Gilmour Cleaning Sprayer Foamaster II Multi-ratio Spray Gun 1609706073
It’s on sale right now for the next 4 hours via Amazon. Great for washes and doesn’t require a pressure washer.
Foamaster. Slightly smaller version of the NuCalgon coil gun. Half the price. Originally bought it to wash my car before I saw the NuCalgon version in RE Michel one day. Works pretty good! There's cheaper versions on Amazon. Adjustable dilution for different lighter or heavier soil buildup.
I was using THIS before I decided to get one for the pressure washer. It works pretty decent, but it's nowhere near as good as one that hooks to a pressure washer.
We are happy with this cheapo one. We quat foam lots of things with it including the floor, canning line, etc. And sometimes we acid foam vessels we want to shine up.
This is the one I use. It hasn't done me wrong yet. Good for quick washes or washing before a good detail. I just use straight car soap into it and you can adjust the mixture.
Gilmour Foamaster II Cleaning Gun Sprayer
Nah, it's just a normal hose attachment. It's the Gilmour Foamaster II gun. It seemed like it was the highest rated for ones under $50 so figured I'd give it a shot. It does great, it definitely puts a nice layer of foam on the car. I am using Chemical Guys Mr. Pink wash. The foam gun is here:
Yes it is, you're adding more lubrication to your paint to minimize the chances of scratching the paint when washing. Check this one out I have this and I like it and it's 20 bucks cheaper. You should shop around on other sites, Auto geek has lots products and all but they're not always the cheapest. Oh and buy at least two grit guards for your two bucket washing.
what's a good alternative to this foam gun? Need something in stock right now
You need a pressure washer for that one. I used to use this when I didn't have a pressure washer.
I have been washing my truck with the 2 bucket method. I just watched a junkman video on his 2 bucket method, and he recommends using a foam cannon to loosen and remove most of the dirt and grime. Do the foam cannons really make a difference? I found this one online.
Another question - Can someone critique my overall process for paint correction? I have a griots garage DA, have 2 orange pads and 2 white pads, meg's ultimate compound and meg's 205 polish, as well as menzerna sealant.
I plan on washing the car w/ 2 bucket method (I use chemical guy's Mr. Pink), claying the car using Mr. Pink soap + water, then rinsing the car and dry with a waffle weave towel.
Then I plan to try to polish a section (white pad and polish) and wipe it down with isopropanol and a MF towel. Which dilution ratio should I use, 10% or 50% IPA/water? If I need a stronger cut, I will move onto compound (orange pad and ultimate compound), and once again wipe down with isopropanol and MF towel. Then follow up with polish again.
Then I want to apply a sealant, and I plan on using menzerna powerlock with a foam applicator (one of these guys) and apply a thin coat and let it settle overnight. Does this sound reasonable?
Or, pick up a foam gun if you don't have a foam cannon & power washer.
Foam down the car, rinse it, and then dry as usual with a proper microfiber towel and drying aid of your choice.
Try this one out Here
Ugh. Sorry to hear it guys. :(
Best I can find now is about $40, still not bad:
The CG one is about $50:
So would something like this and microfiber clothes to wash the car work better than a steam cleaner?
this one, I have had it for like 3 years and it has been awesome.
Gun or cannon?
I have this one. Works great.