There is this book about MGTOW, by Paul Peter Wright & Paul Elam, called "Go Your Own Way: <em>Understanding MGTOW</em>". This book has received a large amount of criticism of the MGTOW community for both being written by non-MGTOW and for not accurately representing MGTOW.
Aside from this, as pointed out by others, there are YouTube and Vimeo (and potentially other media sites) with channels dedicated in part or entirely for MGTOW. The videos produced by Sandman are usually disliked here as I have noticed. I find that these videos are not intended for guys that are already going their own way, but rather to start conversation about MGTOW for the rest of men. Like an introduction for the non-initiated. But it gets old real soon and all in all are probably not for you. They tend to be a bit try hard, or almost like main stream media type of production; and his style turns a lot of us off. But even tho people disagree, I think I get why he does this.
The channels already cited and the ones on the side bar have more in depth content and are regarded are best source of content for the initiated; if you will.
One channel that I enjoy watching that has content produced by a MGTOW, and yet is not necessarily 100% made of MGTOW content is TL;DR;'s channel. He occasionally calls out even fellow MGTOWS for saying bullshilt. Most videos tho, are pointing out bullshit feminist logic or how certain things aren't how they seem in society. This sort of stuff.