Fun fact; Go Girl is also a non-phallo-looking STP device (stand-to-pee device) which is able to help people with typical female parts to pee while standing. : )
I have one of those female urinary devices that is shaped like a funnel so I can pee standing up. I use it for outside music festivals with narsty blue portapotties, camping and whenever I want to write my name in the snow. As most people know, us wimmins mostly sit to pee. I was 28 years into peeing sitting down when I suddenly had to learn how to pee while standing. When you sit, there’s no thinking involved, gravity just does it’s thing and pee just falls out, easy! Peeing while standing though, your body just doesn’t want to do it, your brain says “holy shit don’t even try, you’ll just pee all over yourself!!” and no pee will happen. You actually have to sort of clench the upper muscles in your legs and, like, force the pee out. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever had to learn as an adult. My husband actually had to teach me how to do it, telling me which muscles to use and what foot placement makes the peeing easier...I always thought guys had it so easy and it took me a few weeks of practice before I didn’t have to concentrate on peeing to make pee happen. I still think it’s more convenient to get to pee wherever I want but the actual act of doing it isn’t easy at all. Get the foot placement wrong or arch your back the wrong way and you will still pee on your own shoe, the toilet seat and it will probably get on your leg too.
As a female who camps with three boys, I'll say that my GoGirl has revolutionized camping and hiking for me. No more long schleps to disgusting port-o-potties, no squatting in bushes. My kids call it my "pee funnel" and laugh hysterically every time I use it, but I'm telling you, in the middle of a cold night it is a lifesaver. (Pro tip - practice at home MANY times before trying it outside.) In a similar vein, I have a designated "shower bag" with all my shower necessities (including flip-flops and a microfiber towel). As much as I love the outdoors, I also love feeling clean.
We car camp, so I also bring my Kindle, a packable pillow, and slippers. Plus cocoa and a French press for coffee. I can tolerate any discomfort if there's coffee.
> sempre quis mijar de pé
Concordo com tudo o que escreveste e mais teria a acrescentar não fosse achar que tentar ter um debate saudável sobre este tema no r/portugal é perda de tempo. Mas não podia deixar de dizer que, se quiseres, já podes faze-lo em pé. Vê este acessório na amazon e lê a segunda review, de uma Dawn Elizabeth. O teu mundo nunca mais vai ser o mesmo :D
Get one of these!
GoGirl - Pink - Female Urination Device – Portable Bathroom for Women – Ideal for Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities, Travel & More - Medical-grade Silicone – Made in USA (Reusable) – Pink/Lavender
I've, uh, had to do this a couple times. The bathroom was occupied and I woke up almost pissing myself. It was completely dark outside and we have a fence, so I just peed in the back yard. I'm not proud of what I did.
That being said... if you're in an area that you feel comfortable pulling your pants down, my tip is to just take your pants off. You're gonna get pee on your pants like this.
Also, these exist.
There you go, there's your wikihow article.
Existem soluções para isso. Conheço quem usasse por ter mobilidade condicionada, ajudava-a bastante. Claro que não é a mesma coisa, mas dá para esses momentos de aflição!
GoGirl - Pink - Female Urination Device – Portable Bathroom for Women – Ideal for Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities, Travel & More - Medical-grade Silicone – Made in USA (Reusable) – Pink/Lavender
For the ladies
GoGirl - Pink - Female Urination Device – Portable Bathroom for Women – Ideal for Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities, Travel & More - Medical-grade Silicone – Made in USA (Reusable) – Pink/Lavender
> no toilets
If I'm not mistaken, there are a pair of very large doors for the door-gunners; Sorry Ladies, the Steel is for those with outdoor plumbing only, and you're gonna have to use a "GoGirl Pee Funnel" (CRU L1) for the duration of the trip.
its 2021 and you presumably have a purse. Technology has got you.
GoGirl - Pink - Female Urination Device – Portable Bathroom for Women – Ideal for Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities, Travel & More - Medical-grade Silicone – Made in USA (Reusable) – Pink/Lavender
I do give a shit about feelings. Watch this.
Get utterly destroyed you pathetical vermin. Physics > your feewongz. Lmfao
And btw your ass is hairy and your pussy stank get fucked
So since cis women can't use urinals, you would rather eliminate them and just make everyone use toilets instead? Increasing the amount of people who need to use toilets and prolonging the amount of time needed to wait for a toilet? Seems inefficient and unnecessary; if women are really bothered by their inability to use urinals then they can use contraptions like GoGirl or we can create female urinals too.
I have a Go Girl with an extension tube! lol But we need a cup too. Gotta pee into something. Might be good to have a couple of ziplocks for #2 as well. If you are stranded for days on top of a bridge, like that other commenter mentioned, there will be no place to dig a hole. D:
GoGirl - Pink - Female Urination Device – Portable Bathroom for Women – Ideal for Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities, Travel & More - Medical-grade Silicone – Made in USA (Reusable) – Pink/Lavender
GoGirl - Pink - Female Urination Device – Portable Bathroom for Women – Ideal for Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities, Travel & More - Medical-grade Silicone – Made in USA (Reusable) – Pink/Lavender
If you're interested they actually make women's urination devices so you can also pee standing up now. It's basically a funnel type contraption but there are different variations from different brands. Like this one: women's urination device
GoGirl Female Urination Device + Germ Resistant Portable Urinals for Women, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities & More with Medical Grade Silicone (Reusable) - Pink/Lavender
Go buy one of these so you don’t use more public resources than needed.
There are actually specially designed funnels to help women pee while standing, so if I ever decide to camp or the apocalypse comes, I'll be good to go.
The one I linked even comes in multiple colors!
I mean, I see where you're going with this. But, well, it's the internet, so...
For the woman who's tired of sitting down there's this.
Well, there is one way women struggle in the outdoors.
Peeing. They can't pee in bushes and stuff!
That's why there's a funnel you can buy for 10 bucks that you stick in your vagina that helps you pee in a line!
Yeah, I just wanted an excuse to link that vagina funnel. Sorry.
Why not grab a thetford or similar potty, you can dump it at a public restroom when full instead of having to go to one everytime you gotta pee. They otherwise work like regular toilets. or they make a female urinal funnelthing, and an empty kitty litter bottle (which i use as a guy, wide opening and handle)
I imagine they carry one of these.
But seriously you're fooling yourself if you think a women has never squatted to take the piss in public. You sound like a radfem because you seem pissed that men piss when they have to but want women to be able to do the thing you're mad at.
Again, men and women have to pee tinkle when they have to whizz. Your body doesn't really give a shit where that is. You might understand that if you've ever had to hold it in so long that you can't even walk without limping.
Anyway this is obviously a subject that pisses you off so you should probably take a break and relieve yourself.
Source: my ass, which is part of the excratory system.
Ladies might want one of these. I felt kind of bad that I was able to just go pee at the side of the road at one of the chain stations, while the girls in our van had to keep holding it in.
My wife got one of THESE last year for a 4-day hike to Machu Picchu where modern bathrooms were nowhere to be found.
She loves it, takes it camping now too.
Fair enough, though they do seem like they're kind of inexpensive:
Maybe she's really a femanon using one of these. Who knows? Can't see.
Instead of stopping it, what about just making it cleaner?
Here is the product for you! GoGirl!
Nope, got the ladies covered too. Get back out there, Bessy. /s
Here you go!
the free market has made you obsolete
Then the game becomes pay-to-play unfortunately.
Behen, try this
>Jeg er en kvinde:(
Det er intet problem, du skal bare have fat i sådan en her.
>peeing standing up and things like that being the exceptions
These are supposed to be helpful. I've never had the need to use them but I've been tempted to buy one. available on Amazon too -
There's a cheap funnel you can get on Amazon almost every girl I know who competes has one.
GoGirl Female Urination Device, Lavender
You sound like someone who needs this in their life.
Husband, if you happen to read this, you should get your wife something nice for your next anniversary.
To all those who taught me the word hovering and that women actually do it .. invest please
Get her one of these pee things:
Also, this is not an AMA
You don't need a weiner, just a female urination device:
You'll still have periods, but you can stand & pee
Get her one of those 15 dollar devices that lets her pee while standing up.
Not anymore. Welcome to the world of tomorrowwww..
LOL I guess she will not be purchasing this for future travel
You could get her a SheWee, GoGirl, or Tinklebelle.
Velkommen til fremtiden
There is always the go girl . Yeah it's not the same as being able to write your name in snow.
Found this over here
Found out in the comments of the video she was gifted: >!<
Attempts have been made.
May I suggest a pee cup? The following is one such:
I do not know how practical they are, but overall ratings are 4.3/5, so I imagine they are pretty good for those who want them.
OMG, you make makeup! That is so awesome, I want some homeade makeup, also I favorited your etsy store :)
Ha, I love the name Comet Vomit for your line of speckled nail polish XD I like this one cause it's Pretty and Shiny
This is definitely one of the most rediculous things I've ever seen on amazon, but I know someone who wants one :-P
I know, the situation seems hopeless.
But I’m about to change your life
Its a link to Amazon. Safe, I promise
Never fear, Amazon is here
Disposable female urinals for all! This one is reusable but you get the idea.
Only a joke of course ;-)
Looks like one of those girl pee sticks
try this
>Oooh many ways, including the fact that we aren't able to pee in a bottle and have to use the bathroom between posts.
How is it their fault if you can't pee in a bottle also This should help your problem friend.
>And just because we're talking to a male from a different department, then we must be fucking them.
I guess, but this seems like stuff that happens to men in female dominated fields.
>And our weight, looks. That we should be able to take "jokes".
Your sensitive about your weight, and looks that's fine, but I live in an environment where calling I get called, and call others horrible names all the time. It's in jest, and we all know that. I love edgy humor, and I feel just as uncomfortable when people try to force clean language.
>I called enough people out on their behavior, that they just avoided me, because they were so used to acting a certain way and thought they could continue
It's perfectly fine if you don't like their jokes, but not horrible for them to avoid you if they can't talk freely least they risk offending you. If they followed you, and kept targeting you you'd have a point, but avoiding people who share your humor to avoid bothering them is reasonable in my book. Also how exactly is this because your a woman? I presume they joke about each other like that.
GoGirl Female Urination Device + Germ Resistant Portable Urinals for Women, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities & More with Medical Grade Silicone (Reusable) - Pink/Lavender
She needs the shewee or GoGirl
Obviously you've never heard of the GoGirl:
> Female urination device that allows you to urinate while standing up.
Comes in pink/lavender and camo.
They make a thing that ladies can use to pee like a dude
GoGirl Female Urination Device, Lavender
Found the present for your next b-day:
That is what I wanted to do with this:
-NorthJersey908, parent
This subreddit and bot are not in any way affiliated with the moderators of /r/The_Donald. Direct questions about removal to them.
I bought that for a female friend of mine a few years ago as a semi-joke.
No affiliation with this product
Hearing stories from my wife about women's rest rooms, I suggested she buy one of these
She said "Ew, no."
I'll just leave this here.
But they can pee standing up. There's literally things made so women can pee standing up. Trans men could just use them.
Sure, they could. It would just be messy. Though this exists, so not necessarily.
GoGirl Female Urination Device + Germ Resistant Portable Urinals for Women, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities & More with Medical Grade Silicone (Reusable) - Pink/Lavender
You could always get one of these for your house
Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of every purchase if you shop by going to instead? Over $50,000,000 has been raised for charity - all you need to do is change the URL!
Here are your smile-ified links:
^^i'm ^^a ^^friendly&nbsp;bot
I bet SHE uses a device like this (right in the middle of concerts and clubs)
Women can now, too.