe expansion card. PCIe expansion cards for bluetooth are generally always better but you do I have install it and it will be pricier-- it is very easy and I'm sure you won't have any issue. Here are some links:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnn9XCaDWv8 -- this tutorial shows a WiFi card and Bluetooth USB, but the installation process is essentially the same.
https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_2 -- this product might be a little expensive, but its just to give you an idea of what to look for
As for the drivers -- a driver is basically a file that you install so your computer can utilize and understand hardware. Your mouse and keyboard use drivers. Some require manual installation from the product website but some will install automatically, but you only need to do this after you install hardware.
Hope this helped.
i was also nice to pick parts for a work pc (not perfect) i would pick and what would go good for something i would type my work on.
https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6 (if you use wifi)
650 w 80 plus psu (will work for sure)
and also 3 tb hdd drive and a 500 nvme or m2 ssd will work.
this is a good pc for work and the price in my countrys currency which i will convert is: 12130 Swedish kronor. converted to usd it is: 1387 dollars in usd. it can change depending on where you get it but its around that price.
if you overclock it to good level and isntall the nvidia drivers and the motherboard drivers, it will run good for work and also small gaming. im not a expert in computers but if i was gonna work i would pick these parts. note to this might not have wifi (in good quality if wifi at all) (and no bluetooth unless you get a good adapter)
so there ya go. this just needs windows 10 home and you have all you need instead of a 3k dollar pc.
This is more what you’re looking for. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3H1fFb02YCMQG
You can also just get a USB WiFi adapter.
Uhh lemme look here real quick... Purchased it on Amazon on March 31st, 2019. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
> I would get more for my dollar right now out of an AMD build
Consider this used mobo as well. - https://gyazo.com/8923fd2f5ceb310f36fe81faebebb9e0
Type | Item | Price |
CPU | AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor | $299.63 @ Walmart |
Motherboard | MSI X570-A PRO ATX AM4 Motherboard | $139.99 @ Amazon |
Memory | G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory | $82.99 @ Newegg |
Storage | Team L5 LITE 3D 1 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive | $112.99 @ Amazon |
Video Card | Gigabyte Radeon RX 5700 8 GB GAMING OC Video Card | $359.99 @ B&H |
Case | Corsair 760T Black ATX Full Tower Case | $173.12 @ Amazon |
Power Supply | Corsair HX Platinum 750 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply | $149.99 @ Corsair |
Monitor | Sceptre E255B-1658A 24.5" 1920x1080 165 Hz Monitor | $163.99 @ Amazon |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total | $1482.69 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-03-01 03:47 EST-0500 |
Or this combo to shave a few bucks if you don't really care about M.2's
Combo the Tomahawk B450 MAX mobo with this Used wifi adatper for 25$
Type | Item | Price |
CPU | AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor | $299.63 @ Walmart |
Motherboard | MSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX ATX AM4 Motherboard | $114.89 @ B&H |
Memory | G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory | $82.99 @ Newegg |
Storage | Team L5 LITE 3D 1 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive | $112.99 @ Amazon |
Video Card | Gigabyte Radeon RX 5700 8 GB GAMING OC Video Card | $359.99 @ B&H |
Case | Corsair 760T Black ATX Full Tower Case | $173.12 @ Amazon |
Power Supply | Corsair HX Platinum 750 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply | $149.99 @ Corsair |
Wireless Network Adapter | Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I PCIe x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter | $36.00 @ B&H |
Monitor | Sceptre E255B-1658A 24.5" 1920x1080 165 Hz Monitor | $163.99 @ Amazon |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total | $1493.59 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-03-01 03:51 EST-0500 |
Objectively speaking there are several companies that make the actual chips on these cards: Intel, Realtek, Qualcomm Atheros, Broadcomm, etc.
Of these companies, Intel has invested the most resources into developing their drivers, and is subjectively the best.
The best WiFi card on the market is the Intel AX200 currently, it's the only card that supports the latest 802.11 AX / WiFi 6 standard. Even if you don't have an AX router, this card has newer technology that will improve your connection. It also has Bluetooth built in.
The Intel AX200 is an M.2 Key E card and can be had for well under $20 on Amazon. The entire M.2 module is made by Intel, so there is no physical difference between any of them. Almost any listing you can find for it will have stellar reviews.
If you want to install this in a PCIe slot, you can install this with an M.2 WiFi to PCIe adapter which can be found for under $10, for a total cost of $25-$30. You can buy one pre-mounted on an adapter for $35-$40. The adapters have no chips or electronics in them, it's literally a bunch of wires (traces) so there's also minimal difference between one model and another. Some of these cards have a decorative metal cover, that may help cool it down slightly.
Most Desktop cards are made this way, another user suggested a Gigabyte card; the top rated one on Amazon has an older and inferior Intel WiFi module on an adapter:
I used to do computer repairs; bad WiFi was a very common complaint, the culprit was Realtek or Atheros cards 90% of the time.
This card will not allow you to take advantage of your gigabit connection. It's an 802.11n 300Mb/s card and it's not going to get 300Mb/s (that's maximum theoretical speed).
From this page, what does your router look like? Is it the Quantum one or the high-speed wifi gateway?
You need an 802.11ac card to get gigabit speeds. GC-WB867D-I or Fenvi.
If you have an X1 PCIe slot open, get this instead. I've bought 3 of these, and they're great.
Yes, though Gigabyte's is a bit cheaper, and they've been good about card-specific support issues, over the years.
If i have enough, would this be worth it then
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ I use this one because it doubled as a Bluetooth adapter. I've had no issues with it.
I'm doing research into MoCA right now. So I couldn't use a regular wifi card with gigabit internet? For example, I was looking at this card which advertises speeds up to 862 mbs (https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6) but I know in practice there's a ton of factor which will influence the effective speed. If I don't get gigabit speeds it's fine, I'd just want to see what the fastest speed I could get wirelessly without the solution getting extremely expensive or complex.
How about this? The WikiDev page says it's just an Intel 8265 stuffed in an adapter, which means iwlwifi
can drive it without issue.
There are much less expensive options, too. My cheapo $20 Realtek card works flawlessly.
here is the one i got.
Short answer: don't buy it. You need a full size PCIe wireless solution like this Gigabyte card which internally is just an Intel 8260. For some reason, it's more expensive that it usually is, but you have to get a full size PCIe card at any rate.
Long answer: The Intel 9260 is a E and A key M.2, so it might in fact fit on the M.2 slots on your board. In fact, that motherboard may also have the capability to use the wireless card properly from that slot too! Alas, off the top of my head, I don't know if it'll work, and moreover, if it did work, your reception would be piss poor since the card doesn't come with antenna. You can buy a full size PCIe to mini PCIe adapter and add antenna to that, but that only really makes sense if you're looking for something specific in the wireless card.
Many PCIe wireless cards are in fact just that — full size to mini adapters with antenna. That Gigabyte one is internally just an Intel 8260. Those mini PCIe cards are good for upgrading laptops and upgrading old cards on these PCIe adapters but not good if you have a desktop motherboard without a proper place to put it or antenna.
Edit: you mentioned you need this adapter for around $20AUD. Unfortunately, you'll be hard pressed to find a proper PCIe solution at that price. If you don't have 802.11ac at home, you can take a step down to 802.11n which is significantly cheaper.
You're not wrong. this one is amazing if you don't mind the external antenna sitting on or on top of your desk.
I highly suggest a more modern card. Couple more bucks, you get the whole package
The price has gone up since I've got this but it's still good Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2/Wireless AC/B/G/N Band Dual Frequency 2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz Expansion Card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_QnYGBbVJ64540
Yea that is PCI, and not compatible... although in 2 of the images it does say "PCIe" on it. I would avoid it, get this instead.
I mean, only you can know if you'll use the features. I can only tell you what the features are, and how big of a deal they are. I'll compare to the Tomahawk, which would be my lower end suggestion.
I can tell you that I doubt you'll get a higher overclock with the chip. The VRMs will be cooler, but the Tomahawk's are decent enough to where you won't have issues. For references, even the best boards would only be around 40C in that test.
RGB is of course subjective, but Asus Aura is more robust and has higher compatibility than MSI Mystic Light. I'll go ahead and say that I personally also have a Strix, and I got it specifically for the lighting. Can't go wrong with it, that's for sure.
If you'll use the wifi, that's probably a $30-$40 value. Looking at the specs, it seems about on the level of this wifi card. The movable antenna is a huge plus.
I looked at your revision and it's fine overall. A few notes:
Going back to the cooler, may I ask why you changed from the CLC 280? It and the Kraken X62 are both 280mm, and they both have 36% more radiator area than 240mm coolers, so that's a pretty big step down in cooling capacity. Of course, if you get the H100i, don't forget to switch to the V2.
Wow, prices are really busy these days. There was some shifting around. The FTW3 Hybrid jumped to $850, so I'd get the SC2 Hybrid instead. It's got a slightly lower factory OC but overclocks just as well.
But since this is your first time on Reddit and you asked nicely, I'll help you out here.
There are lots of YouTube tutorials on how build a PC, so I don't think you need to worry about how to do that. If you want some suggestions, feel free to ask.
This is the best I can do with new parts for around $500.
I'll just tell you right now, this won't be enough for an HTC Vive. Nowhere near enough for that.
Also you'll have to play HiTMAN and Doom and medium to low settings with this PC.
I was considering the R5 2400G, but the difference isn't enough to justify the price increase.
I made a used PC Build below if you want something much stronger.
Brand New PC Build
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type | Item | Price |
CPU | AMD - Ryzen 3 2200G 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor | $94.99 @ SuperBiiz |
Memory | Patriot - Viper 4 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory | $79.99 @ Newegg |
Storage | Silicon Power - S55 480GB 2.5" Solid State Drive | $74.99 @ Newegg Business |
Case | Deepcool - TESSERACT SW ATX Mid Tower Case | $33.99 @ SuperBiiz |
Power Supply | EVGA - 600B 600W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply | $35.99 @ Newegg |
Wireless Network Adapter | Gigabyte - GC-WB867D-I PCI-Express x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter | $36.00 @ B&H |
Other | ASRock B450M-HDV AM4 AMD Promontory B450 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard | $71.98 @ Newegg |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total | $427.93 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-07-18 12:25 EDT-0400 |
Used PC Build
I think you'll have to go used if you want to have a good chance of being able to run an HTC Vive.
Here's a used PC for $155 + $14 shipping.
It has an i5 3550, 16GB of RAM, two 320GB HDDs, and comes with a copy of Windows 10 Pro.
Then, combine it with this GTX 1060 mini and a new power supply.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type | Item | Price |
Video Card | EVGA - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB SC GAMING Video Card | $299.89 @ OutletPC |
Power Supply | EVGA - 600B 600W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply | $35.99 @ Newegg |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total | $335.88 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-07-18 12:38 EDT-0400 |
This should add up to $504 and be right around your budget.
This used build is a much better option than the brand new build for what you want to do.
The GTX 1060 6GB is the bare minimum for VR gaming, but as long as you play on low settings it should be fine.
You'll need an adapter like this if you want WiFi.
I also highly recommend getting a 240GB or 480GB SSD, but that's up to you.
Would I be okay in getting TP-Link Archer T6E Dual-Band Network Adapter - PCIe - 802.11b/a/g/n/ac - Detachable Antenna over getting the Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I as I originally planned? They would both be at the same price. I'm not well versed in these so suggestions would be appreciated.
That will work but a PCIE wifi adapter will work much better. try this instead
You can just get a wifi card and install it in your PC. Pretty sure USB ones aren't as fast due to limitations of the antennae size and the USB interface.
No CPUs come with that, that's not a CPU-side thing. Some motherboards come with it, or just buy your own card, or better yet, buy a powerline adapter.
Ok thanks, think I'll switch to a PCIe card while I'm at it with an antenna. Should work better
The Gigabyte WiFi Adapter is great. 2.4GHz + 5GHz + Bluetooth for around $30.
I have one of these Gigabyte Bluetooth/Wi-Fi cards and use DS4Windows. It is fully customizable and works amazing.
Will those antenna work with that wifi card? I am not a big fan of the movable wired antenna, and I'd likely test the connection of both, see whichever is better. Just want to know if the antenna will work with the card.
They exist. Here is one and here is another. Disclaimer: I can't personally vouch for the quality of either one, but reviews are positive.
I use this and it works wonderfully. It also has Bluetooth
I'd say most of them are separate but you could get combo cards like this one
How about this one https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6?
ac wifi and 2x2, and intel chipset for better driver support.
Any will work with Windows 10.
I'd recommend both of these as well since they're a bit cheaper than your options and have Bluetooth as well.
Amazon is fine..
Is a decent card.. It has Bluetooth but you need to hook it to a USB 2.0 header on your motherboard for that to work.. Read reviews about other things to get various things like streaming audio (A2DP) from an android phone via Bluetooth
Is a good card no Bluetooth..
Is also decent, but again no Bluetooth..
This is what id get https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Its a intel 8265(im pretty sure) and should work well. Intel has some of the best wifi cards.
Do you need PCI or will PCIe work fine?
Id get this https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
The TP-LINK TL-WDN4800 is a Atheros AR9380 chipset, so it should do pretty well.
The card /u\/MagicFlyingAlpaca is referencing is the Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I, which either uses a Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 or 8265 wireless chip, both of which are excellent.
I actually bought a wifi card too because I'm currently too far to run an ethernet cable (working on it).
I believe it connects to one of the PCI-E slots on your MOBO.
I bought this wifi card and will follow this video when installing it.
There are some wifi adapters that connect through USB, though. I'm currently using this one on my laptop while I wait for the final parts of my build to come in. I needed it to connect to 5G networks because my ASUS K55N is too old.xD
Would this be a good AC wireless card? https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
Thank you so much for all your input!
If you want the absolute best reception possible, a PCIe card is the best choice. Not too expensive.
If you want something that'll save you money and still offer solid reception, there's USB adapters.
Alternatively, depending on how old your house is (I'm not sure of how the logistics go; you'd have to search around on that), powerline adapters are the next best thing to a wired connection.
Wired > Powerline > PCIe > USB
USB isn't bad, but PCIe is a good sweet spot if a powerline adapter wouldn't work.
So roughly $10-40 for WiFi. It's well worth it over purchasing a motherboard with it built-in.
With your budget? Yessir. Hardware before luxuries.
It's not hard at all. There are plenty of instructional videos and articles on how to do it.
tl;dr Make a bootable flash drive (at least 4GB on the drive; might as well have a bigger one, though), put the Windows ISO on there (make sure your Windows is tied to your Windows account; not as a local account either), install it to the SSD, boot up, sign in with the same Windows email as before, and activate it. Easy as that.
Make sure you wipe your hard drive, too.
looks like others use then on other motherboards. https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6 let me know if you want me to google anything else for you. I am good at it.
You could buy it at any other retailer.
Oh! Forgot that I decided to go with a different WiFi adapter which is a bit cheaper, and has Bluetooth.
Edit: Fixed link
> ASUS PC88 and PC68
Both of these are REALLY expensive. Also, neither come with bluetooth! The main advantage is it looks cool... that ASUS "gaming" look instead of a green PCB. With that massive external antenna I'm sure they also perform very well.
Something like this is way more than enough for MOST people, performs great, and has bluetooth and AC, for half the price. Don't need bluetooth or AC? You can find stuff for under $20 that will perform well. There won't be a huge difference in ping.
Yup, I have the one below and almost always still get 100mbs down. Plus, you get Bluetooth as well.
Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2/Wireless AC/B/G/N
this link should be ok...
I have an ASUS Z170 pro gaming motherboard paired with this Gigabyte NIC (https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6). Has amazing reviews but I might have a buggy one eh?
I recently purchased this one:
I get about 75/50 but the router is pretty close on the same floor
I have a Ryzen 5 build paired with a GTX 1080 and that same case (mobo too), so about half of what I say will come from personal experience.
Not under 20. Its 40. You can find them used for 20 though. By far one of the best you will find out there for the money.
This Gigabyte or this ASUS card. Both also give you bluetooth connectivity.
https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6 This, its on your list already.
Some wireless cards have Bluetooth as well. For example. https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Frequency-Expansion/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Very few motherboards come with built-in wifi/bluetooth. You can either get a USB adapter, or a PCIe one, like this.
PCIe wifi and bluetooth or just look for PCIe bluetooth
https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Adapter-Computer/dp/B00HF8K0O6 a little more than 40 but im sure you can find it on another site. Probably the best one ive ever used after burning through so many dongles
All of those slots.
You can get a wifi adapter that uses PCIe.
Like this one from Gigabyte:
Much better than the USB one you linked.
msi x370 gaming pro carbon + $30ish wifi card or asrock x370 taichi? If the latter is in stock I'll get it in a heartbeat but really other than wifi is there any significant reason to get it? I heard the newest bios ramped up stability for ram for the carbon. Is the onboard wifi better than the card I have?
It's about the same cost except one is out of stock, holding me back from buying anything.
I'm trying to decide on a WiFi adapter. I've seen the Gigabyte one mentioned plenty on the sub, but it seems the price has gone up a bit. I'm also looking at the TP-Link WDN 4800. Is there any reason to spend the extra $15-20 on the Gigabyte, or is the TP-Link comparable enough to save a bit?
There's also a Gigabyte wireless card that I used for a while that incorporates Bluetooth as well. You can find it for a good price in the UK at least.
Just one for a Gygabyte Wi-Fi/Bluetooth PCI Adapter. Apparently it's needed to take full advantage of the Bluetooth.
Hmm I got mine on here for 13 shipped and it's 50 on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Yeah I'm using wireless, and sometimes it'll cut and show no networks detected for a little while, which makes me think its definitely the card. I'm using this right now fwiw.
I'm considering replacing the card with the AC1300 or AC1900 when it completely dies, or just trying out powerwire ethernet but I'm not sure what's best.
Hey. That's quite a... detailed list you've got there. I'll clear up what I can. I'll go through your issues one by one.
First off:Motherboard. Addresses in problem #7 #5. -Bluetooth. Most motherboard don't have a built in Bluetooth module. If you want Bluetooth anyway I recommend you to check out this: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Adapter-Computer/dp/B00HF8K0O6 This also comes with wifi. Bonus points for convenience.
-Motherboard:Your 6700k is an unlocked processor, which mean it is designed for a Z170 chipset motherboard, which enables CPU overclocking, you can learn more about it in Google. Considering your concern about audio quality I recommend either an:
+ASROCK Fatal1ty Z170 Gaming K4
Or a
+Gigabyte Z170X Gaming 3
Both of which comes with the newest onboard audio codec [ALC1150] but I generally prefer the Z170X Gaming 3 because it has better build quality and comes with an Op Amp. Solid choice overall.
Secondly:Performance related issues. As addresses in problem #2 and #3
-Ram:32GB of RAM is all you need, most of the people who run out of 64gb RAM are the ones who work on hi profile project like BF1 and AAA titles. Don't sweat it.
-Storage:1TB SSD is pretty pricey but is worth it if you can pay the bucks. If you can't, then opt for a 120gb or 240gb SSD and then get 3x500GB HDD and run it in Raid 0 configuration. This feature is supported by the aforementioned motherboards, this makes the HDD faster while still having fast boot time and low cost.
Third: Comfortability. This one is small so I'll keep it short.
-Keyboard:It depends on your need. If you want a quiet and tactile, go for Brown switch. If you don't use the keypad much but can use some extra money and space they get a TKL keyboard, it all depends on your preference. My recommendation: https://www.amazon.com/Storm-QuickFire-Rapid-Tenkeyless-Mechanical/dp/B007VDKLLM?th=1&psc=1
-Monitors:Are you multitasking? Do you want to watch porn while playing GTA5? Then get 2 1080p. If you prefer quality instead, I recommend an ultra wide 1440p monitor. The 1070 isn't powerful enough to hit a steady 144fps at max settings.1080 also has a hard time hitting it so just stay with the 1070 and SLI later for extra performance. My recommendation: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VBNQJSM/ref=as_li_tl?tag=amazon0251-20&ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00VBNQJSM&linkCode=as2&linkId=DXJX3BVD7T5PL252 There is enough real estate for multiple windows when you're not gaming. So if you can spare a few buck then this may be cool for you.
-Case: Just go with what the community considers best: the NZXT S340. Simple and efficient.
-Installation: You do indeed need to buy a Phillips screwdriver if you want to assemble the PC. The rest is just adult Lego.
Hope I cleared that up. If you don't understand anything feel free to ask me.
I think this would be a good option. Should handle streaming without issue.
I would say buy a new adapter. This one is slightly over twice the cheap one you got, but it is well worth the money.
I have this card and I get 110 Mpbs on it, it's pretty great
Have this card for $30 shipped?
Total noob here. I'm looking to purchase this motherboard for my first build. When I look in the specs, it says there are 4 USB 3.0 ports and 2 USB 2.0 ports. However, for the internal I/O connectors it only lists 1 USB 3.0 header and 2 USB 2.0 headers. Can anyone explain why there's a different number?
Also, I'm looking to have wireless internet capabilities and bluetooth to hook up bluetooth controllers. Would a card like this do both of these for me?
A little expensive but the Gigabyte WiFi cards are highly recommended in this sub because of the movable antenna and Bluetooth support too!
Assuming you meant PCIe, this Gigabyte PCIe wireless adapter provides 802.11ac as well as Bluetooth 4.2, although the Bluetooth is provided over USB.
This is my card
I think it should work fine but I will look into getting a new antenna.
Weird. I had those problems with that Plugable dongle. I just went ahead and got this PCI Bluetooth board, and it works perfectly.
also this is a really good wifi card to go with that motherboard (also has bluetooth if you need that) and matches your color scheme
Nobody's gonna tell you to get that wifi adapter when you can buy an Intel 8260 with blutooth 4.2 here https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GC-WB867D-I-Bluetooth-Adapter-Computer/dp/B00HF8K0O6
>1.) Get the i5 with the CPU cooler
>2). use existing PSU
>3.) Stick with the M3
If it's got everything you want, yeah.
>Also is there any other items you would change ?
The Wifi card is overpriced. I like putting Gigabyte's GC-WB867D-I into builds (if you go down this route, install the drivers from their website, don't use Windows' built-ins).
I misread your original post, and assumed you had typo'd the 970. I wouldn't put a 970 into a build unless you can get it at a deeper discount than $270. An RX 480 is ideal there, but a secondhand 970 from /r/hardwareswap is also an option.
But if you're not patient, a new Zotac on Newegg is cheaper @ $255 after promo.
looks pretty good. i would go with a cheaper motherboard without wifi and get a pcie wifi adapter (this one is good) because youll get better internet that way
This is my go to. Movable antenna, dual band, 802.11 ac, Bluetooth and a decent price.
I don't have anything to sell, I just want to point out that you can get this wifi AC and Bluetooth card for $37 from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6
With a standard wireless router given to me by Verizon, and two access wireless points (normal one and a "5G" version), what is the best wireless card I should install on my PC?
Unfortunately, I am not close enough to use ethernet but I do care about potential lag being wireless could give. I think the most <strong>expensive</strong> one will do the job best, but I might just be wasting money away if a <strong>cheaper</strong> one performs exactly the same, and I will just paying extra for features I do not even need.
This one is frequently recommended. If you're willing to spend $60-80 there are other better options.
I'm looking at wifi/Bluetooth cards.
QUESTION 1: Because numerous things inside a computer generate EM interference in the same range as wifi/BT, it appears that it's better to have a card with a separate antenna connected by a wire, like this (as opposed to antennas screwed directly onto the card, like this) This is so the antenna can be placed away from the tower to minimize EMI, thus minimizing connection drops and slow speeds.
Am I correct on this? Is there really that big of a difference in performance between the two approaches? My tower sits on the floor to the left of my (fairly small, wooden) desk, in case that makes a difference.
QUESTION 2: Heat sinks/passive cooling cannot possibly be necessary on a wifi/BT card, right? Do those cards ever reach temps high enough to reduce performance or lifespan?
QUESTION 3: Are there any notable advantages or disadvantages to using an M.2 card for wifi/BT instead of traditional PCIe?
With a standard wireless router given to me by Verizon, and two access wireless points (normal one and a "5G" version), what is the best wireless card I should install on my PC?
Unfortunately, I am not close enough to my router to use an ethernet cable but I do care about potential lag being wireless could give. I think the most <strong>expensive</strong> one will do the job best, but I might just be wasting money away if a <strong>cheaper</strong> one performs exactly the same, and I am just paying extra for features I do not even need.
Nobody can answer that question because it's unreasonable to expect that if something was going to fail in a year exactly, overclocking it would decrease it's lifespan by X days - we can't feasibly measure that. Know that so long as your OC is safe and doesn't cook/overvolt your hardware expect to outgrow the GPU before having to worry about it's lifespan. There are people still rocking CPUs from 2011 that have been overclocked all their lives, and most people will replace their GPUs 2-3 times in the functional lifespan of a CPU.
Looking at Newegg/Amazon reviews is a test in patience - nobody posts a good review when something works as expected but everyone runs to shame the board when it doesn't. If you want, go look up professional reviews or enthusiast sites like PCPartPicker for those. MSI, ASUS, and Gigabyte all have solid offerings in the $100+ range for a Z170 SLI-capable board in both ATX and mATX. You'll generally pay for more from a motherboard with better aesthetics and on-board features for overclocking enthusiasts (CMOS reset button, on-board OC controls, 7-seg display for debugging, etc). Figure out what you want for features/looks and filter from there - here's a PCPartPicker filter to get you started.
A dumb question to ask since we don't even have rumours of a 1080Ti. If you want baseless speculation look at the difference between a 980 and 980Ti and extrapolate that to the 1080.
I found this with a quick search though I've never used one. I got a dongle and plugged it into a port on my monitor.
Don't use driver tools like "Driver Talent" or any such "helpful driver software". They are all full of it, and either don't work or don't install the correct drivers. Did your card come with any driver disk (old school)? I have done some searching for you and can't find any official drivers for it. I would highly recommend to just buy a new wifi card. This is the one I have in my system. I know it's more on the pricey side, but this one I just put into a friends PC I built. I did find this driver, if you want to keep trying.
Spend an extra 10 to 15 euros for a 3TB drive. You will use it quickly. Here's one.
Also, I would get a wifi/bluetooth combo adapter like this. Not sure where to find it in the UK.
I wound up getting the one recommended on the thread earlier.
> Do I need a wireless card? a bluetooth card or a sound card?
Some higher end motherboards come with built in WiFi but most do not. So yes you'll probably need a wireless card. You don't really need bluetooth unless it's something you want on your PC. Some wireless cards have it included. Most on board audio these days is good enough to the point where you won't need a sound card.
Some of the parts you had picked out were overkill and some you were just unnecessarily overpaying for.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type | Item | Price |
CPU | Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor | $238.87 @ OutletPC |
CPU Cooler | CRYORIG H5 Ultimate 76.0 CFM CPU Cooler | $46.99 @ Newegg |
Motherboard | MSI Z170A GAMING M7 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard | $202.98 @ Newegg |
Memory | Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory | $64.99 @ SuperBiiz |
Storage | Sandisk Ultra II 960GB 2.5" Solid State Drive | $219.71 @ Amazon |
Video Card | Sapphire Radeon R9 390 8GB Nitro Video Card | $299.99 @ Micro Center |
Case | Cooler Master Storm Stryker (White) ATX Full Tower Case | $139.99 @ Newegg |
Power Supply | EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply | $74.99 @ Newegg |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1358.51 | |
Mail-in rebates | -$70.00 | |
Total | $1288.51 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-03-23 00:48 EDT-0400 |
Sure, just get a dongle or a PCI card like this.
You can always go for a bluetooth/wifi pcie card like so: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
I've heard good things about the Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I
You can get a card that supports AC for 30$ though.
Browsing the internet is just fine, I'd like to play online games and stream my XB1 without any lag.
Running a cable is pretty muich out of the question since I'd have to go up two stories and across the house.
I do have this WiFi expansion card and this wireless USB adapter (not sure of the exact model at the moment) but I removed them both for the powerline adapter.
I will update with speed tests once I get home.
is that any different from this card? i was going to order the latter until they ran out of stock last night
Great. There is a better Wifi adapter though...
The R9 390 is much, much cheaper and offers same or better performance. I made a few changes. Here's each change, and why.
i5-4690k: can still be overclocked, but since you mentioned nothing about streaming, the i7 is pretty much unnecessary. The price difference between the i5 and i7 is not big enough to warrant so much money unless the i7's hyperthreading really benefits you. In most games (recently, poorly optimized games like fallout 4 have been wanting an i7), the i7 will offer little, if any benefit.
Cooler: Less noise. Lower temps.
RAM: Cheaper. Same performance, still a reliable brand and 16gb.
SSD: Newer. Better in all ways.
Video card: Literally the best card on the market right now. If you're staying at 1080p, I recommend the AMD R9 390, but this GTX980ti is top of the line and there's pretty much nothing better that isn't called a Titan. Offers huge 1440p performance.
PSU: Not overpriced as hell, but still provides efficiency and good power delivery and stability. Also, you could proooobably add a second 980ti if you want to play at 4k and have to buy a new PSU.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Wifi card that supports bluetooth: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
You can get a wireless card. http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
If you can spend $20 more, you can buy a 250GB SSD instead.
I'd go with something much more established like this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/
It's mainly Bluetooth that I want since I will be hooking it up via Ethernet for the most part but there probably will be some time where I'm going to have to rely on WiFi.
I was just really confused when I started looking and saw larger cards with external antennas like this but also must smaller ones with no external antenna like this
Can i recommend this guy as a replacement for your wifi card? Doubles up for Bluetooth as well.
i have this: works great! http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
PCI-e card. Just plop that right in. $40 is good.
check this shit out. bluetooth and wifi, and it's about 40.
http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6 Bluetooth and WiFi on 1 card.
Works great and has a little magnetic antenna for the signal for your desk or tower.
Then go with the TP-link WDN4800 or The gigabyte one
No, it doesn't have any of those.
What about wired? It's faster and more stable. If not, I'd still suggest a powerline adapter instead of using wireless.
You can add this card to the build for these capabilities.
And also, a powerline adapter for wired if necessary.
For your wifi I have used this in two of my computers and it has worked extremely well. It runs dual band as well.
cheap ac wifi option, has bluetooth too
Out of stock at SuperBiiz, costs almost $50 after shipping at OutletPC. You can find it here at amazon for $33: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6 great card, been using it for 6+ months now and no trouble.
The motherboard will only work with wired ethernet connections. You need a wireless card like this one for wireless.
1) Thanks for the catch!
2) Which one are you referring to here?
3) I'd like to stay under $200; do you have recommendations for something with more power?
4) Is this what you're referring to?
Edited the OP to reflect that, and added a (hopefully) better video card.
You should stop using USB adapters. Get something like this instead: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
Not to hijack, but would something like this work?
I usually avoid USB wireless adapters, they overheat easily and generally have shitty antennas. If gaming over wireless is your only choice, then this might fit your needs.
I got this about a year ago for about 30 bucks and it works perfectly.
I bought this card here for my new desktop machine.
EDIT: When I bought it, it was $35 plus free prime shipping, this card tends to sell out fast. Look at other retailers if you want. You can also go with this version here its essentially the same thing. Both this and the GIGABYTE version use the same mini-PCIe network card (Intel AC 7260), the only difference here is who makes the adapter card to connect it to your board. The Intel one also comes with probably better instructions and less "ratchet" of a driver-disk
They don't make many desktop WiFi cards out there, and when they do they're usually +$90 and don't have Bluetooth. This is a mini-PCIe card that usually goes in laptops that is on a jumper to work with full PCIe. I use it and it has great speed. I'll be heading back to campus soon and while I use the wired network there, it still has the Bluetooth functionality that is awesome!
Additionally, when you need to upgrade the WiFi card down the road (which you shouldn't because this had 802.11AC wireless and close to Gigabit speeds with the right router). This will save you money BECAUSE all you have to do is buy another mini-PCIe/Laptop WiFi card and you can put it in the adapter and then just hook the antennas back up!
The only Caveat is that you need an open USB 2.0 header to use the Bluetooth (or you can use a USB Male-Male cable and run it outside your case and plug it in), but most motherboards have a surplus of these headers these days.
If you want a better explanation on WiFi protocols I can do that too!
EDIT 2: I'm also assuming you're talking about a desktop here, if you're talking about a laptop card I can help you with that too.
I ordered this Gigabyte wireless card for my upcoming Windows 10 build and went looking for drivers that I would need to install, but the Gigabyte support page only indicates drivers for Windows 7 and Windows 8. Did I screw up in ordering this card for Windows 10, or which driver should I install once I build the computer?
I'd get this one instead. Comes with AC and Bluetooth for the same price as the one you have.
>It very definitely has two. One 16x and one 1x.
Well, it does a hell of a good job blending in :P.
>You haven't made it clear what you'd want that extra slot for.
I plan to fit this in, that is when it goes on sale.
>In some select scenarios it will hold it back to varying degree. Though why would you be bothered about that?
It seems I would be wasting money by not being able to use a card to it's full potential, although maybe I'll go for it, and fit in an i5 later on. Sound like a good idea to you?
I use a Gigabyte card which hosts an Intel AC 7260 and it works great. http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6
Only drawback is it doesn't have a low profile bracket, so I can't put one in my media center machine.
I got "Intel dual band wireless Ac 7260" there under device manager. I know that my wireless card I installed in there a Gigabit... Is this the reason that my wifi is so unreliable?
Personally, I was looking at this one because it can do dual band as well as Bluetooth for cheaper than the dual band TP-link card.
I have this wifi/bluetooth card http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1435846151&sr=8-8&keywords=pc+pcie+accessories
I connected the one connector to the usb header on the motherboard but there is another usb connection on it with no connector that came with the box. I noticed my bluetooth doesnt work. Do I need to run a usb cable from this thing? what is the point of the usb port on the end of this card?
I would get this http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6 I personally own one and I get full wifi speeds from across my house at 200/50 . It also has Bluetooth with it and is a pretty small form factor with magnets under the antenna so it stays on your case nice and firm.
Just out of curiosity, why not buy the gigabyte AC intel 7260 card? Fits all your requirements and great price/performance.
this is pretty solid.
Its $2500 but, it has everything you wanted. A 980ti, a great 1440p IPS monitor with 100% sRGB color gamut, and a corsair keyboard with macro keys. It also has a LGA 2011-3 motherboard, which you will need to upgrade to the new Intel skylane processors when they come out. Here's a good wireless card if you need one, its only $30. Also, keep that copy of Windows 7, you will soon be able to upgrade that copy of windows 7 to windows 10, which is much better than windows 7 or 8.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Wifi Card: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I
The talk about cord vs wireless is BS ever since the 802.11G standard released. Unless you're playing competitively, then it makes 0% difference. There are chances of signal interference if you have concrete walls or sit next to a running microwave.
Other than that, your build looks solid.
Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi Expansion Card Components Other GC-WB867D-I is a dual band WiFi card with Bluetooth. Works perfectly well for me and quite reasonably priced. For me, range is not a problem as distance is around 15 feet. It might work for you too.
I got that a while back and its great so far. The antenna has a magnet on it so it will attach to the side of your case easily. I got it because it had dual band and Bluetooth, and because the antenna sticking out the back always got in the way of my video cables.
Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi Expansion Card Components Other GC-WB867D-I is a dual band WiFi card with Bluetooth. Works perfectly well for me and quite reasonably priced.
This is a really good a/b/g/n/ac dual-band WiFi and Bluetooth PCI-e (x1) adapter for only $30.
PCIe okay? http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6
It's a wifi and Bluetooth combo.
Same here, but my landlord does not approve of me making small holes on the walls!
I have just ordered this one, hopefully it'll solve my problems http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6 !
Thanks a lot for your help 50makro!
I have this: Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi Expansion Card Components Other GC-WB867D-I https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_dipsvb0HCY3XX
I figured I might as well make my comp AC-ready. Now I have a AC router and I'm glad I went this route initially. Also Bluetooth 4.0. External antenna that has a magnet on the bottom to stick somewhere on your case if you want
This is the most reccomended wifi card on the subreddit. If you're looking for a stable connection try a powerline adapter kit. I personally use this powerline adapter kit and I love it to death.
So I know the common thing here is to shit all over wireless because ping/latency/speeds suck.
That was true years ago. Even somewhat true with N routers/adapters, but not so any more with wireless AC.
I get good enough transfer speeds, around 500Mbps/62.5MB/s peak, (for me - if you actually need gigabit network there is no substitute) and maybe like 1-2ms worse response times. And no cords. It's great.
Gigabyte makes a great adapter for $30 and is probably the best performance for the dollar. (Same as the more expensive Intel AC7260)
The only catch being you do need a quality AC router for this to work, and those tend to run $100+ if you don't already have one...
Yeah, I bought a motherboard, and then bought This wifi/BT card. Much better deal.
Kingston V300: no. Get this one, it's only $10 more.
RAM: assuming you're going to overclock, get this faster ram for $10 more.
Wifi adapter: The extra $10 change everything.
It's rare but there are gtx 970 owners having troubles. If you're not using cuda, consider an R9 290 or an R9 290X.
This is a very popular one: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF8K0O6/
I prefer this one. It is WiFi AC and includes BT4.0 for the same price.
this subreddit is for MSI laptops, but i can still try to help. you never mentioned if you are connecting wirelessly or via ethernet but because of the Ethernet driver talk im guessing thats what your using. have you tried a PCIe wireless card? i just put this in my new build
I bought this expansion card 1 month ago. works fine except the bluetooth is failing. I reinstalled drivers and simply won't connect to anything anymore.
Here's a much better one than that Linksys USB adapter: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1425395647&sr=1-1&keywords=gigabyte+ac+wireless
PCIe is much better for wi-fi.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type | Item | Price |
CPU | Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor | $219.89 @ OutletPC |
Motherboard | Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard | $148.98 @ Newegg |
Memory | G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory | $74.98 @ OutletPC |
Storage | Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $74.99 @ NCIX US |
Video Card | Asus Radeon R9 290X 4GB DirectCU II Video Card | $362.98 @ Newegg |
Case | Fractal Design Define R4 w/Window (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case | $109.98 @ OutletPC |
Power Supply | EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply | $85.99 @ NCIX US |
Optical Drive | LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer | $52.89 @ OutletPC |
Other | Gigabyte Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi Expansion Card Components Other GC-WB867D-I | $33.90 @Amazon |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1214.58 | |
Mail-in rebates | -$70.00 | |
Total | $1144.58 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-12 16:11 EST-0500 |
Threw a 4690k if you want to OC later on. Just have in mind you'd have to buy a CPU cooler.
Unfortunately not. However it's comparable to a R9 280 which is current gen. Are you going to use front side USB ports? If not just leave them unplugged. http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6 <That, even though it's 3x more, is a REALLY good wifi card for the money. AC wireless & Bluetooth 4.0 compatible. Very well built card.
I was not impressed with the Asus card either, especially for being as expensive as it is. I promptly returned it.
I went and bought a Intel 7260AC card instead for less than half the price: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424702781&sr=8-1&keywords=gigabyte+802.11ac
It has much better AC performance than any other adapter I've tried. 40-60MB/sec file copy speed from my file server over 802.11ac.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I yet. Here it is on PCPartPicker and on Amazon
I like a lot of the changes and you did a great job of keeping the builds integrity, while still decreasing the price, thanks a ton!
If I were wanting to have Bluetooth and WiFi capabilities with this build, what would i need to do?
Edit: found this and I think it is pretty good: http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-Bluetooth-Expansion-Components-GC-WB867D-I/dp/B00HF8K0O6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1421396763&sr=8-1&keywords=GIGABYTE+Model+GC-WB867D-I+Bluetooth+4.0%2FWiFi+Expansion+Card
Soz didn't even check that.
Amazon says there is 1 left in stock for $35.96. Linkity
Make sure you don't have any non-ac devices connected to your network or it'll slow the whole thing down.
It's on Amazon too AFAIK. Not sure why it's not listed there.
EDIT. "Currently Unavailable" on Amazon. Out of stock on Newegg too.
I just said I had Speaker Data enabled. http://puu.sh/qwFLS/9000420834.png (Also answers for the Dolphin Build question)
Currently I have a custom built desktop with an AMD 6350, GTX 960, 8gb of RAM, and (now stated TWICE) an Intel Dual-Band WiFi/Bluetooth 4.0-based internal wireless card (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HF8K0O6 it says Gigabyte, but the wireless chip itself is an Intel one). Running on Windows 10 (Build 1607).
Don't know what specs have to do with anything, considering I gave all the relevant pieces in the main post.
I got this just need the right PCI slot on your motherboard.
$35, sorry.
I guess that makes sense for looks if you have the cash to spare.