This one is my go to.
The individual "biographies" in this book are not super in depth, but it introduces you to a LOT of figures, and it gives you other works to seek out.
I joined the Epsicopal Church last fall and ones I would reccomend are:
Glorious Companions: Five Centuries of Anglican Spirituality - Richard H. Schmidt link
Welcome to the Episcopal Church - Christopher L. Webber link
And read through the Book of Common Prayer ( to see our services, some prayers, and our catechism. As the saying goes: Lex orandi, lex credendi (they way we worship/pray is what we believe)
If you have specific questions I can try and point you in the right direction :)
It's not exactly what you're asking for, but for Anglican spirituality as a whole, I can't recommend this one enough.
Glorious Companions: Five Centuries of Anglican Spirituality
is a good place to start.
It's a book about a bunch of famous Anglicans over the centuries. It has a short biography for each of them and a list of their prominent writings.
It's not a super deep text on its own, but it's a great starting point for further research and reading for each of the people it presents.